Thanks for joining Kim and me for our Weekly Run Down link up. We are loving sharing our own weekly workouts and supporting you all with your goals. This week, all of the sudden we said hello to Spring! Yup, see ya later winter!
See ya later winter!
Sunday- rest day
Monthly soup club swap day! While technically a rest day, my soup club group aka my run squad, could not pass up this beautiful weather. See ya later winter! We celebrate your departure with a nice power walk.
Monday- 30 min Peloton class + 60 min strength training + 5 min stretch class
Never miss a Monday! Love to hit it hard every Monday morning with a Peloton class with Denis.
Tuesday- 45 min 80’s rock Peloton class + 30 min walk
Decided to give my ankle another day off of running. Opted for a 45 min Peloton class and a 30 min power walk to stay on track with my RunBet.
Wednesday- 90 min Kickboxing and strength training
The day the whole social media network went awry! If my photo never posted to IG to my workout even actually happen?!
Thursday- 3.25 mile run
Tested out the ankle and happy to report it was feeling much better. A little sore afterwards but manageable. See ya later winter! It was gorgeous out today and I was not about to miss it.
Friday- hot yoga class
Knowing I had a race Saturday morning, I wanted to take it easy today. Hot Yoga always leaves me feeling amazing.
Saturday- 4 Courts 4 Miler Race
Happy to report that this was my first pain free run in weeks! Super fun celebration of St Patrick’s Day with the crew. More details to come on Wednesday.
That’s my Weekly Run Down! Any sign of spring in your neighborhood? Hope to see you back tomorrow for Meatless Monday where I will be sharing my spring Minestrone recipe.
Loving that you have a soup swap club – what a genius idea!
I enjoyed the milder temps this week for sure. Thursday and Friday were beautiful!
The soup club swap is the best we all look forward to it each month. Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Glad the ankles doing OK and loving all your jolly leggings!
Thanks me too! I was so stressed out about my upcoming races
YAYYYYY!!!!! So glad the ankle is feeling better! You know, there is a 10-miler happening in a few weeks 😉 I totally (already) forgot about the Wednesday thing with Facebook/Insta LOL….does that mean it didn’t happen? k
Oh yes I am aware that we have a race coming up. I was so nervous about it. I am a little behind but I will get there!
so so glad your ankle is feeling better! and that you are having spring like weather! don’t let the door knock you on the butt on your way out, Winter!
the weather has been horrendous here. I was starting to get depressed by Friday!!!
That was how I felt about 2 weeks ago and then all of the sudden spring! Hope it makes it’s way to you soon
That’s excellent that there was no pain! Spring came & went quickly up here, but that’s the nature of the beast in these parts. It’ll be back . . . eventually.
Spring does come and go but it looks like we are done with the worst of it. Hang in there!
Could you send some of that spring this way? We had a day when it almost hit 60 but it was rainy. Now we’re sunny but too cold. Hooray for a pain free race! So glad your ankle is feeling better!
I am so glad that my ankle is better. I was really getting worried. I wish I could send some warmer weather your way!
Yay! Here’s to a “see ya later injuries” post. I hope you didn’t jinx us on the weather. March can be a wild weather month.
March can be wild but I think we have turned the corner on that sub freezing temps. Fingers crossed! Soon we will be complaining about the heat
We had one really nice day of spring this week – but it also brought some crazy bad winds! Then, snow was back a few days later. Oh well. It’s coming!! Love your colorful capris. That’s a nice bright look!
The wind does pick up around here in March as well but the sunshine makes me happy. Hope it warms up by you soon!
I had no idea Instagram was down till the next day! 🙂
Awesome that you had a great race today. Jealous that you’re all in short sleeve tops.
It was super windy but really warmed up!
Yay on the ankle and a pain free run! Your leggings even say spring!
I was getting worried about my ankle so glad it’s feeling better thanks
Ooh, what did soups did you get at the swap? oye with FB and IG being down, I realized just how often I go on them! It was a good wake up call for me
I love my soup club! I received a lentil soup, black bean soup and a potato soup. All delish!
I love your fun capris!!! The patterns are so springy!
I wish it were Spring here to! It was in the thirties this weekend.
I am sure it will still be chilly in the mornings and evenings but I am going to just keep dressing for spring!
Spring is in the air for sure and I love it. Glad your ankle is feeling good!
Me too so glad on both counts!
Glad you were able to run again this week! It sounds like you had a fun race! While I love winter in December and January, by March I am so ready to say see ya winter and was so happy to see some spring weather last week.
Yes I feel exactly the same way! By mid March I am kind of over it and ready for spring
So glad you had a pain-free race! The spring weather is teasing us here in Chicago. We’ll have an almost-50 degree day and then the temp will plummet back down into the teens. It looks like MAYBE spring weather heading our way next week.
I sure hope so! Yes I am so happy to have a pain free running. I am very behind in my cherry blossom training
There is very little sign of spring here but I’m ok with it. I want to ski for at least another weekend 🙂
SO happy to read you had some pain free runs and a what looks like a super fun race!! YAY!!
Enjoy that skiing while it lasts!
Nice work! I’m glad your test runs went well – sorry about your ankle! I saw so many fun St. Patty’s Day races were this weekend, hope you had a blast! Thanks for hosting us!
It is feeling so much better thanks!
Yay for a pain free run! And it looks like you had a fun group of people for the race 🙂
We had so much fun! I love holiday themed races
I must say I am envious of your peloton. I think now that it is getting warmer I may wait to buy one but am thinking it may need to be on my birthday wish list next fall. Spring is slowly emerging in NH. We had a 60 degree day last week which felt amazing for running!
They are pricey for sure but I am certainly getting my money’s worth with it. I do hope to ride outside this spring/summer as well though.
The weather is bipolar here! Spring/Winter/Summer – I knew know!!
it does seem to work that way this time of the year!
So happy your ankle is feeling better! The weather this past week sort of took a turn from springlike, didn’t it?
Thanks for the linkup even if I am so late responding!
Thanks and better late than never!