Yup, you read that right! A one-mile treadmill run sure can improve your running without the wear and tear of the road. The reasons why might surprise you. Here are 5 ways to use your treadmill you may never have thought of. Excerpts from this post first appeared on Women’s Running.
How to use a one mile treadmill run to improve your running
The often disliked treadmill can be a very useful tool for runners to improve their form and endurance. Check out these 5 ways to add a short treadmill run to your running routine and reap the rewards.
A one mile treadmill run the day after your long run is a great way to wake up your legs while ensuring that you don’t hinder your recovery. Remember this is an easy, slower paced run that will leave you feeling invigorated.
Improve your form
Set up your phone to record yourself running to help identify where you might need to tweak your form. If you have never watched yourself run, it can be very eye opening.
Change up your pace
Use your one mile treadmill run as an opportunity to test out some faster speeds in short bursts or practice a faster finish. Treadmill runs are also a great place to force yourself to do a slower run.
Ups and downs
Hilly race coming up? Practice varying your terrain to mimic that of part of your racecourse. Hills are speedwork in disguise after all.
Warm it up
Doing a one-mile warm-up mile before your strength training or cross-training gets your heart rate up and calorie burn in high gear.
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Geat tips! I use my treadmill most in the winter months when running outside just isn’t possible (young kids, horrible weather). It’s been my sanity saver for sure! I’ve done a few 1-2km runs, then some strength training and then a cool down with walking. I’ve also done my tempo runs on it and love doing those – I realize this is rare 🙂
Yes I guess it is but hey if it works for you why not!?
For me, it’s just about having something available when the weather is bad. I’m more likely to use my stationary bike as warmup before strength training on non running days because it’s a way to sneak in cross training.
It definitely is!
I love changing up my pace and running on the treadmill is a great way to do just that. Changing up the pace certainly helps you to become a better overall runner, and I find it much easier to run faster on the treadmill as opposed to outside.
I can also run faster on the treadmill than I can outside. I think the temperature and terrain really impacts my pace.
I used my treadmill so much when my kids were little. It was a lifesaver! Now it comes in handy when the weather is bad. I do like your idea of running a mile before strength training.
I would much rather be outside any day for a longer run. I have been enjoying the 1 mile warm up and I do think it helps me
I personally do not use a treadmill, I am just so uncomfortable on them! I’ve been on a break from running and will be starting up again soon. With the colder weather coming I will probably have to break down and do some treadmill runs.
For longer runs, I am always outside whenever I can be. I am finding benefit in doing shorter TM runs. Hope you are back to running again soon
These are great tips! I never thought about how much one mile on the treadmill could improve your running – but it makes sense. Hope you have a great day!
Thanks so much! Yes just a one mile run can have lots of benefits
These are awesome tips! I think the farthest I’ve run on a treadmill is like .1 miles. I always feel like I’m going to trip and face plant.
I used to feel like that as well. You just need to start at a slow speed until you get used to the feeling.
LOVE this! There’s nothing better than knowing you only have one mile planned for your workout 😉 these are great points, too. I often find that my form needs a little revamp!
Thanks! I agree about always needing to check my form. I can easily fall back into old habits
These are all great tips. I often fall into the trap of if I don’t have enough time for 2-3 miles, it’s not worth it. But you are right. Even the shortest of runs can have a positive impact on your fitness.
I definitely agree!
I used to use the treadmill warmup or cool down at the gym so much more than now and my pace used to be a whole lot faster 🙂
Sounds like it’s time to try it again!
I do a lot of 1-2 mile runs (and I know a lot of people think I’m crazy LOL), but it’s a great mini-distance to get the heart pumping. Whenever I do my winter running streaks, the bulk of those runs are simple, slow-paced 1-milers…they get me outside (most days) and are a great thing to add to my non-running stuff without adding too much “extra.” Glad to see another 1-miler sister 😉 (now, about doing them on the treadmill…you might alone in that regard LOL)
yes I definitely agree that they are useful as part of an overall fitness plan. The only reason I do them on the treadmill is bc I go right into my strength training workout and it’s more convenient for me. If people are taking a class at the gym it might be easy to add in a 1 miler right before.
I never seem to just run 1 mile on the treadmill. But I guess it would be worth it if I used it as speed training.
It certainly could be!
Interesting! We were just talking about getting a treadmill because my oldest was asking for one to help with endurance and training.
It might be something you could all use
Fascinating post! Seems like it can be very beneficial!
Thanks and I think it can be
I especially like my treadmill for short runs and for incline running. I really dread the hills when I am outside. They are somehow more tolerable on old Milly!
Funny how that can happen!
I’ve started doing one-mile treadmill runs before leg workouts. It helps warm me up (and also helps me get in more steps for the day!). I also love using the treadmill for speed work. I can push myself more than I sometimes can outside.
Yes I totally agree!
I was thinking I might start adding a short run to my strength training days. I think it would be much easier if I had a treadmill. It seems to take longer to head outside especially if its just for one mile!
