Some days all we have time for is a quick strength session. A quick workout is always better than no workout. Looking for a Full Body Get It Done Strength Training workout? I’ve got you. All you need are a set of light and medium dumbbells and a stability ball. Perfect to do at home anytime. Repeat the workout 2-3 times depending on how much time you have. Efficient and Effective!
Get It Done Strength Training Routine
I am a huge proponent of strength training and I credit my work in the gym to helping me as a runner. We lose muscle as we age and continuing to stay strong will only help to make our everyday activities more successful.
Perform each exercise in order and repeat the workout 2-3 times. We will Get It Done by hitting glutes, obliques, biceps, triceps, shoulders, quads, and of course core galore. You will hit your Full Body with this one. Happy Sweating!
Let’s Get It Done with this Full Body do at home workout.
[You may also like How to fit In a quick strength training session post run]
[10 Minute Killer Glutes no equipment Workout]
It is a good routine. I will follow the instruction. Thanks!
Great enjoy!
Great workout! I usually strength train 2-3 times a week. I’m sure I would get some new running clothes with the gift card!
Can you ever have too many workout clothes? (no need to answer) lol
That will DEFINITELY get it done! Great workout! I am trying to strength train more now that I can’t do much of the other stuff, but invariably I just keep on my walk, lol. I mostly do body split days, but I know I need to do more full body!
We don’t usually do split days mostly because I get bored if I don’t keep mixing it up
Happy Blogiversary! 🙂
That full body get it done workout made me sweat just reading it, so now I want to try it immediately! I’m aiming to do strength training 3 times a week for my current half marathon training cycle. I would probably buy a sports bra with the gift card – i need some new ones!
A great sports bra is a must! Hope you like the workout
Great workout! Looks like it would be really effective.
What would I buy? Clothes, of course!
Can’t have too many! Or can you??
March 3 is also my birthday! yay!
My strength training varies so much. Right now I’m trying to commit at least two days a week to it.
Happy early birthday! Hope you have something fun planned
I might strength train every day. Even on days I consider rest days, I still do some strength training. Right now I’m looking for a balance disc to work on stability.
Those are great to use sometimes to mix it up. I also like the Bosu
Happy anniversary! I love Dick’s! I always shop the sale rack first- there is usually something cute I cannot live without! See you Saturday!
Yes I can always seem to find something there too! See you for coffee 🙂
My son is getting into working out and could use some new shoes!
They grow out of them so quickly
I would buy some new workout gear. I need new shoes for exercising.
Great thanks for entering
I really need to bring weights back into my routine. I miss my deadlifts! If I was to win the GC I would get a new bright colored sports bra or tank or two for spring.
That would be perfect!
I strength train 3 times a week usually. They just opened a Dick’s Sporting Goods near my home. I’d buy a new visor for running on hot days. Fun giveaway!
I need to remember to wear my visor to protect my face
This workout looks easy (to remember), and effective!
Thanks let me know if you give it a try
Those moves on the the stability ball would definitely leave me sweating! 😛 Great giveaway!
Thanks so much
I would get a foldable wagon.
Oh how fun for summer
I’m in need of some weights to have at home so that I can still get a good strength training workout in even when I can’t make it to the gym.
Having weights at home is a huge help and then you could do this workout too!
If I was to win the Dick’s sporting gift card I would buy a pairs of new swim goggles that I saw for the up coming triathlon season.
Ooh I need a new pair of those too!
Such a great workout I’m marking this one to try in the hotel when we travel next week. I like to mix things up traveling and when the treadmills or bikes are taken I don’t want to wait but don’t want to mindlessly workout.
I have a hard time coming up with travel workouts too. Hope it works well for you
I would put it towards a pair of new running shoes.
Definitely! Thanks for entering
Great workout and giveaway! I aim for three days a week of strength training, I love it!
pumps and push-ups
Thanks so do I!
I would buy some new workout clothes.
Can’t ever have enough of those! Thanks for stopping by today
I had to sub a circuit training class this morning and this would have been perfect for it. Except the class was at 7 and this is the first chance I’ve had to read blogs. Next time!
Next time for sure!
I was just putting a routine together for a class. I will have to incorporate some of these moves into it. Thanks for the suggestions. Great giveaway!
Anytime hope it goes well
That’s a great routine! I’ll have to try it next week.
