Thanks for joining Kim and me for the Weekly Run Down. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and grand-dads out there. Hope everyone had some nice family time this weekend. Nothing super exciting over here this week and I am totally fine with that! I a continuing to do lots of lower intensity cardio and I am starting to feel like my clothes are fitting a little better again. Darn those vacation pounds!
Weekly Run Down Father’s Day
Monday- 45 m Peloton, 1 hour strength training and 30 min afternoon elliptical
I always feel like my Monday workout sets the tone for my week.I like to go hard on Mondays. Also in case you missed it, I had a yummy Strawberry, Blueberry, avocado, Quinoa and Kale salad last week that is quickly becoming one of my faves. Find it here.
Tuesday-4.2 mile run, 30 min elliptical, 10 m core
Not the best run I’ve had but got it done with a few walk breaks. Afternoon elliptical felt good.
Also thought it would be fun to have all the Ragnar races I have completed embroidered onto my Ragnar jacket. I think it came out fantastic!
Wednesday-30 min recovery ride, 90 min strength training and boxing
Doing compound moves like these hamstring curls coupled with overhead pulls are my fave type of strength training. Focusing again on ab engagement this week.
Thursday- 3.25 mile run + 1 mile walk and + 30 min Peloton class
One of our running besties is moving away this week so we were all about the love on our run.Had a nice coffee breakfast afterwards.
Got a much needed hair cut and color. Decided to cut off almost 2 inches and darken it up a bit. Kind of weird car selfie.
Friday-45 min 80’s Peloton bike, 10 min core class
Celebrated a friend’s birthday with a little hot tub party. Hey, it was 5 o clock somewhere!
Saturday- 3 mile run, 10 m in core
Felt much better on my run today. Short but sweet. We celebrated our Father’s Day with the hubs today because my son is heading off to camp counseloring job tomorrow for a few weeks. Had a nice day of pool time, BBQ and sun. We had gorgeous not so hot weather this weekend. You have to take advantage of it when it comes because humid days are coming.
Sunday- on the plan hot yoga and maybe pool running
I think it’s time to pull out my pool running kit and take advantage of this fabulous weather. Hope everyone had a fabulous week and a great Father’s Day. Thanks for linking up! See you tomorrow for Meatless Monday. I’ve got a delish pasta salad coming your way.
If your pasta salad is anywhere near as good as that kale salad, I can’t wait!
Have a great week!
Oh thanks friend I hope you like it!
Your jacket came out great!
What is a pool running kit? Do you have one of those treadmills for the pool?
Have a great week! -M
The pool running is a kit fro “Fluid Running” basically a flotation device you wear on your waist in deep water. It comes with waterproof headphones and workouts that mimic running. It’s great in the summertime when it’s too hot for long runs
Love your hair!
Again a busy but fitness-packed week.
Wonder if I could do pool-running in a lake…if it ever warms up lol
Yes you totally can do it in a lake. Check out fluid running website
I loooove the idea of a hot tub party. Such a fun way to celebrate a birthday! And i love your hair in that car pic. Looks great! Time for a shorter summer cut!
Definitely fun to switch it up sometimes!
Great workouts, great hair, great salad – nicely done week! Love the embroidered Ragnar jacket, too!
Well thanks all around!
Way to go on getting rid of vacation pounds. Don’t you love it when you feel your clothes fitting better again? You pack a lot of fitness into a week. Good for you!!! Love that Ragnar jacket.
I did pack a lot of fitness in this week. I guess my body is used to it so when I was traveling I was really off of schedule.
That salad looks amazing!
We continue in the rain, nice day, rain, chilly day, rain, nice day pattern. But the nice days make me super happy!
I think your jacket looks fantastic. You must feel so proud when you wear it!
The nice days do make me happy as well. And I would so much rather run in the rain than the super hot.I am super happy to wear it and excited to plan another one for next year
I can imagine the humidity in your area is pretty intense already! So cut yourself some slack on those walk breaks. You have done so many fun Ragnars, impressive!
Love the new do!
Thanks I have to remember to allow myself some more walk breaks in the heat without getting frustrated. I have lots of plans for fall so just need to take it easy over the summer.