Yes that’s why I started using the treadmill for the one mile run.It’s just easier to do it right there in the gym
I like the idea of it just being “one” mile! It really adds up over the training season doesn’t it?!
It sure does!
I used to only run on the treadmill. Now I only run outside! I save the treadmill for days when there’s ice or it’s too dark to run alone outdoors.
I do all my regular runs outside. I use the treadmill only for this one mile run right before my strength training days it’s just more efficient
Interesting. I know the 1.5 – 2 miles I do at OTF has made a huge difference in my running. I probably would need the easy shake-out run more than anything.
the easy shake out run is great for me to do right before my strength training
i stay away from treadmill as much as possible but if i decide to get back to running, i will have to remember all these benefits.
I certainly prefer to be outside for my runs but I use my treadmill right before my strength training sessions in these ways.
this is awesome! I’m not a runner at all, so a mile sounds doable to me 🙂 and is beneficial, so that’s good!
Thanks! I believe it really can be
I don’t own a treadmill, and I pretty much hate it, but I can see its uses. When I’m forced to, I usually do an interval or cadence run, since the time seems to go faster. 🙂
I do all of my regular runs outside all year around. I only use the treadmill if I have to but the past few months I’ve found it to be very beneficial when used this way.
I have always hate the treadmill – until now. The anti-gravity treadmill is really helping with my recovery from ACL surgery. It would take me at least twice as long if I didn’t have it to help me ease into running. It’s like training wheels!
I used the Alter G after my stress fracture a few years ago and yes it was amazing.You’re right it is like training wheels
I never thought to do a mile run during rest days. It totally makes sense though! I think I would die if I saw how I actually look while running ha. I’d rather be blissfully ignorant and think I look great.
I am always surprised by my race photos!! I find the one mile run is hugely helpful on my rest days. Hope you try it
Great tips, I’m going to keep them in mind to try and make my treadmill time more enjoyable.
Thanks hope they help!
Great post! I run on the treadmill a lot but never thought of just doing a mile for these reasons
it’s a great way to mix it up
Earlier this year I started doing a 1/2 mile uphill on the treadmill (set on the steepest incline, so really more of a power walk than run) before strength workouts. Since my outdoor hill options will be becoming more limited soon, I need to get back to doing that!
That’s a great idea and I bet quite challenging
It’s nice to hop on a treadmill once in a while and mix things up. I enjoy doing hill or speed workouts on the treadmill most of all.
Yes it’s a nice change of “pace”
What a great idea!
One mile? I could totally do that…
Definitely!! It’s a nice way to get the legs moving on a day that you are not running long
Oh man, the treadmill…I can’t even! Haha!
It’s only 1 mile!
When I do strength training at the gym, I like to run a one mile warm-up. I also use it as a way to test my stride rate 😉
Yes exactly! It can be useful can’t it?
This is a great idea! I do the treadmill for a large majority of my training anyway, because the Y has childcare while I workout. That’s pretty much the only way I get my runs in during the week!
I usually avoid it whenever possible except for right before my strength training. I am really seeing a benefit to adding it in
Now that I am back into half marathon training mode I will definitely be using the treadmill to help improve my running!
It really can help!
Nice tips! I love running on a trademill. Love this post. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much hope you find it useful
I definitely have a love/hate relationship with my treadmill but one mile is easy most days and can definitely help. Also, it’s just enough on the days when I can’t fit anything else in to give me the happy feeling that I get from running.
yes exactly! Hope it works for you too
I’m so not a fan of treadmill running, but you’ve given me something to think about!
Great check it out you might be surprised!
Great tips and I am sure that the treadmill can be a good solution to improve our running but ….. I see it as a “dreadmill”. Here the weather is never brutal so I prefer rain and wind at it.
I remember again when, during the training for the marathon, I had to run 21 km on the “dreadmill” because a terrible storm: what a bad experience!
Oh believe me I hate the treadmill and mine has dust all over it from lack of use. I do all of my real runs outside. I used to use this technique as a warm up before strength training and it really made a difference at the time
I love this! I’m actually in the minority here but I don’t mind treadmill runs. I’ve also been experimenting more with incline and speed during my OTF classes which has been super helpful too!
It sounds like you have figured out a great combo that works for you. I need to take some of my own advice!
I’m not a treadmill fan and I don’t own one but I can see the benefits of a short run on it from time to time.
I hate the mill as well but when I used to do these short warm ups it worked for me.
Maybe this is what I need to do to get my running training back in the right direction.
That’s why I reposted it. I used to do this all the time and it worked for me. I am trying to figure out how to get by running legs back too.
I should show this to my husband – who just had elbow surgery (so has been taking it easy from exercise) but is now ready to get back into cardio at least. I want him to realize that ANYTHING is better than nothing!
anything is always better than nothing. Hope he feels better soon
My #nevermissamonday runs started out as 1-mile runs (usually outside, though). I got a lot of flack from people, but a simple mile (run conservatively, as you mentioned) is a really good recovery strategy following a long race or tough workout. I usually do a winter run streak, as well, which is during my offense-season. Most of those runs are outside, but they’re great for experimenting with pace, etc. since they’re so short. I should experiment with 1-milers on the mill….great way to build that mental toughness!
