Thanks for joining Coco and me for the December Ultimate Coffee Date today. I have lots to chat with you about on this week. So let’s get right to it. Grab your coffee mugs and join us.
If we were having coffee today, I would tell you…I have a super packed weekend of holiday fun in store. Tonight I am hosting our Moms Run This Town Holiday Party and looks like we have a record turnout. I’ve missed seeing everyone while recovering from my hamstring/hip thing and will be great to catch up. This is a photo from 2017. We won’t be able to fit on the couch this year.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you…While it took me 10 months to achieve my 100th Peloton ride, I will hit my 150th ride today 2 months later. I got in a lot more biking the last month while recovering from my injuries. I also started doing the warm up and cool down rides.
Speaking of Peloton…I am sure you have all heard the flack about lots of people thinking their new commercial is sexist and has body shaming aspects to it. Of course I am biased because I am a huge Peloton fan however, I think they have it all wrong. The Peloton community (similar to the running community) is comprised of people of varying shapes, sizes, sexes and ages. The facebook groups that I am a part of are nothing but encouraging and accepting of all the members. I have personally never heard an instructor mention calories or body shapes etc. I also believe that not everything has to be looked at under the sexism and “me too” lens. To quote Freud, sometimes, “a cigar is just a cigar” .That’s my 2 cents!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you...this fall season of Girls on The Run just flew by way too fast. We had our last session and end of the year pizza party this week. Arguably the most favorite day for the girls! I will miss these cuties until I see them again in the spring. Our team also collected canned goods to donate to the local food bank and it was really nice to be able to drop off such a big donation. Shoutout to my fab co coaches who made this season even better.
Okay, your turn! If we were having coffee today, what would you tell me? PS don’t forget to enter my huge fitness giveaway. Thanks for joining the December Ultimate Coffee Date.
I used the hotel Peleton for the first time. A great alternative to the treadmill. Too expensive unfortunately.
Hope to find a cure for my achy foot next week. As you know not running is the pits.
Glad you had a chance to try it out it’s such a blast. Take care of that foot!
Wish I was attending that big party tonight! I know what awesome parties you throw together 🙂 Thanks for all the magic you work with not only MRTT but also the GOTR…what a positive role model you are with all your volunteering! Have fun tonight!
Aww thanks and wish you were attending our party too!
Have so much fun at your MRTT party! I wasn’t the least bit offended by the Peloton ad. I think fitness-minded people think about it differently.
I agree and thanks I am excited for our party tonight
I think that no matter what these days, there’s always ‘controversy’. It’s just the nature of social media to dig up stuff. I’m glad you have your Peloton to keep you moving while you come back from your injury. I used my bike (in the trainer) a ton when I was injured a few years ago. While it’s not a Peloton, it sure was a great backup plan!
It’s been a life saver for me while recovering and I love the community as well
I think the different reactions to the Peleton ad say more about the viewer than the ad! I think my opinion is influenced by your love of it. 🙂 Enjoy your holiday party. I think my group had moved to a “Galantines” party in February when things are less hectic.
You should come to our party!
The GOTR girls look like they’re having a ton of fun, too!
I’ve heard about the Peleton ad, but haven’t personally seen it yet. I record almost everything I want to watch & I fast forward through the commercials. Life is too short to watch a tone of commercials.
Have a great time this weekend! We have a much smaller party. 🙂
Life is too short for commercials I agree!
Enjoy the holiday party tonight! Having so many people and not being able to fit on the couch is a good problem since it means you are all such great friends.
I completely get where you’re coming from about the Peloton ad. Granted I don’t have one so maybe I don’t fully grasp it, but what gets me is that they went with the more model like person. I think it could’ve had a better grip on the concept of catering to people of all shapes and sizes but picking some in the average size range of people in the US. Not to turn it into a weight loss ad but I think it would be great to show that you don’t have to be stick thin to enjoy it. Hopefully that makes sense but I love that everyone in the groups is so supportive and encouraging of everyone!
Yes not fitting on the couch is a fantastic problem to have!
I love your activities that encourage women and girls to run! So motivating and inspiring.
I haven’t heard a thing about the Peloton commercial. Now I will have to check it out. I agree with you: I think in this MeToo environment everyone is very quick to point fingers.
Well done on reaching your 150th ride so soon! The side “benefits” of injuries. 😉
Thanks! Yes there are some side benefits of not running as much 🙂
Awww…your GOTR group is beautiful! What a great thing to do.
I have been reading a little bit about the Peloton kerfluffle. I am pretty cynical. I wonder if it wasn’t started BY Peloton to gain exposure. It seems like a nothingburger to me.
Have fun at your MRTT party tonight! Sounds fun – I love getting together with my running friends when we’re not running. Our annual Cruisers Christmas party is Sunday night!
About the Peloton ad – I think a lot of people these days aren’t happy unless they have something to be “all angry and upset about” and social media just makes it worse.
Enjoy your party as well! Yes I agree it does seem that people always need to have something to be angry about
I didn’t get all the brouhaha over the commercial either. I thought the actress was seriously awkward, but also chalked it up to someone who maybe had low self-esteem, anxiety and found her strength in Peloton. But what do I know?
Not much else going on in my world. Sitting here, waiting to head in for my leg surgery and that’s about it.
Hang in there Jenn!
Sounds like you’re in for quite the gathering! Enjoy your MRTT party!
I was surprised by all the backlash about that Peloton ad. I read that the company stock has actually dropped since all of the hubbub on social media started. While it wasn’t my favorite execution (I say that as someone who previously worked in advertising), I certainly don’t see anything offensive about it.
I agree it’s a little silly to get all up in arms over. Thanks looking forward to a fun weekend
I think the Peloton commercials usually make it seem off the charts expensive because of the super amazing apartments they shoot in. I guess that is the target audience.
Glad to hear your injury is feeling better!
I am starting to feel a lot better thanks!
I hope that you have a super fun weekend full of holiday cheer.
Congrats on hitting ride #150! Oh, and I totally agree with you about Peloton. Personally I didn’t;t ike the commercial (I just thought it was odd), but didn’t find it sexist at all. I do think that there are people that feel a certain way about Peloton so it doesn’t matter what the company does – they will automatically hate it.
Yes exactly! That’s ok we know how amazing Peloton is 🙂
Yay! I hope you have a bunch of fun this weekend! I’ve yet to watch the Peloton commercial, but I’m with you–there’s no need to get all worked up about every little thing.
definitely true!
Le sigh. I had the best laid plans for coffee.
“To quote Freud, sometimes, “a cigar is just a cigar” .That’s my 2 cents!”
Or a bad ad is just that. I didn’t see the sexism lend, just a dumb one. Like the Starbucks cups every year, the outrage is more visible than the ad itself. Someone commented that the faux controversy could be a stunt to drive sales.
It’s just silly really!