Your weather looks pretty great there! Even though the calendar says so, it’s far from summer here 🙁 Of course I’ll be hating it when the hot humid weather hits, but right now I miss it! Your new hair color/cut looks great! I’m getting my hair highlighted in a few days. It’s long overdue. I can’t wait!
Summer haircuts are a good time to switch it up a bit. Thanks for linking up! Have a great week
My Monday workouts are usually the opposite — recovering from the weekend! I love your Ragnar jacket! What a great idea and it turned out really well!
You pack a lot more into your weekends and I tend to spread it out more over the week. I also think I eat more on the weekends bc we go out to dinner so I am always ready to get back on track by Monday
I think your hair looks great! Doesn’t it always feel good to get some hair care pampering! I love your Ragnar jacket! I collect patches from some of my races (the races that actually have them, that is). I’m hoping to put them all on a jacket of some sort…someday.
I thought I was going to do the Ragnar patches but then they did not have them available at all the races. This is a fun way to remember them for sure
Your new do looks amazing! Love the color! Glad you had good weather. It’s been like the PNW here this weekend: cold, foggy, rainy. I’m over it.
Thanks it was time for an update. It has been a little cooler here which I am appreciating but I know what’s coming soon
I also had a friend leaving this week – it’s bittersweet but an opportunity to go visit (and check out their local running races, ha!). Love the new hair cut! I am due for one as well – my hair is the longest it’s been in two years. I look forward to seeing your Meatless Monday dish tomorrow! 🙂
Yes we are already planning a race down in Virginia beach in March to visit her. Great excuse right!
I hope that you were able to get in some pool running today!
I really love your Ragnar jacket and your new hair cut/color! 🙂
Thanks! Yes I did get in my first pool running session of the season. I forgot how challenging it is and how much I enjoyed it. Does not tire out my legs like running does
I really do love your idea of embroidering your Ragnar races and dates on the back of your jacket. Who did you get to do it? Whoever it was, did a fantastic job!
Thanks for the linkup!
There is a great place in Arlington that does it. If you ever want to do it you can send it to me and I will drop it for you. Or you can come visit for a bike ride 🙂
Love the new ‘do, especially the highlights.
Nicely done on the Ragnar jacket, and love your tribe shirt.
mm pool running. I want to find an aquarobics one here.
I really like the pool running system I have. Not sure I would like an aquaaerobics class though. Thanks on the hair!
I didn’t think I would either, but tried it in FL a few years ago and it was kind of fun
If it was easier to access a pool, I’d be all over pool running. But we don’t have one and the town pool has very bizarre hours. Summer is the best time for pool running! Looks like you had a fun and productive week.
Summer is the best time for pool running. It’s a great way for me to get some extra “miles” without the heat and pounding.
I love your start of the week, Deborah. I think I may adapt my schedule a bit to have “go hard to start the week” sessions on Mondays! looks like you had a good week!
Great idea for you Ragnar jacket!
Loving the updated do!
Thanks! Let me know how it goes for you. Just kind of sets the week for me on a positive note.
Sounds like the perfect, semi-relaxing week you needed after all your travels lately. I LOVE the jacket – it looks great and your hair looks awesome too! You definitely need to enjoy those warm days when you get them since it seems to do nothing but rain here… Have a great week!
We have had a lot of rain too. I have been enjoying the somewhat cooler days bc this week looks hot and humid!
Pool running is a hard workout! That Ragnar jacket is awesome. Looks like you had a productive week of workouts and a fun week overall!
Pool running is hard and I forgot how much I enjoy it. Does not tire my legs in the same way
I love that Ragnar jacket, what a great idea! And your hair looks great 🙂
Thanks so much on both!
That’s a fun idea for your jacket! And something you can keep adding to. I’m hoping our pool reopens soon so I can get back to pool running.
Yes I hope to keep adding to it for years to come. Hope you get back to pool running soon too
I love the way your Ragnar jacket came out! Do you think you’ll run another one any time soon?
I hope to next year!
Love the haircut! That hot tub party looks fun. That salad looks yummy and perfect for a hot summer day.
Yes the hot tub was a fun start to summer. Thanks on the hair! I am all about salads this time of the year