Thanks for joining Kim and me for our Weekly Run Down today. Well. things have sure gotten to crazy levels quickly huh? After letting all of my emotions spill out in my Runfessions post the other day, I am really trying to make the most of things. Thankfully, my workouts are keeping me sane right now. Here’s a peak into my week.
Weekly run Down Making the most of things
Monday-60 min of Peloton cycle + short upper body and stretch
Today was also my daughter’s 23rd birthday. Since we could not get together with our family in person, we planned a surprise Zoom costume dinner party. We had the grandparents on one screen and my sister and the cousins on the other. We pulled out random costumes that we had. I figured with super girl, Santa and Jesus perhaps this bunch of super heroes could save the day. She was really happy and we had lots of laughs. We were even able to have a beautiful cake shipped in.
Tuesday- 3.5 mile solo run
I am not used to running alone and I kind of had a rough day all around. My neighborhood is crazy hilly so I guess I am going to be doing some hill training. Happy to be done.
Wednesday-60 minutes Peloton cycle + 40 min Glutes, legs, arms & core
Finding tons of new Peloton strength training classes to do! Really making the most of it by trying new ones.
Remember those stitches I got last week? They were due to come out today and I did not want to go into the Dr.’s office. So, I let my husband take them out at home. He enjoyed playing Dr a little more than I did! He did a great job and I was free to do all the upper body weights. Now that is something that never would have happened pre crazy times of late! NO photos ha ha.
Thursday- 3.5 mile run
My run went much better today with the help of sunshine, a virtual 5K and 2 Peloton outdoor running classes. Just having someone talking to me while running was a huge help.
Friday-60 minutes cycle + 20 min arms and shoulders
Really loving the upper body classes.
Happy mail day over here!
Saturday- 30 min cycle + 10 min core class
While normally this would be my day off, I just needed to move. Did a shorter workout and core. This is now my highest cycle mileage month ever and still a few days to go!
My son prepared a whole “Bennihana” type dinner for us tonight. He did a great job lots of fun.
Sunday- Run Day on the plan 10 K
Thanks so much for joining us today. We really hope this space gives you all a place to connect and feel “normal” during these stressful times. Our little community here is very special.Don’t miss the Ultimate coffee date next friday/saturday.
Tell me what have you done this week that you never would have done before?
Aaaww! That Zoom-birthday party looks awesome! I bet your daughter was happy! This will certainly be a birthday she will never forget. I love it when people make the best of the situation.
I can well imagine that you miss your running group. You will have a lot to talk about when you go running together again, haha!
I am using online workouts… not something I have done before!
Yes she did appreciate the surprise party on zoom. Trying our best to stay connected w the parents
That was creative. I feel for you on running alone. Not fun.
Outdoor running Peleton class. That’s neat.
I walked twice in one day. The 2nd one was 5 miles.
This will end. I’m hoping by April 30 so I jet to Florida and see the ocean.
April 30 sounds like a good goal. I hope that happens!
That’s an easy question to answer! I did my first virtual race this week, something I would never, ever have considered before. To be fair, I set myself up with an easy course but even so I was able to push myself on my own and got a result that I didn’t believe that I could get on my own. I appreciate the WRD group more than ever now.
I did 2 virtual runs as well which I never did before either. Great motivation aren’t they? I also appreciate the WRD and all of our friends here.
I love that you made such a fun Zoom party for your daughter’s birthday Jesus and all! Haha!
Props to your son for cooking such a great meal. I can only dream of one of my daughters showing an interest in cooking some day. I’m holding out hope for our 14 yr old. Thanks for the linkup!
We sure tried this week to do some fun stuff. These past 2 weeks seem like a month already!
I completed that burpee challenge and let me tell you how glad I am about that. Hoping for a little more low key week. I did a lot of new things–telemedicine and a Peloton class on my treadmill. It’s been an emotional week for me, just trying to keep my anxiety level down. Grateful for all the support of our blogging community! Thanks for all your linkups and your support.