Great hope you enjoy it 🙂
Gosh, that looks tough! There’s so much I’d love to buy at Dick’s but I think I’d get a ski helmet so I don’t have to rent one next year.
Great idea and they are probably on sale this time of year
I would get a pair of cycling shorts.
thanks for stopping in!
Happy blogiversary! If I won, I would probably stock up on socks 🙂
can’t have too many of those!
I would buy nike running shoes.
Always more running shoes!
I strength train at least twice a week but also incorporate it into some combo workouts. It’s so important. This looks like a great workout. I’ll need to try it. I really like that you added standing ab exercises.
I really like the standing ab exercises too
I strength train 5-6 days a week… so I won won that card I’d buy some new sports bras because mine are OLD. 😉
Love thi workout – all the stability balls moves are fabulous!
You can never have too many workout clothes!
Running shoes.
I would buy yoga pants. You can never have too many. I strength train 2-3 days a week + I teach a strength and flow yoga class 2 xs a week. Does that count?
Have a wonderful Thursday Deborah!
Of course always!
Not really a huge fan of Dick’s and rarely go there. Not sure what I would buy there (so not actually entering the giveaway).
I do try to strength train 2 x week — I’ve managed to hold onto that, but barely lately. I’ve also been trying to get in short Pilates sessions, too, but that’s been kind of hard lately, too.
I feel good when I can get in 2 strength training sessions a week. I have only done Pilates a few times but it seems to be making a comeback in some studios around here.
Congrats on your 3rd year!!! I’d buy a new running skirt for spring 🙂
naturally 🙂
I would buy new workout clothes.
Yes can’t have too many!
Happy anniversary! For me, I usually do strength training 3 or 4 times a week. It help me get more energy for my work at office.
It definitely helps doesn’t it?! Thanks for stopping in today
This Full Body workout sounds great!! I’m going to incorporate it into my workout routine when I can!!
Great let me know how you like it
Thanks so much
Love your workout! I normally strength train 6 days a week but I’m having some health issues and have cut back to just a few days (plus I’m doing the half marathon training which has taking priority for right now) But strength training is my favorite!
Half marathon training is very time consuming. Hope you feel better soon
Great workout and congrats on your blogiversary! Great giveaway too!
Thanks so much it has really flown by
This is a great workout! I try to do strength once or twice a week, but I’ve been slacking. Bad me.
It happens 🙂
I would use it towards boots.
great idea!
I strength train on mondays/wednesdays/fridays, and love it atm. With the gift card I would buy my own jump rope and new yoga towel. 🙂
I have not jumped rope in a while-fun! Thanks for stopping by today
I would buy sneakers.
Perfect thanks for entering!
I am definitely saving this workout guide. I have been trying to do different things to keep me motivated and this seems great. I would put this towards a new pair of shoes!
So glad you like it! Thanks for stopping by today hope to see you again soon
I would put it towards new indoor soccer cleats! My old ones are in rough shape.
Great idea! Thanks for stopping in today
Great workout!
I would probably buy running clothes if I won the Dick’s gift card, because you know, we can never have too many choices when we had out for a run!
Never too many!
I would buy new workout clothes if I won.
Will have to try this when I Can workout again! Those decline pushups on the ball sound killer – def don’t know if I can do those 🙂
Yes one of my favorite moves for sure.
I would buy a cute sports bra
Great idea thanks for entering
If I’m lucky enough to win, I would use it toward a kettlebell. I’ve been wanting one for a while!
great thanks for stopping by
I would probably buy my child some ASICS running shoes
I would buy new running sneakers!
I love Carrie underwoods athletic clothing! I would use the giftcard to get a pair of yoga pants
Her stuff is great!
I would love some new sport bras and shorts!
Thanks for stopping by and entering
I would get a new sports bra.
Good choice! Thanks for entering
I would buy some workout gear.
Thanks for stopping by
i would love a new sports bra
Always a good choice thanks for stopping by
I would put it toward new walking shoes.
I would put this gif card towards a pair of snowshoes. I have wanted to try snowshoeing for a long time.
I love snowshoeing it’s a blast
Congrats on your 3 year blog-iversary!! That’s definitely something to celebrate. My first is coming up in less than a month. Stay tuned for some fun giveaways.
Thanks I have really enjoyed it so far! Congrats to you as well
I love this strength training workout, Deborah! Can’t wait to give it a try!
I really hope you enjoy it.Happy sweating