Thanks for joining Kim and me for the weekly run down today. I was so excited for the Pelothon challenge to start that I dove right into week 1. I needed the motivation this week for sure. Between the heat wave we are having and everything else it’s been a nice distraction. Oh and did I mention that my hip flexor is acting up again? Yes there’s that.
Pelothon 2020 week 1 challenge
The 1st week of the “Pelothon2020” challenge was to take a class from each of the 6 instructors on your team. I am on “TheUnstoppables” team. I regularly take 4-6 classes a day on gym days including stretches and strength training so this would not be too much of a challenge to achieve.
Monday- all 6 Pelothon classes √
I got really into it and did 3 cycle classes, a post ride stretch, core class, upper body strength and short yoga. Definitely motivating and fun to try new instructors.
Tuesday-3.5 mile walk + 20 min arms/shoulders + 10 min core
That darn hip flexor started bugging me as soon as I started running. Switched to a power walk and got it done.
Wednesday-45 min Peloton cycle + 10 min core + 10 min arms + 10 min yoga for hips
Oops I did it again! Took all 6 instructors classes for nice combination of cardio, strength and yoga.
Thursday- 3.5 mile walk + 20 min core + 10 min hips stretch
The heat was on today! Super sweaty 4 mile walk plus some core and stretch. I really enjoyed my frozen Science in Sport popsicles post workout. Super refreshing. A few people asked which popsicle molds I used. I found these right on amazon and they worked perfectly and are single use with a funnel.
Friday- 20 mile outdoor ride
Met up with Coco again for a steamy 20 miler ride. She kept me pedaling away and we had a really solid bike time in spite of the temps. Popped into the pool in the afternoon to cool off. Double shower day!
Saturday- 10 min core + 10 min foam rolling class + lap swimming
A somewhat of a rest day. We were pushing almost 100 degrees and it was too hot to walk outside for me. Headed out to the pool for some casual laps.

Sunday-not sure!
Will probably do some more laps and lounge by the pool. I am giving my hip flexor some rest. Only seems to bother me when I run.
My next Peloton class will be my 400th! I am saving that for Monday for a live class. The Pelothon challenge of week 2 is to take 2 live classes. Hoping for a shout out from the instructor. Pelothon week 1 went pretty well! Thanks for joining us today.
Wow, you had a great week with your Peloton workouts. I’m sorry to hear that your hip flexor is acting up again. Here’s hoping it’s very short lived!
Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!
thanks I did get into this week! I hope the hip flexor resolves itself quickly as well it’s getting annoying
LOL at that Oops. Too cute. But way to start it off with a bang. I think the pool is the right decision for many reasons. Many two shower a day days in my future and yeah, so grateful I don’t pay a water bill as it’s included in rent. Time to have a word with your hip and Darlene’s foot. Grr
it’s a 2 shower a day kind of week! 🙂
Wow, strong work and I love all the shirts as always. Have fun on your 400th!
Thanks Liz! 🙂
What a great week for you in spite of the hip flexor issues. SJ actually had me do some hip flexor strengthening work this week. Let me know if you want the deets.
I love the popsicle idea–I could freeze Tailwind! Off to check it out.
highly recommend the popsicles! Yes I would love to hear what you are doing for your hip flexors thanks
I’m sorry your hip flexor is still acting up. :-(. How cool to be reaching your 400th class during the “live class” week of the challenge — who’s class are you taking? Loved our bike ride even though I nearly melted!
Yes I am excited to fit my 400th into a live class tomorrow. Looks like Olivia has a few mid morning that will work. Loved our bike ride as well
WOW…the big 400! That’s quite a milestone…can’t wait to hear all about it 😉 I hope that hip flexor calms down, I know how annoying they can be.
Super annoying! I had the same thing on the other side last fall
Oh man, I’m sorry about your hip. It sounds like the Peloton challenge came along at just the right time. I’m currently listening to Jess Sims on the Ali on the Run podcast and it’s a really good episode.
OH I have not tried that podcast I should give it a listen
So sorry about the hip flexor. 🙁 I can’t even imagine taking that many cycles classes . . . a few a week are plenty for me!
Even we’re going to be pushing 100 today. My trick is to get out super early with the dogs (I was out at about 6:20 this morning — about the time I got out for my long run sat). Of course, most of the week wasn’t too humid (except monday).
Lounging by the pool sounds like a fantastic plan! Here’s to a pain free week next week, Deborah!
Thanks Judy!
Wow to 400 classes! When did you start? I’d love to get into Peloton as a way to keep fit without running every day.Love the outfits, as always. Good luck with the hip!
I got my bike about a year and a half ago but the past year I have really gotten into it. I highly recommend it!
Awesome job rocking week 1 of the Pelothon challenge! Sorry to hear about your hip flexor and I hope that it starts to feel better soon.
Congrats on your upcoming 400th ride tomorrow!! 🙂
Thanks I am excited to hit my next milestone! I had fun with it this week
Looks like you are rocking the Pelothon so far! What angered you hip flexor though? Running?? Enjoy that pool This heat is no joke! Thanks for the linkup!
It seems like running is the only thing that bothers my hip flexor. It’s the impact I guess. I am just frustrated as I went through this last year on the other side
That’s awesome that you’ll hit 400 classes on Monday!
Sorry about your hip flexor – hope some down time today will help.
I sure hope so thanks!
“double shower day” – We always tease my 15 yr old son about taking a shower and tell him “you know how many showers we’ve taken today? Two! You can take one!” Sigh, teenagers. Hope that hip flexor is feeling better soon. That’s a great idea to make a popsicle. Yum!
ha too funny yes teenage boys are a breed of their own!
Great job on a strong week of Pelothon! I like that popiscle idea – I should try it with Nuun!
Thanks and yes you will enjoy the popsicles
Great week of workouts, even though the darn hip flexor is acting up. My bothered me the past two weeks, but I got some PT work on it and it feels so much better! If only I could afford a live-in PT to hep with every ache and pain 🙂
You’re a machine with the Peloton workouts! Impressive!
Oh well that sure would be nice!
Wow, 400 classes?! You really got in quite a few this week for your challenge. Sorry about the hip flexor. Hope you get your shout out tomorrow!
Thanks I hope so too!
Wow! Your Pelothon challenge sounds amazing. 6 classes in one day!?!? Sorry to read about your hip flexor. I think you are smart to give it a rest. I have been having some 2-shower days lately too. Summer!!!
I hope it feels better this week too miss running
Sounds like an awesome week! You’re doing great on the Pelothon Challenge! Take care of that hip flexor.
Thanks excited for week 2!
Wow!!! What a great start to the Pelethon Challenge! Keep up the good work and I pray your hip flexor is feeling 100% soon.
Thanks so much me too!
I love the popsicle idea! Sometimes I drink Nuun Recover after my run and a popsicle would be delicious.
Great job on your workouts! How awesome that you’re on your 400th class. I am assuming that by the time you read this post, you would have taken it already.
I am liking the challenge. For sure now my number of classes will go up!
Yes the popsicles are perfect for this heat. Just finished my 400th class thanks
Four hundred is so amazing! You should be so proud.
I am loving seeing everyone doing their Pelothon challenges on social media. It’s such a great way to stay motivated and keep on track. You’ve got this!
Thanks it really has been fun and motivating