It is definitely emotional for me too. I am trying to keep it in check for the kids but some days it’s just hard. Very grateful for the support of our crew as well
I’m “going” to a friend’s 60th wine party via Zoom tomorrow. We’re not as creative as you, but we might have to borrow that idea for the next birthday in our circle. Hope you’re daughter had a good day, all things considered. Sorry you had a rough day Tuesday. Virtual cootie free hugs from afar. Can’t wait until travel is a thing again and one of us makes it to the other’s city again for a real hug. I think I missed stitches – or have just forgot it in a week that felt like a month. Glad they’re out and you’re back to your normal lifting
Yes we tried our best to make her birthday special. I had a minor dermatological thing that required stitches and just did not want to go back to the Dr for them
Glad it was just something small and you’re relatively OK. Hang in there
Thanks all good!
How awesome you were able to get together virtually for your daughters birthday. That cake looks amazing!
Seriously, other than waiting on line to get into the grocery store (which I did last week too) nothing was that unusual this week. Oh wait, yup, I did my first FB live.
Glad your hubby was able to get those stitches out!
That’s big FB live! Yes my hubs did a great job
Great idea on the birthday party! I have been trying online classes. I signed up for the Peloton trial subscription. I had no idea they had so many different kind of classes! I thought maybe I’d get a shoutout when I hopped on a live class, but it turns out there were 1,100 people doing the class, and I only participated for 5 mins (cycling class did not agree with my sore hammies…). I’ve been enjoying the Peloton classes so far!
Glad you are enjoying the Peloton classes. You know I love them. Take care of that hamstring!
OMG, that costume party! With Santa and Jesus, no less! I’m glad things are feeling a little better for you…it”s a big unknown for all of us. HUGs…maybe we should go for a virtual walk some day (and chat for real as we move)?
The costumes were pretty great for a Jewish girl huh? Yes I would love a FT walk with you. Let me know what time works for you? Not 5 am 🙂
I took 4 Peloton classes this week. The most I’ve done in a week. 🙂 I love the idea of costumes! I can see what that order made you happy. Amazon?
The Peloton classes are my sanity more than ever. Glad to hear you are liking them more
Happy birthday to your daughter. That cake IS beautiful! I have read about so many people on Zoom lately. I am going to have to check it out. We usually just use FB messenger for video chats sith my Colorado grandson. This might be better.
That Benihana dinner looks awesome. What a great idea! We need to make our own fun now.
Oh yes try the zoom for the grandkids I think it’s great and you can have multiple people on
Well, I sure didn’t let my husband take out any stitches! That’s some kind of trust you’ve got! I don’t think I did anything very unusual this week One notable thing was reaching way in the back of the bottom shelf to get the last canister of (regular) salt at the grocery store. Who knew it was a shelter-in-place staple? I’m sure it will last me a year or more but I was totally out and raiding the salt shaker for recipes. Love the birthday celebration — and that cake! — and your son’s dinner sounds great.
Things that I never thought were grocery staples seem to be gone! Why is everyone all of the sudden eating my chick peas?
With two teens, the shortage of Ramen noodles is a huge hit for us!! We all love that stuff.
ha ha!
Happy mail day, indeed! I went to Target when it first opened and got 1 thing of TP the other day — we were actually low because we didn’t stock up when everyone else did! Where did you find some? glad you’re still able to see some friends, etc. and what a wonderful meal your son cooked up!
I had to order it on Amazon 2 weeks ago and it just came. I also just ordered some on you can try that too
What a great way to celebrate a birthday during these unique times 🙂 The cake is beautiful.
I’m sure running solo is a big change for you! Hopefully it gets easier.
Have a good week!
Thanks it was nice to be able to do something for her birthday. Running solo is really hard!
Well done to your husband, happy birthday to your daughter and yay loo roll day! Great work all round and well done. All eerie round here but that means people are doing what they should be doing. I am running where and when I can in the lovely fresh air. Love to you all x
I happy to hear from you! Hope you are well and glad to hear you are running as well. I am setting up a virtual zoom component to our coffee date link up next Sat let me know if you want to join I will send you an invite link
Thank you, I am already doing a Zoom bookcrossing meetup Saturday if I can make myself install and get to grips with the tech!