They definitely help me with mental toughness because I really don’t like them at all! I do think they help me when I do them religiously.
I stay far away from the treadmill lol. We have a few in our neighborhood gym, but I just don’t love using it (it makes my hips ache) and I find it boring. That being said, you’re probably right that just a mile could make so much difference, and I should maybe suck it up and do some speed work.
I also hate the mill and only do my “real” runs outside. I use it to warm up on before strength training and I think it helps
This is great, especially because winter is coming up! Will pass along to my runner friends. Thanks for the post love
Thanks appreciate it!
There seems to be a battle between running before weights or weights before running. I’m firmly in the camp of cardio before weights to warm up the body before lifting. It’s so beneficial.
I enjoy the treadmill in the winter. It’s easy, I can wear shorts and a tank, and I can watch tv. Although I’ve never just run one mile… 🙂
I hate the mill for regular runs but I do like it as a warm up before my strength training.
what a great & doable idea! thanks for sharing
Well thanks so much!
Great tips. Slow and steady wins the race so nice to take little breaks while also still moving a bit!
Yes for sure
So true! I love the reminder to focus on form in those recovery runs, sometimes I just forget.
I forget too!
Great tips here! I’ve always enjoyed the treadmill, I don’t dread it like some do. haha.
I am not really a fan of the mill for real runs but I like to use it for warm ups
All good tips! I often use the treadmill as a warm-up for strength work.
I used to do it all the time. Have no idea why I stopped but I am back on it
I’ve never thought of doing this before! What a great idea to test out speed.
As much as I hate the treadmill, it’s a great tool
I rarely run on the treadmill but this looks like a “fun” workout to do. One mile is definitely manageable and I love mixing up the pace/speeds on the treadmill so it doesn’t get too boring. 🙂 I’ve had to do that for my longer runs.
Yes I agree that a one mile run can be a great warm up. I pretty much avoid the mill for regular runs
Do women do all the fitness stuff? I am not seeing any men commenting here. Anyway, I am a treadmill runner and do it every day no matter how busy I am. Although treadmill running is not as fun as outside running, it helps me to keep fit.
Ha I think I just have a lot of women reading my blog. But welcome! I am glad to see that the treadmill running is a consistent part of your routine. Happy running and thanks for stopping by today
Great idea about filming our form on the TM! It can be an eye-opener for sure.
Thanks for the tips, Deborah.
Hope you’re enjoying your California experience!
Whenever I see myself running, I am always amazed by how I actually look!
A 1 mile treadmill run really can be beneficial! I like doing a short treadmill run after I lift, although recently I’ve been trying to get outside when I can. I’ve recorded my form on the treadmill before and it really can be eye opening.
Oh it sure is eye opening!
These are all great reasons to embrace 1 mile on the treadmill. It’s probably good for those who totally hate the treadmill, too. You can do anything for a mile, right?
exactly! I really do not enjoy running on a treadmill but these drills are great to do
I don’t own a treadmill. Once my gym opens I may use one if I have too.
I don’t enjoy it but I’m sure I can manage one mile. These are great tips. Thanks.
I don’t enjoy it either but it can be a useful tool
Well, my dear Milly is still in hibernation …she kind of died in early March (my sister was walking on it LOL), and hasn’t seen any action since. Obviously, I have not been on task in finding a replacement. I think 1-mile runs are a great training strategy, and (unfortunately) don’t get much kudos. They’re a great warm-up (for other workouts ), and an easy cool-down option as well. They’re also an excellent quick speed workout “fix” and don’t take much of a time commitment.
I agree! I used to do the 1 mile warm up all the time and found it really useful
This is really interesting. It’s nice that the treadmill can be used in this way! That’s a great idea about filming your form!
I am always amazed when I see myself running!
I honestly really enjoy treadmill running. I know others hate it, but it can be so relaxing!
I am glad you do! I really don’t enjoy it for long runs but I can manage a 1 miler
Oh yes- I like the idea to use the treadmill as an opportunity to take a video of yourself. When I started taking videos of my running form it was an eye-opening experience. You’re never actually doing what you think you’re doing!
Oh it is eye opening indeed!
I was filmed on the treadmill one day for PT and that was fascinating. I knew my hips weren’t level, but didn’t really know what that meant until I saw it.
I know! It’s crazy to watch yourself running
My husband played a lot of tennis in his High School Days and the coach would record them and play it back to them. He says it was the greatest contributor to him changing/improving his form. So I can imagine for running that would be very similar.
it can be very eye opening!
I never thought about filming my running and analyzing my gait. great idea! When I’m forced to run on the treadmill I usually do some kind of speed work. It seems to make the time go by faster.
Watching myself run is always very illuminating!
I recently did a gait analysis on the treadmill and it was so helpful! I do use mine or the bike to warm up for strength as well.
Yes it is really helpful and scary sometimes to watch yourself run
very intresting. thank