No doubt about it-summer running is challenging to say the least. For many, it’s a time to have a more relaxed training schedule before diving into fall racing season. A great way to mix up summer running is to add some “fun” bike run bricks. Even if you are not training for triathlons, run bike combo are fabulous training opportunities.
Mix up your summer running with bike run bricks
What is a “brick” anyway? A traditional brick workout consists of a bike workout followed by a run workout. The goal is to prepare your legs for what it feels like to do back to back sports in a triathlon race. When you transition immediately from the bike to a run, your legs can feel a little jello like for the first few minutes. It can take a few minutes to regulate your pace on the run.
How can this type of workout benefit you as a runner?
Even if you are not planning on doing a triathlon, stacking a bike and run workout can make you a stronger runner. Running on tired and or jello like legs can build both mental and physical strength. During the summer when the temps are high and running is shall we say, not so pleasant, brick workouts are a great way to mix up summer running.
Can you do a bike run brick workout indoors?
Absolutely! If you have access to a treadmill and an indoor cycle, yes indeed you can do these workouts inside.
What kind of gear do I need?
A bike helmet is a necessity. Having a basic pair tri shorts makes switching back and forth from cycling to running more comfortable.
While traditional brick workouts are a bike ride followed immediately by a run, I have a favorite brick workout I like to do. I do shorter bike splits followed by 1-mile runs. Repeating this 3 or 4 times is tougher than it sounds. I call it my “ton of bricks” workout. For best results, try to minimize the time between sets and transition as quickly as possible.
[You make also like: 4 Weeks to a sprint triathlon]
Summer is the perfect time to try new things and mix up your workouts. Ready to give it a “Tri”? You just might like it!
Brick workouts are hard! Though I haven’t actually done one since my brief foray into triathlon over 10 years ago. 🙂
They can be tough and also a fun way to mix things up!
Interesting. I never considered doing a brick if I’m not training for a tri. What a great idea!!
It is a great way to mix up your training and challenge yourself
I’ve done this before when it’s a steamy hot day! It’s a great way to mix it up and get a run in! I should have done it this morning.
Yes I agree it really helps on those super hot days. Fun way to challenge yourself
It’s amazing how tough bricks are! I have not done it this summer (because I’m biking for longer distances), but I have often biked the 2-miles to the “city” lake (not the lake that’s on the hilly bike path). Then, I run 2-3 miles around the lake, then bike back home. The lake is kind of in a sketchy part of town, so I don’t want to go out there in the early hours…but I could do this after work someday.
Yes let me know if you give it a “tri”
I’ve done a few bricks in prep for my first (and only) tri 3 years ago, but never tried repeats. I can imagine that the on and off is taxing and can stimulate some real aerobic growth!
Yes it’s a great way to mix up your training and have some fun
Great advice! I have not been getting as many miles on the bike as I hoped to this summer. I have a mountain bike (no road bike) and had hoped to ride on some local rail trails, but have only had a few rides so far this summer.
I have not rode outside as much as usual this summer either. I do love to mix it up though
While I don’t own a bike, I do like doing Peloton rides and then a run right after!
This sounds like a great workout! I will def have to get back to these when I am able to run again! I actually like the challenge of a brick workout!
I do too!
Interesting post. I thought about it few weeks ago but after I decided to alternate running and swimming. I run in early morning and later, when I go to the beach, I swim 45 minutes. It works but I admit that the bike run bricks is better to be ready in fall.
Hope you give them a try sometime!
Wow, this sounds like a tough, but great training and conditioning work out! Great post Deborah!
It is a fun way to mix up a workout
Gah! No way in this heat! It’s already hard enough to just run!
But seriously, I used to do bricks when I was tri training and it was an incredible workout. Just not for 90 degree days.
I struggle to run long in the heat. Switching it up with the bike gives me a great workout without having to run longer distances. I stay much cooler on the bike
🙂 Fun stuff, I’ve unknowingly been doing this the last few years, biking to a trailhead, doing a quick run, then back on the bike home. Ok, there are no repeats, but it’s fun all the same!
Yes definitely a fun way to mix it up and keep you in shape for both
I’ve really never thought about doing a brick indoors — that’s fantastic advice, Deborah! I’m sure I’ll be incorporating this into my workout routine at some point.
It definitely works indoors! Hope you “enjoy” mixing it up like this it’s fun
Oh wow! I had never heard of the Ton of Bricks Workout! It definitely sounds intense and perfect for training for a tri!
Fun to do even if a Tri is not on your plan!
“Fun” and “brick” do not typically go together in my vocab! This sounds like an effective but TOUGH workout!
ha ha that is true! I do think it’s “fun” to mix it up sometimes
I’ve never done this type of workout. Definitely looks challenging! I will have to look into doing this now that I have a bike.
Yes you could easily do it with your new bike
Oh, I like the sound of that workout! Since I’m “considering” the Hagerstown Bi in mid-October, perhaps I try it. 😉
Yes that would be a great practice exercise for you