I’ve stopped running for the meantime – I sort of knew my lovely seven miles on Sunday was going to be my last one for a while, and yesterday had the terrible news that a local friend’s mum has passed away. It got me thinking about how I was not 2m away from every single person on my run, and I decided to leave that for a while. I had a walk at 6.30 am today and that was OK if I avoided the main road, so that and the cross-trainer for the foreseeable.
Take care x
It is quite a big change for all of us. Hang in there Liz. Will be thinking of you!
I love the Zoom costume party for your daughter’s birthday – how creative and fun! And that cake looked delicious!
I still have to try the Peloton outdoor running classes. I should do that this week instead of listening to music.
Score on the toilet paper! Glad that you were able to find some online – it seems like every place i look is sold out, but luckily we have enough to last another 3-4 weeks.
Yes try the Peloton outdoor classes they are a fun way to mix it up. I’ve done the power walks and the interval runs
Those costumes are awesome! We dressed up in different costumes for a family walk on day this week. We felt like celebrities with all the honks and smiles. Whatever it takes these days to brighten the mood!
Definitely have to be creative~!
I love the idea of the Zoom costume party! I hope your daughter enjoyed her birthday!
And I have to say that I’m amazed that you were able to find toilet paper online! There’s none to be found in the stores around here and our personal supplies are starting to dwindle – this could be panic-inducing for sure!
I was in a panic about the TP too.I ordered it 2 weeks ago and just got it It’s really just insane all of it
Nothing crazy here. We started work from home last week and although I’m enjoying it a little I do get bored rather quickly. I had to force myself to get dressed on Friday so I could feel like a real human being haha. I’ve done more yoga than I normally would with all my extra time.
Yes I hear you. I put on real pants the other day just to make sure that they fit
That’s awesome how you were still able to make your daughter’s birthday special! Technology certainly makes life and workouts easier during the stay at home order.
We sure tried thanks!
Happy belated birthday to your daughter! It sounds like your family made the most of it. Wow, your son put on quite the spread and it looks delicious!
Thanks for the linkup and stay safe!
Oh he sure did! It was a nice distraction
What a creative way to celebrate your daughter’s birthday! It’s given me some ideas! My dad turns 75 on the 4th April and my daughter turns 8 on the 11th April and we will certainly be on lockdown at that time.
Yes the Zoom family celebrations are great hope it works for you all too
It’s definitely nice to keep up with workouts during this time. Thats nice that you were able to celebrate your daughters birthday with your family! My niece turns 5 next weekend and we are going to have a zoom party. I feel bad for her that she cant see anyone, and at that age she really cant understand whats going on!
The zoom parties are great! It’s hard for all of us to understand what’s going on!
How fun is that birthday party! We are getting ready for a string of celebrations (Easter, little man’s birthday, my birthday and Mother’s Day) that we are going to have to figure out. I’m a decent cake baker so I wlll be in charge of desserts, but we do want the days to be special.
OMG I can’t believe you let your husband take your stitches out. That was one of the worst things in my whole broken leg saga. You are so brave!
I am sure I had way less stitches than you did! It was a small incision. Yes we will all have to make new plans for lots of spring celebrations
What a great idea to have that zoom costume party for your daughter’s birthday! It sounds like it was a lot of fun 🙂 I’m impressed that you were able to have your husband take out the stitches at home. I don’t think I would have been brave enough for that.
The Zoom meet ups are great I have been hosting a bunch of them. It was just a few stitches so not a big deal
Happy birthday to your daughter! Her cake looks GORGEOUS – almost too pretty to eat. Almost 😉 The green grass in your pictures is making me a little jealous. I was able to run in shorts for the first time in 2020 and it felt A-MAZING!
We have been having some spring temps and everything is in full bloom