Thanks for joining Kim and me for the Weekly Run Down wrapping up Thanksgiving Week over here. Wow this was either the longest week or the shortest week. I am not sure. Anyway, here’s my run down.
Thanksgiving week wrap up
Monday- Peloton 30 m + 60 min strength training + PT exercises
Hitting it hard Monday with a Peloton class followed by strength training. Working on strengthening those hamstrings with some one legged leg presses. PT exercises in the afternoon.
Tuesday- 2 Peloton cycle classes and PT session
Today my PT tried dry needling on my hamstring and hip. So not really a fan of that! I am willing to try anything once but don’t think I will be doing that again. However, I do the exercises and stretches are helping. I was given permission to do a short run with intervals this weekend and to keep an eye on the pain level.
Wednesday- rest day + Stretch therapy session + Thanksgiving prep
I went back for another session of infrared stretch therapy and it felt just as good as the first one. I am loving the deep heat followed by the stretch. If you missed my review last week find it here. Lots of Thanksgiving prep and hanging out with the kids.
Thursday- Thanksgiving hot yoga + PT stretches
While kind of bummed that I was not able to do the Turkey Trot 10K I love, the gratitude hot yoga class I took was just what I needed. I put on those turkey pants anyway and thanked my body for what it can do right now.
Spent the afternoon cooking and setting up for Thanksgiving dinner. We had a little smaller group this time. I just love having my kids back at home together. We had my parents and my niece as well which was really nice.
Friday- 60 min Gratitude Collection Special Thanksgiving class
It’s been one year since I purchased my Peloton bike and this class was a fantastic way to celebrate. There were 3000 people taking this class all at once. It’s been such an experience to connect with the Peloton community over the last year. I am enjoying my bike so much more than I ever imagined.
Saturday- 2 mile run/walk
I was actually so nervous about trying to run again after 5+ weeks. My PT said that I could start with 40/20 intervals and see how it went. Yay I ran! I felt super out of shape but oh so happy and thankful. Nothing hurt while I was running so fingers crossed I wake up feeling god tomorrow. Running truly is a gift to be cherished! No STOPPING this comeback.
Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving week with your friends and family! Thanks for linking up. Hope to see you tomorrow for Meatless Monday. I have pancakes!
So happy the run/walk test turned out so well! Let’s hope there is no pain today. When can you do your next running session?
Love the turkey pants and the gratitude/thankful T-shirts.
Thanks me too feeling pretty good today. I am going to try again on Tuesday w another short interval
Ooooh I hope you’re still feeling good post run! I’m glad you made good use of those fun turkey pants despite not doing the 10k. Your Thanksgiving sounds alot like ours. A smaller group but still so much fun to be together. Thanks for the linkup!
Yes I am feeling pretty good today and planning on another short run on Tuesday
Glad you are healing.
I’m off to NYC for the week and my hotel has a PelegrÃn. Maybe I’ll try it.
I did run a turkey trot. Two. Maybe a bad idea. The ball of my foot is sore. So hard to know when an injury is an injury??
Well yes been there on the injury not injury thing. The fact that you are questioning it probably means you need a rest of sorts 🙂
yay!! you are on your way again! I’m so happy for you! Sorry to hear you are not a fan of dry needling. It does hurt sometimes (real bad) but I find it so helpful! Back in the day when my glutes and hips were so stuck it was the only thing that really helped. But I do get it – it’s not for everyone.
glad you had a great week and a lovely thanksgiving!
I just got my spin bike and am already super happy with it so I can imagine just how much you love peloton and the community!
I may try it again at some point but the needles left me really sore for a few days.
So so so incredibly happy to see you’re rallying back 🙂 I know how frustrating it is sitting out, but the return is euphoric. Well done!!!!
I felt fantastic to be out there yesterday. Fingers crossed I can get another short one in on Tuesday pain free
Yay for getting cleared to get back to running! I hope you continue to feel good. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks me too! It was very short but felt great to be back out there
How are you feeling today? Hurray for a run, no matter if it’s short or there’s interval, it feels good to get out there again, right?
Haven’t had a need for dry needling. Thankfully!
I bet you come out of this setback a lot stronger.
Yes it felt so good to get out there again! I miss it so much. I feel really good today 🙂 thanks
It sounds like you had a good week despite the injury! Hopefully all that PT is helping! I would love to try the infrared therapy.
I also love going home to Mom’s for Thanksgiving. There’s just something about coming home for the holidays <3
The PT is helping yes thanks. It is always nice to go home. I loved having both of my kids here for just a few days
Congrats on getting in the run!! Hopefully you continue feeling good.
Thanks feeling good today!
Hooray for your return to running. I’m sure you’re going to be extra cautious, so as not to wake the sleeping giant in your hip!
Thanks felt great to get out there. Yes coming back very slowly for sure
I agree it seems like a long short week. I think it’s b I went to the grocery store 4 times! So glad your test run went well. Fingers crossed!
At least 4 trips to the store!
Yay for the run/walk! Hope your comeback keeps rolling along.
Thanks for the link-up!
Oh me too thanks so much Michelle!
That’s great that your run went well. Sometimes my hamstrings feel “pinchy” and sometimes just tight/stiff. Luckily that goes away after a bit. I have never tried dry needling – but someone mentioned it helped their PF, so we might look into that for my husband.
I have heard that people have used it for PF as well. I’ve been doing the you tube video you sent me. I really like it as part of my warm ups thanks again
That’s fantastic news about the pain free run. Running really is a gift to be thankful for. And congrats on 1 year with Peleton. 3000 people in a class. WOW!
Yes I am really encouraged and looking forward to some more short runs this week
Happy 1-year Peloton anniversary! One thing I really love about Peloton is the sense of community. It reminds me of running in that way.
So glad that your run went well yesterday!! 🙂
Yes it’s so inclusive and almost as great as our running community 🙂
Great to hear you’ve started up running again – hooray! I have had infrared therapy on strained tendons in my foot years ago and found it very comforting.
It is a comforting heat for sure and I figure it cannot hurt. Thanks I am ready to slowly ease back into running
mm pancakes. You’re not at all bribing us to stop by are you? :p
A Peloton ad just came on the TV while I was reading this post- creepy! Happy birthday to your bike and yay on so many people in the class simultaneously. I was going to try a Peloton workout but not staying at the hotel whose gym has one. One day!
ha ha and yes I am trying to bribe you with pancakes! Hope you have the chance to try out the Peloton sometime
And then work was so crazy I missed pancakes. Boo
Oh Deborah, I’m so happy that you were able to get a run in! Welcome back! Fingers crossed for your comeback.
Thanks so much fingers crossed over here too!
Happy you were able to run even if it was for a short one. What didn’t you like about the dry needling? Was it painful? I love your turkey pants! I have some turkey socks and forgot to wear them on Thursday. For sure next year! 🙂
Yes it was painful in an odd kind of way. It was also sore afterwards where they did it
Yay for getting permission to go for a run! I hope it’s the first of many as you make your comeback!
Wow, has it been a year already since you got your Peloton? You have certainly enjoyed and hasn’t it been nice to have during your injury?
Thanks for the linkup!
Yes so happy to be back out there even if it is a short one. I know you know how that is. Yes it’s been a godsend literally to have the bike
Hooray for being back to running! I bet being cautious will really help your comeback.
Thanks I sure hope so!
Great news that you were able to run again on Saturday! I hope the pain stayed away 🙂 I love those turkey leggings!
So far so good will try again tomorrow