Coming at you with a quick Fast Friday post today. Thought it would be fun to share a few interesting links in food and fitness from around the web.
Food and Fitness from around the web
Spring is on the way (or so I hear)
Perfect timing for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler this year. The Cherry Blossom peak bloom announcement was just made here
Ditch the diet:
Something I’ve been on board with for years now-Intuitive eating instead of dieting is getting more serious attention.
St. Patrick’s Day Dessert
Well this Matcha Cheesecake from Nom Nom Paleo looks like a fun St. Patrick’s Day dessert
How clean is your re-usable water bottle?
I am kind of a germaphobe myself and have often wondered about the germs hiding in your water bottle. Here is some advice on how often to clean yours and how.
Ideal temps for your fridge and freezer
Ever feel like your fruits and veggies go bad quicker than they should? Is your refrigerator set at the correct temp to preserve your food?

Post race “wellness beer” is becoming quite the trend among the athletic set. Is this the end of Gatorade at races? Loving the new “Healthyish” newsletter from Bon Appetit.
A feel good story about sponsors and non elite runners
These runners’ stories just make you smile and perhaps change the way you think about sponsored athletes.
Tell me-Have you read anything interesting in food and fitness this week? Hope to see you all for the Weekly Run Down Sunday afternoon.
linking up with Fairytales and fitness
I’m psycho about keeping our water bottles clean and have all the “tools”. Haha! Can’t imagine anything worse than finding mold or algae in there. Glad intuitive eating is growing in popularity.
I know the thought of the bacteria really freaks me out!
Cheers for the beers! I was way ahead of the trend, just sayin’…lol
I just threw out a beautiful aluminum water bottle because ewwww….it was disgusting in there. I washed it out regularly but it still got all moldy. Thanks for the info!
You were ahead of your time with the beer pairing! The water bottles really gross me out as well. It’s very challenging to keep them clean
As a big Game of Thrones fan, I love the peak blossom announcement.
I haven’t heard of wellness beer so I can’t wait to read that article. Have a great Friday!
The peak blossoms announcement is a huge deal in the DC area!
Intuitive eating has been around a really long time. I wish it worked for me. Not to mention it keeps getting harder as you get older! I know I ate a lot more when I first started to run than I seem to be able to now!
I’ll have to try to remember to check out the runners stories later — sounds interesting!
Yes IE is not always easy but I’ve learned that diets are not for me. Everything is harder as you age isn’t it!?
I get so creeped out about my water bottle! I’m kind of afraid to read more about it. 🙂 And that cheesecake looks amazing, St. Patrick’s day or not! And it’s vegan!!!!
I actually thought of you when I saw the cheesecake!
I have the hardest time cleaning my water bottle, it grosses me out and I just end up buying a new one. this is getting expensive! I think you should do one of your mega helpful posts on how to clean a water bottle well, especially when it has a tapered skinny neck so you can’t reach your hand down in there to scrub.
They kind of gross me out as well! Hmm I will have to think about that one!
These were all great links – thanks! That St. Patrick’s Day Dessert looks so good. I would never think to put matcha and cheesecake together!
I purchase cleaning tabs from Amazon for my reusable water bottles.
Nor would I but it sure looks pretty
That matcha cheesecake looks beautiful! And I hadn’t seen that healthyish newsletter, I’ll have to check that out.
They have some great links and recipes in there for everyday chefs
Matcha cheesecake?!! Interesting!!
Also, I love the article on cleaning your reusable water bottles!
Have a great weekend, Deborah!!
I thought the cheesecake was so pretty!
Interesting articles. I have a water container (not a bottle) that doesn’t go in the dishwasher and I am always paranoid if I’m getting it clean enough by hand!
I always wonder too! 🙂
It’s disgusting how gross a simple water bottle can get. Really…it’s water…and all kinds of back wash LOL I had an “older” water bottle I’d kept because of the handle, and kept it on my kitchen counter for watering my plants. I almost lost my lunch (in the worst way possible) when I discovered mold growing inside. EEEWWWWWW.
I know I can’t use them unless they can go into the dishwasher. I am a hazard to the environment with my plastics-don’t tell anyone
I know I need to clean my every day water bottle more often. I use a Q-tip soaked in bleach to clean the valve area, but still ….
I can’t do it they really gross me out! I figure I do my part to help the environment by being a vegetarian and recycling when I can.
What a fun roundup
Although I know the environmental aspect, reusable water bottles gross me out
I wish I could get on board with them but they gross me out too.