Thanks for joining Coco and me for the October Ultimate Coffee Date today. Is there anything better than a coffee date with friends? Grab a mug of your favorite brew and let’s catch up.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you...We just finished up our second week of the fall Girls on The Run season. This is my 12th season coaching. Every season I so look forward to seeing my girls again and watching them grow throughout the 3 months. I have the 6th grade girls again so they are young enough to still think I am kind of cool and old enough to really engage in our lessons.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…After a lackluster summer of running, I am ready to kick my training back into high gear for fall. I have started working with Jessie again and I am ready to start training for 2 10K’s in November and the Jingle All the Way 15K in December. After all, I need another excuse to pull out that outfit again.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you…It just kind of hit me that in 6 weeks I will be turning 50! How did that happen? Feeling like I need to celebrate for the entire month of November. While I am not into a big party, I hope to do a bunch of smaller events with friends and family. More on that next month when I figure it all out.
Well, I have been blabbing on and on. It’s your turn to share. If we were having coffee today, what would you tell me? Thanks for joining Coco and me today for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
Your Jingle outfit is killer! Congrats on 12 years with the GOTR, what a great experience…for you and them 😉 I was looking forward to autumn (a little)…but it’s 44F right now as I get ready to head out for my long run ;-( #Brrrr
I think it will feel good when you are out there! I hope the weather is good for you here for MCM
Hooray for feeling the running mojo! I think about racing again but I’m not quite there. You NEED to celebrate that milestone birthday as much as possible. It’s only right!
I know I need to celebrate but not sure what I want to do!
Ok 50 seems young to me. Lol.
GOTR is a great program. I was a buddy several times.
Summer with heat can be a tune to relax. Have fun with the fall races.
GOTR is a great program and I am really enjoying it.That is nice that you were able to be a buddy runner several times too. B ring on the fall races
Turning 50 was hard for me! And here I am, closing in around..let’s not even think about it. They say age is just a number and I truly believe that. You got this!!!
All of the sudden it seems weird to be turning 50 but I will make it through with a little wine and chocolate 🙂
I think 50 deserves at least 50 days of celebrating! Just saying!
It finally feels like fall here today! Let the running fun begin!
Now that is a great idea!
It’s so great that you are doing GOTR again! Those girls are lucky to have you. I will be ready to run again when my 3 weeks are up. I may look at the Jingle All The Way and remember the 15k starts later! Looks like I’ll be around for your birthday run …
I am glad that you will be around for my birthday run. Still trying to plan that out!
If we were having coffee I would tell you that I’m not quite ready for fall running yet. The lows the next week is high 40s/low 50s and I’m not ready for that running yet. I know it’ll feel great once I’m running but it’ll be chilly at the start.
12 seasons of GOTR is amazing!
Those are the exact temps that I dream about! Yes I do love my GOTR girls
I often need a November 10km to keep me motivated to run keep running.
The London Marathon ballot results come out soon, hopefully I get in and that gives me even more motivation to run over the winter.
I tried to get into the London half monument run with no luck maybe next year!
That’s awesome that you’re coaching again! :] I love your Jingle All the Way outfit too, hehe–perfect for the upcoming season!
Yes seems far away but it’s not!
While I’m not a coach, I am working with GOTR for some projects and I’m really glad to be a part of the program. It’s going to be a fabulous year.
I think 50 is going to be awesome! You are going to rock every second of it, for sure!
They are a great program to work with hope you enjoy your volunteering with them as well
Congrats on 12 years with GOTR!
That Jingle Bell outfit is the best! Have fun gearing up for your fall races 🙂
I am finally excited to run again
I love that you are so involved in Girls on the Run! What a fabulous organization.
I really wish you could wear your Jingle All The Way outfit more often because it’s so epic, lol
ha ha I may have to find some more holiday races to enter so I can wear it again
Years ago when I was 40, one of my “older” clients told me that when you turn 50 you are allowed to celebrate your birthday all month. So once I hit that milestone birthday that’s exactly what I did, and have done ever since! You just reminded me that in six weeks I’ll be turning 62. That used to be the age of retirement, but I don’t feel anywhere nearly that old! 🙂
Your girls are lucky to have you as their coach!
I am planning on having multiple birthday celebrations. Hope you are too my birthday buddy 🙂
What a great organization to be involved in.
I wouldn’t worry about turning 50, you look great! And age is just a number.
You are very sweet!
The girls look so cute, that is a wonderful program! I am looking into doing a similar race to the Jingle 15k…love the outfit!!
I love all the holiday outfits! Look forward to seeing yours too
That jingle outfit <3
I don't do the christmas one here as it's "all the way" in Brooklyn, but might do the one in Florida if my trip aligns.
Yay milestone bdays. And November babies. As it is I usually have a birthweek, but this is definitely going to be a birthmonth kicking off November 3. When are you again? I know Coco is around us too and I think the other Deb. I'm 40 on November 23
I am Nov 14th so many November babies around here!
That’s because we are the best!
definitely! 🙂
50 and fabulous!!!! Love your Merry Fitmas Tank and leggings. So fun!!! Glad you are ready to train again!
I am feeling so much better now that the temps have cooled off