Happy May everyone! I love our Ultimate Coffee Date posts so much and reading all about what you are all up to is so fascinating. Please join me and my fabulous co hosts Coco and Lynda– Pull up a chair & let’s catch up!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…I am embarrassed to admit that I balled my eyes out watching Grey’s Anatomy. Oh Dr. McDreamy what will we do without you? First McSteamy now you! I was so over you, hadn’t watched you at all this season and then you sucked me back in with your overly dramatic exit. Anyone else cry over Derek?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you...I just passed my RRCA coaching exam-whew! That was stressful. I don’t really know yet what I plan to do with it so stay tuned.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…I’ve been quietly and slowly coming back to running. My foot is feeling much better and I am cautiously optimistic that I am on the way back. Just in time because in 6 days we are hitting the road and heading to Cape Cod. Team “Moms Do It All Night Long” is at it again.
Because everyone takes 3 months off of running, has only run 5 miles at a time but goes to run a Ragnar. Should be really interesting! Don’t you think? How not to train for a relay race!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you… I am headed out to our fun annual MRTT event this morning we like to call “Run Your Own Race” . We basically mark out distances from 3 to 13.1 on our local trail and ladies can run what ever distance they want at what ever pace they choose. It’s a great way to do a test run for a race or try a new distance. Our members love it. I will be posting lots of pics later so look out for those.
I’ve been chatting away non stop so now it’s your turn. If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
Gotta Run!
P.S. Coco wrote a great post on how to make the most of a link up

Hi Deborah, sounds like you have been busy. Hope you will be able to start running more soon and take advantage of the nice weather. Thanks for the link up !
I am slowly getting back there thanks! It’s been a long winter for sure
I’m so excited to finally link up with you guys! ๐
Have fun with your MRTT ladies! I’m headed out to meet mine now, too. Have a great rest of your weekend!
P.S. Congrats on your RRCA coaching certification! Didn’t you love that course?
Thanks and the course was not at all what I expected!!
Thanks! It’s a beautiful day you too!
congrats on our coaching certification! That is super! I am jealous about the Ragnar relay- I want to run one, one day! Have fun with the ladies this morning! I have a 5K to run! Happy weekend!
I hope you have the chance to do one sometime it’s a great experience. Lots of bonding!
Love me some coffee dates! Congratulations on passing the RRCA! I can’t wait to take this course. Good luck with your running this weekend. I’m sure you will be fine! My husband will be running Ragnar Cape this weekend too. He has his piles of stuff all accumulating around the house ready to be packed up!
Piles of stuff would be an understatement! I am the worst packer ever
OMG, I was so crushed by that Grey’s. Big ugly crying in my house! I am so excited for you about Ragnar – October seems so far away!
I know crazy how I can be in tears over a TV show! I am excited about Ragnar but seriously under trained.
Oh I cried too watching Grey’s.. I still can’t believe it!! So upsetting! Happy Saturday
I know! My kids were laughing at me all night long. They don’t get it!
Glad to hear your foot is doing better. I think you’ll be better than you expect in Ragnar. Your aerobic fitness will be there but you may have lost some economy/speed with the time off, although that’s not really the point in a Ragnar. Good luck!
Thanks! A little nervous about it but I think I will make it through. Undertrained is an under statement. ๐
Congratulations, Coach! I think you will have a fabulous story to tell about Ragnar. I love that you’ve been quietly and slowly coming back to running. You sound like me – if I don’t say anything about it, I can’t jinx myself. Have fun today.
Congratulations on passing your RRCA coaching exam! Exciting ๐
thanks! Not quite sure what I will do with it!
Congrats on your coaching certification! And good news to hear your foot is doing better! I have to admit I have never watched Grey’s, but isn’t it funny how attached you can get to a TV character! Happy Saturday!
thanks and yes it’s crazy to be so emotional about a tv show
I’m super super super behind on Grey’s Anatomy, so I wasn’t anywhere near as attached, but the little clips I saw of how they first met + got to know each other were so sweet! It made me sad. :[
Congrats to you on the coaching certification, and good luck on the Ragnar!
I know so silly right? Hope your hospital isn’t as dangerous to work in! LOL
CONGRATS on the RCAA cert!! So excited! I know what you can do with it… make me a plan for the Dopey Challenge! haha. I can’t believe your Ragnar is coming up. You’ll be great! Also, I love the run your own race idea. What a great way to challenge yourself with friends. Have a great weekend!
thanks so much! Our event was great this morning too. Love to see so many ladies coming out to run together.
Yes to coming back to running! And congrats on that RRCA certification! It’s great to have that no matter what you do with it.
