Most of my runs take place with my MRTT crew on the beautiful trails surrounding our neighborhood. For the most part, we can cross through the intersections with a brief pause to check for traffic. There are, however, 2 busy intersections we frequent where we are required to wait. So what’s a runner to do at the stoplight? Stop and stretch? Keep moving?
Runners thoughts From a Stoplight
Noticing all of the different movements my running friends were doing at the stoplight got me thinking about what others runners do at stoplights. Here are a couple of activities I’ve witnessed lately. Do any of these look familiar to you?
Upper body stretching and calf stretching seem to be the most popular moves I’ve seen.
Butt Kicks
A few runners enjoy alternating but kicks to keep the legs moving.
Running in place
Need to keep your heart rate up? Running in place seems to be a popular move.
Water and Fuel Breaks
Perfect time for a little hydration and refuel?
Me? I am hoping that the auto-pause on my Garmin has kicked in and I am happy to just stand still for a short break. Tell me what do you do at stop lights? Do you like to just enjoy the short rest or do you prefer to keep moving? We runners really are a unique bunch aren’t we?
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I always pause my watch and just enjoy the breather while at a stoplight. Sometimes I’ll stretch my calves though.
I am always happy to pause my watch for a few seconds too!
If I have to stop at a light (which is often) I will either jog in place of stop and march in place. I try to make sure that I keep moving no matter what, but I do pause my Garmin, lol
Always pause the Garmin! 🙂
I kind of think it’s funny when runners run in place at stoplights, though I guess if they’re doing a tempo workout or something it’s a good way to keep the heart rate up. I just tend to stop and wait, though there may be some stretching going on. I remember an old joke that was something like, Joggers bounce up and down at traffic lights while runners just stand and look pissed.
ha ha I am always very appreciative of a little breather time myself!
I’m a jog in placer. I know it looks silly and think so when I see others do it but I hate to stop moving.
As long as you know it looks silly 🙂
Thankfully, I don’t have to stop too much on any of my route but when I do I usually use it to stretch my upper body for a sec or refuel!
the upper body stretch is good!
Loved this post, Deborah! You got me thinking. I often pray (Oh, PLEASE be a red light!) for a red light just to have a good excuse to take a break. My usual routine at a stoplight is to stand there panting. I DEFINITELY do not jog in place.
I am usually panting and hoping for a red light as well!
Haha! I love this! Yep, I’m like you, so relieved for the break in the motion. It’s kind of a gift…
Oh it sure is! I have one friend who is always like yeah we can make it across let’s just sprint. lol
I usually use the stoplight as an opportunity to take a break lol! But sometimes I’ll keep moving side-to-side if I’m feeling restless!
It is funny how many different things you can do at a stoplight
Fun question! I’ve started doing leg swings – an easier version of butt kicks?
yes if that works for you!
The lazy runner. Just stop and rest. Lol.
That is me too!
This make me glad I live in the country. My regular running route means I only have to cross a main road once and can normally get across without needing to wait.
Well I guess that has it’s positives and negatives
I usually pace back and forth and (probably) look rather annoyed LOL I don’t do the run-in-place act, though…I know my heart rate will not plummet that much in the short time I’m waiting.
I am sure you just look like you are anxious to get back at it!
I love all these tips! I am more of a running in place kinda girl to keep my momentum going
That works too!
I think I just pause my watch and anxiously wait for the light to change! To be honest, I’m not sure what I do. I’ll have to pay attention next time.
Yes let me know!
Now that I’m in a less busy area, I use lights as an excuse for a quick break, but when I lived in NYC, there were so many stoplights I couldn’t take a break at every one. I usually used the lights to guide the direction of my run. Can’t go straight here? I’ll go left!
Yes I can see living in NY you would really need a good strategy for the stoplights!
Definitely stopping my watch and catching a quick breather… that or turning the corner so I don’t have to stop!
Ha that works too!
Running in place is always a good idea in my mind. It’s a great way to warm up those joints!!
I encounter very few traffic lights on my running routes. We have a few stop signs but since we run so early, we don’t usually have to stop to wait for cars, either. When I’m in a city where there are lights, I think I just stop and wait for them to pass.
That’s good that you don’t have to stop at many lights
I’m with you, I’m happy to stand there and have a little break!!
It sure is nice to have a little break!
I’m with you! I just take the time for a short stretch break and hope my Garmin auto-paused!!
Yes exactly!
I used to be a running in place girl, but now I enjoy a little break!
I am right there with you!
I stop my watch and take a break. Normally this happens when I am doing an easy run so that is “OK”. 🙂
Definitely oK!
Ooh didn’t realize Garmin had an autopause. I’m used to manually pausing and either water/calf or both. There was question somewhere – thinking Wendy’s but can’t remember for sure – about when to stop your watch in training and my theory was only in conditions that don’t exist in race. So photos, water – let it run, I’ll do same during race. But street crossing? Nope, that’s a puse as hopefully no intersections on race day
That makes sense to pause on situations that do not occur on race day. Never thought of it that way
I always run on the spot! 🙂 Thankfully, it’s usually not long enough to stop my Garmin but if had to wait any longer I would – I’m always about that stats!
ha yes don’t want to stand still too long!
Newish reader, and I enjoy your blog! OK I’m a “running back and forth on the sidewalk” type which I realize looks stupid, HOWEVER, I will argue that this is, in fact, the lazy option – rather than stopping & waiting. Why? Because it’s harder to stop and start up running again then to just keep running back and forth. A different perspective. 🙂
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I do like to hear different perspectives so thanks for sharing yours. Hope you have a great weekend
I’m with you, I just stand there thankful for the short little rest!
The short rest is always appreciated!