Food is a common topic amongst the ladies in our Moms Run This Town group. While hitting the pavement, we frequently talk about what we have eaten before our runs, what we plan to eat after our runs and basically all of our favorite foods. Recently, we were comparing what we all like to eat for our pre run breakfast. Thought it would be fun to share what real mother runners eat and also hear what my readers eat before their morning runs.
What do real mother runners eat pre run
While some mother runners like nothing but water or coffee pre run, others need carbs, some enjoy protein and many choose a little of both. We re all so different and learning how to fuel our bodies with exactly what we need to have a successful run is not always an easy task. Here’s a sampling of what my run squad eats pre run. How does it stack up to your breakfast?
“Nothing before short early bird runs”
“Banana and spoonful of almond butter”
“Coffee and a Honey Stinger waffle”
“Eggs, bacon, toast and coffee”
“Oatmeal with nuts and a hard boiled egg”
“Peanut butter and jelly sandwich”
“veggie omelet and toast with coffee”
“just coffee”
“whatever I can find around the fridge”
[You may also like Berry-licious Oatmeal breakfast bake]
What about me? I go through phases of veggie omelets or yogurt and fruit. Right now I am back on my Oatmeal Bake recipes. That’s this week’s favorite breakfast. Always coffee!
While we often see what elite runners eat, I have not seen much on what mother runners eat for pre run breakfasts. I’d love to hear how you fuel for your long runs. Carbs? Protein? Coffee? Water? Do tell!
Thanks for helping to make the Runners’ Roundup a huge success by visiting all of the hosts: Me, Debbie, Rachel, Jen , Sandra and Lisa
Not complicated at all!
I wish I could get up and go without eating but I don’t seem to have the energy for it.
yes it is really interesting how different we can all be!
It is interesting to see what other runners eat and don’t eat
Always coffee! 🙂
Good question! It’ll be interesting to see the replies.
I always have a little bit of yoghurt, berries and nuts before I go out for a run. My runs are usually around an hour, so that works just fine for me.
I went through a phase of berries and yogurt but it’s been a while
Even though I run early I need to eat something before I run. Sometimes its a banana or honey stinger waffle, but lately Ive been making these oatmeal chocolate chip bars that have worked out pretty well. And always coffee!
I also have to eat before a run. Maybe one of the reasons why I am not an early runner! Always coffee
Unless I’m running more than 8 miles, I usually skip breakfast before I go. Sometimes I’ll take a bottle of Tailwind with. If I do eat, it’s usually a smoothie.
Interesting! I could not run 8 miles without eating-or could I?
coffee coffee coffee and always oatmeal. sometimes with raisins. sometimes I go rogue and eat cream of wheat.
Always coffee for me too! But then I have to wait an hour before going out. Cream of Wheat? Have not heard that name in a while!
My breakfast definitely depends on the time I get up or how long the run is. For those early mornings before work (at least when work meant going to an office) it was nothing. If I wake up for a run that’s 8 miles or more then I like half a peanut butter sandwich.
A peanut butter sandwich is one of my go to’s before a race
Since most of my runs happen first thing in the morning (and I’m not running for more than an hour), I don’t need anything (other than toothpaste LOL). For my weekend runs, though, I’ll have oatmeal or a granola bar, depending on how far I’m planning to go.
That’s great that you have it all worked out!
Wow! Good question. If I am doing a short (anything less than 7 miles) run, I don’t eat anything before I run. For anything longer, some fruit and a piece of toast, maybe a bagel.
I tried not eating a few times and it did not go well. Maybe I should try again
I’m so bad at eating breakfast. Kind of ashamed to admit that haha. But normally I have like a protein drink or yogurt and granola and berries or something super simple.
If it works for you then it’s a good plan!
I usually just have a banana or skip it altogether if I’m not hungry. I carry lots of fuel for a longer run though. Interesting question. I like seeing what other people eat. I’m sending this to a client too, who was asking about fueling before a run.
Thanks! I like seeing what other people eat as well. We are all so different and just takes some trial and error to find out what works
I reserve the eggs, bacon, toast and coffee for post-run brunch… I miss those days…
Yeah me too!
I only eat pre-run when I am running long otherwise I skip it until I get back for the most part so my tummy doesn’t get upset. Before a long run though I love oatmeal and a banana.
Thankfully I don’t have stomach issues just need to wait about an hour after eating
“When I’m not injured and I’m running,” I drink a large glass of water, but don’t eat anything when I head out for my super early runs if they’re less than six miles. For weekend longer runs, I usually eat a banana with some peanut butter or half of a bagel.
Peanut butter always works for me too!
Breakfast is a must for me or I’ll be starving! I love oatmeal with fruit and peanut butter.
always a good choice!
It always depends for me. If it’s super early and under 7 miles, I won’t eat anything. If I wake up hungry, a spoonful of PB works. If it’s a longer run or later in the morning, I’ll eat a granola and yogurt bowl. I was always worried about eating dairy before a long run but it works wonders for me. Experimenting is the way to find out!
We are all so different. Experimenting is the only way to know for sure
“Banana and spoonful of almond butter” sounds like a good pre-run meal.
It seems to be a popular choice
SO intereresting! I used to do a small bagel with peanut butter and a banana for long runs! WOrked for me.
peanut butter and banana always work well for me too
I used to have toast and jam before my long runs but now I pretty much just have a bowl of cereal. I definitely don’t do anything special these days, but I know I could probably do a better job!
I have not had cereal in so long! Now I kind of wish I had some
I always struggled with this. I loved reading through this post and some of these comments and suggestions from other runners.
It is always interesting to see what regular runners eat isn’t it?
I have to be very careful about what I have in my stomach before I run! So, I often run on an empty stomach or I have either a piece of toast or a banana.
It is interesting how we are all different!
Same as Angela, I have sensitive stomach so I usually just eat banana before my running. I love a spoon of peanut butter with it. It’s the best 🙂
always a good combo
Because I normally workout within 10 minutes of waking up, most of my runs and workouts are done on an empty stomach. But when I am in training for a half marathon or more I will normally eat a piece of toast with a little bit of peanut butter before i start my run.
wow you are one of those up and out kind of people! I need coffee first for sure
This was such a thing during marathon training. If I ate anything, it was an apple cinnamon nutri grain bar for 10+ miles. I now look at the half finished boxes (had to buy a couple at duane reade if I forgot before a long run) and tub of Science in Sport as bizarre marathon mementos. Sometimes if I have coffee before I go out I’ll have a handful of cheerios, but mostly for the distance I’m doing I’m like Kim and toothpaste powered. I wish I could have coffee before I ran and that I liked the texture of bananas. Would make life much easier
Coffee is definitely needed for me to get going. I am always hungry when I wake up too
I said to a friend when we had a morning run that the silence wasn’t at her — I just was not awake. Fresh air usually does an adequate temporary job but that day, nope. Brain wasn’t making words
ha my brain cannot function without coffee!