Thanks I am really excited to be back. I forgot how hard this was too.
Can’t wait to hear about Ragnar! Hopefully you’ll be ready to go for the big relay! And congrats on your coach certification, big accomplishment!!
Thanks! They say better to be undertrained than overtrained right? I will be putting that to the test
Good luck with Ragnar! I’m sure you’ll do fine. I love that idea for your MRTT group – my group is still a little small and we’re working our way to grow, so this is a great idea to have in our future. Have fun and thanks for hosting.
It took a while for us to get this big but it’s worth it. If you ever need anything for the group let me know happy to help
Congrats on your certification, that’s so exciting! I have to say I have an obsession with reading people’s Ragnar accounts because it’s just so interesting! I would never, ever make it, but I think it would be so much fun especially if you had a great team!
you could totally do it! Stay tuned for my recap after next week. Thanks so much for linking up today!
Deborah the Ragnar so fun and I am so jealous. Okay the Greys’ Anatomy thing. I only watched the first season, but I found myself crying just over the commercials, so I can’t imagine watching the episode. What a fun coffee day. I am so looking forward to our Summer Series coming soon ๐
I am also looking forward to our summer series thanks again for asking me! I was crying over the commercials too-so silly how we get hooked on it! Another great coffee date in the books ๐
Ragnar is definitely on my bucket list. Have fun!
Thanks I am really excited about it! It came up quickly
the run your own race sounds fabulous! what a great idea! happy weekend!
It was great fun today we had an awesome turnout!
Congrats on passing your RRCA coaching exam!
Thanks! I was so nervous ๐
Glad you are getting back to your running! I haven’t run in quite awhile but now that the warm weather is here it’s time to dust off the shoes and get back out there! I started working again so I need the workout.
Thanks I am so glad too and I forgot how hard it was!
Slow and steady-take your time out there and have fun at Ragnar!
Congrats on the certification! So awesome!!
#spoileralert-i haven’t watched Grey’s all season! Not McDreamy too ๐
Run your own race…that sounds fun!
oops didn’t mean to spoil it for you! I am excited/nervous for Ragnar
I’m glad to hear your foot is finally beginning to heal; good luck at Ragnar! Congrats on your RRCA certification, that’s exciting. May looks like a busy month for me as I’ll be transition to a new job and running two races weekends apart.
Thanks! I am really excited! Good luck with your races and the new job.
Congratulations on your RRCA certification! That’s awesome. I can’t wait to hear how your ragnar goes. I love the cape. It’s such a beautiful area. Good luck!
It’s a beautiful course and I am really looking forward to it thanks!
Happy May!! And welcome back to the world of running!!
Good luck and take it easy at Ragnar Cape Cod! I’ve only done a couple road Ragnars; they are so fun!
That Run Your Own Race sounds fabulous. ๐
Thanks! I am really excited just a little nervous about being so under trained. we will see how it goes!
So many exciting things! Congrats on passing your RRCA exam!!
Have a great time with your relay team – glad your foot is better so you can run!
Thanks! I am really excited ๐
i hope your mrtt event went well. that sounds really fun! and i’m sure you’ll rock ragnar. can’t wait to hear all about it ๐
I have never been so under trained for anything! Should be interesting
Congratulations on passing your RRCA exam!! Wooo!!!
Congratulations on passing your exam!! That’s awesome!!!
Thanks I was so nervous!
Yay for the healing foot and being able to do Ragnar!
I just found at that Gray’s Anatomy was still on – LOL!
Thanks for hosting!!
Ha I hadn’t watched it all season then started seeing the commercials and they sucked me back in!! Glad you joined us
Good for you for getting back to running!! Slowly and surely is definitely the way to do it!! I wish we could have real coffee! Great post ๐ ๐
That would be fun wouldn’t it? I have this vision of all of my blogger friends meeting for a big coffee date! I am so glad to be running again. Slowly is the way to go.
Congrats on passing your RRCA! Did you have Randy for your teacher? He was great! Good luck with your Ragnar.
Thanks! Oh I did have him as an instructor. Interesting guy to say to least ๐
Congratulations on passing your RRCA coaching exam!!! That is amazing!!!
Would you believe that I didn’t even know Grey’s Anatomy was still on the air?
Glad that your foot is healing well, what wonderful news! Ragnar Cape Cod sounds AWESOME.
Ha I think it’s been on for like 11 years or something crazy. I am really excited for Ragnar!
Congrats on passing the RRCA coaching exam!!
I haven’t watched the Grey’s episode yet – I know I will cry too ๐
You have handled your injury so well! You’ll have a blast at Ragnar and just listen to your body.
Have a great one!