Thanks for joining Kim and me for the weekly run down today. We have had the most beautiful week of weather here. One cannot help falling in love with fall weather. I made the most of it by getting outside everyday and that just makes me happy. Here is a peek into my week of workouts.
Falling in love with fall weather
Monday-30 min bike bootcamp + 10 m core + 2 mile walk + yoga for hips
I am loving these bike boot camps! Alternating between cardio on the bike and strength on the floor produces a major sweat fest.
In case you missed it-This Cranberry Butternut Squash Bundt cake deserves a spot on your holiday table.
Tuesday- 3 mile run/walk intervals + 10 m core + yoga for hips + afternoon walk 1.5 m
I ran from home today and thus was on the hard sidewalks again. I started to feel some soreness in my hip later on which of course has me freaked out. My body does not like sidewalk running.
Wednesday-20 min glutes/legs + 10 min arms + 15 min yoga for hips + 3 mile walk w a friend
Happy to move up to some heavier weights today. Hip feeling a little sore still.
Thursday-2 m afternoon walk + yoga for hips
Decided to take a rest day and let my hips rest. Lounged around all morning. After yoga in the afternoon, I was feeling a lot better and went on a walk.
Friday-10 min hip strength class + 45 min bike bootcamp + yoga for hips
I am loving these bike bootcamps. This one had mostly upper body strength.
[In case you missed it the 50 best fall running and fitness hashtags for instagram posts]
Saturday- 2.5 mile power morning walk + yoga for hips + afternoon walk
Feeling so much better today but decided to take it easy. Morning walk and yoga. Met a friend for an afternoon walk.
Sunday- not sure yet!
I am happy to report that taking it easy for a few days has helped my hip feel so much better. We had the best weather this week which made getting outside daily a must for me. I wish we could bottle up this fall weather! We are about to get with the remnants from the hurricane I was glad I got out so much this week.
Tell me-do you notice a difference in how you feel if you run on a sidewalk vs a trail? My body does not like sidewalks at all!
Tomorrow’s Meatless Monday is Spinach Spaghetti Squash Lasagna hope you come back and check it.
Sounds like you had a great week. I was so happy to see you.
It was so nice to walk and chat with you! Let’s do it again soon
Ironically, my body can take the sidewalk, but the treadmill does a whacky number on me. I think it’s the repetitiousness of it, as well as the paranoia of stubbing my toes (which alters my stride/gait). Have you tried running on the grass (alongside the sidewalk)…not a cure, but maybe a slight better option?
I do much better on the trail but the sidewalks are just too hard w the concrete. I also think the uneven slope bothers me. Finicky runner!
I am OK on the pavement and get nervy off-road and hold a lot of tension. My Strava got upset at my off-road in the dark run last week and gave me a huge effort score! A good week for you, I love the sound of those boot camps.
I am loving the boot camps and the new challenge of them!
Yes, concrete running is so hard on me! I remember feeling just as beat up after running the GW Parkway 10-miler which is on a concrete road as I would after running a marathon on asphalt. I think you were smart to take some time off to recover.
Hopefully after the rain moves out tomorrow, we’ll have another nice week.
Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!
Yes I feel the same! I am feeling a lot better already so hoping for a nice slow run on Tuesday
So happy that your hip is feeling better and that you’re loving the bike bootcamps so far!
me too thanks! Yes boot camps are the best and Jess is so fantastic
Not a fan of sidewalk running either— anytime I’ve fallen, it’s because of the unevenness of the surface. Glad you’re lifting heavier- I’m certain that it is why I’m still running!
No good can come of running on sidewalks! I love the heavier lifting always gives me such an endorphin boost
Not a fan of sidewalk running either— anytime I’ve fallen, it’s because of the unevenness of the surface. Glad you’re lifting heavier- I’m certain that it is why I’m still running!
Concrete is the hardest running surface. 🙁 I do try to minimize it, and our neighborhood doesn’t have any sidewalks, but one of my routes takes me down a busy road & then I do run on the sidewalk. Usually it’s not a problem for me. My guess is you still need to baby your hip some. Other things are problems (of course)!
Our weather was rather odd (to say the least). Mostly nice fall weather but yesterday got up to mid 70s! Happy to have the electricity back because we needed just a little A/C to help us sleep (our bedroom is on the second floor & it really heats up quickly!).
I do still need to baby my hip and take it easy. WE are still on the AC at night as well!
Oh, glad a few days off made the hip feel better. It ebbs and flows, these nagging injuries, right?? Argh. Great job getting outside and making the most of the gorgeous weather!
yes seems like it is always something!
I’m glad you’re liking the bike bootcamps! I’m almost getting FOMO and surely would be shopping for a bike if there were more days in the week.
Ugh on the hip pain flaring up. The bike path is more forgiving!
The bike path is definitely better for me for running. I will stick to it from now on
I don’t do much running on concrete at all. Mostly I run dirt trails with asphalt second. I hope your hip is okay. That squash cake look divine. I wish I knew what our plans were now that the in-laws aren’t hosting. Thanks for the linkup!
I knew the sidewalk was a bad idea! But yes, I am feeling better thanks
Sorry your hip pain flared up! I try to avoid concrete as much as possible – definitely not a very forgiving surface.
It’s great that you are enjoying those bootcamps! Can’t wait to try them out.
Thanks for the link-up!
I knew the sidewalk was a bad idea! Yes you are going to love all things Peloton
I do all my running on sidewalks or the road (and a little bit on the treadmill). I’ve also been loving this weather! Hopefully after the rain today/tomorrow we are back to sunny weather again.
I hope so too!
Our fall weather has been great…I’ve been hiking a lot.
Sorry about the hip. Hope the pain stays away.
I HATE running on concrete. I try to avoid it. Tough on the body.
It is tough on the body and a dumb idea on my part. Won’t do that again!
Luckily sidewalks don’t bother me BUT they’re a disaster for my husband. One concrete run and his PF will come roaring back. Trails or treadmill and he’s good. Emily Toia is an ultra runner who does all of her training on the treadmill b/c she gets injured on the roads. The bottom line is that if it’s hurting you, it doesn’t need to be in your fitness life.
I agree I knew that my body did not appreciate the sidewalks. I won’t make that mistake again!
All of my runs are on the sidewalk and the street. I can go to the trail but am too lazy to drive. I like the convenience of just getting out the front door to start my run.
I am also loving the Fall weather too.
I won’t be making the sidewalk mistake again!
So sorry you are now having hop hip issues. I run on the street and the sidewalk most of the time and my main issue with sidewalks as that I trip and fall because they are uneven. It happens all the time!
ugh sidewalks are not my friend either! I am feeling a lot better today and plan a run tomorrow
I totally notice a difference between sidewalks and asphalt! I much prefer to run on roads if I can…concrete is so much rougher on your body. Sometimes I don’t have a choice because we run on busy roads so I’d rather play it safe than risk someone not seeing me and hitting me with their car. But if I have the option I will always pick the road.
I love the leaves and colors you get! That’s one thing I wish we got here. One of these days I’m gonna take a fall trip to a place where the leaves change and just soak it all in.
Yes sidewalks will not be happening again anytime soon! The changing leaves are the best part of fall I love them
Such a beautiful fall you are having!
For some reason, I prefer our sidewalks to our streets. Isn’t that funny? I think they are more level, which helps my hips feel better.
They can be more level but they are just so hard! Trails are too soft.Now I sound like Goldilocks! I loved our paved trails the best and that’s where I need to stay
I love autumn running too. Where I live the trails (which are light) get a bit more wetter and challenging and XC long runs through fields require a bit more effort too.
Yes they can get kind of muddy for sure