Happy almost Valentine’s Day my running friends. This is an update on one of my favorite posts. It is the perfect time to take a fun look at the complicated and sometimes turbulent relationship some of us can have with running. 7 Reasons Running is a lot like the best boyfriend- A Valentine’s Day Love Story.
How Running is a lot like the best boyfriend
Let’s take a fun look at the turbulent, sometimes frustrating, and always emotional relationship with running. 7 reasons running is a lot like the best boyfriend.
Running is new and exciting
Just like a new boyfriend, running can be new and exciting. Running can take you to new places to see new things. This love can take you out on your first snowy run of the year or that surprise cool summer morning excursion. Running can take you into the woods or to an exciting destination far away,

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Running knows how to flirt with you
Just like the best boyfriend, running knows how to tempt you just enough to always leave you wanting more. Running dangles all kinds of exciting races and medals in front of you. Once you are hooked on running’s sly tricks, it’s hard to get enough of him. He leaves you yearning for more and dreaming of your time together.
Running doesn’t care if you cheat on him
Running knows that exclusive relationships might not be your thing. This boyfriend is ok with you taking a cycle or strength training class because he knows those things make you happy and stronger so you can spend more time with him. He is a little arrogant and is pretty confident you will always come back to him and you always will. You see, Running is a little bit of an egomaniac. He knows he has you hooked and it’s only a matter of time before you come “running” back to his open (arms) running shoes.
Running always leaves you wanting more
Oh, he knows exactly what he is doing! He whispers things like, “if you can run 6 miles then you can do a half marathon…” Trust me he says…and you do. He has that way about him.

Running always understands
Like the best boyfriend, running knows that you need to stay in on a Saturday night and get to sleep early. He understands that you have a long run Sunday. Running knows and appreciates how much you give up for him.
Running makes you feel sexy
After just a few minutes together, he knows how to get you feeling hot and sweaty. His charm is pretty irresistible. He has a way of making you feel strong, sexy, and invincible and knows you will be back for more.
Relationship status: It’s complicated
Just like any long-term relationship, running has its ups and downs and requires lots of time and attention to make it work. Right when you think you have him all figured out, he can throw you a curveball.
What’s your relationship status with running? Is Running like your best boyfriend?
Ha! Having a relationship with running definitely is complicated. I definitely agree with the part about always leaving you wanting more! It seems like no one is every satisfied with their running accomplishments and want to run faster, further, etc.
Nope never satisfied at all!
Due to an extremely hot run yesterday, running is kind of the worst boyfriend right now lol. It’s hard to feel good during those really hot days!
Oh I am right there with you!
Running and me, we’re at a tough patch right now. He’s not being very nice to me…
This post made me laugh out loud!
Clearly we are dating the same person!!
And it’s still going on! We almost broke up last year but he’s making me try new things…
He has a way of doing that doesn’t he? He is very determined
Still going strong!
Just the way we like it!
LOL I laughed while reading this because it’s so true! Running and I definitely have our battles throughout the year, and we always end up breaking up at least once, but always get back together haha
Yes running has a way of winning us back over and over again!
LOL! Some of these I’ve thought so many times. Especially the “if you can run ___ miles you can run __.” I have always said you can almost always double the number of miles if you change your pace a little. So funny.
It is funny how that happens!
Lol i wrote a post that running is a bad boy… and it is so true!
Ha he sure can be!!
OMG this is hilariously true, especially the whole “if you can run 6 miles, you can totally run a half.” What a jerk!
I found it happening this morning. I was out and had some time, and was all “you’ve run six. Do seven. Heck, what’s two more. Do nine.” I stopped at seven, because I didn’t have any fluids out there and it’s the hottest day of the summer. Sometimes, you have to say no.
Sometimes you do have to say no!
This is perfect! Yes, running is just like a relationship. Usually a good one, but…
A relationship that takes a lot of work!
This made for a good chuckle this morning! It’s all very true though. Running and I are actually at a good place right now ….I need a little space and he’s okay with that because he knows I’ll be back. Lol
I am glad to hear that you are in a good place with running right now. He is a fickle one!
This is so funny, I was thinking yesterday about how running is a relationship. For better or worse running is always there for me!
Yes for better or for worse indeed 🙂
My relationship with running right now is amazing but it’s been quite complicated in the past 😛
There is definitely and ebb and flow
haha it’s so true! stay safe in the humid heat!
It has been slow going out there lately for sure
I’m laughing at so much of this as I read it. There is so much truth to this entire post. The most important thing to remember is that running is a roller coaster for most everybody.
It definitely is!
Interesting post, Deborah! Would you believe I married my first boyfriend? Truth.
Running does have a way of getting underneath our skins and into our hearts, just like the best of boyfriends (or husbands!).
That is super sweet actually! 🙂
What a cute observation on the complicated “piece of work” running is LOL Currently, running and I are on great terms. Last year’s 3-month sabbatical did wonders for our relationship 😉
Yes absence does make the heart grow fonder for sure
haha i love this comparison! So true. My running relationship is definitely complicated lol
Right there with you!
Ha such a perfect analogy! Love the connection! 🙂
thanks! I thought it was a fun one
This is too true! I’m definately in a “It’s Complicated” relationship with running. It’s been good to me for the most part.
I have certainly had my ups and downs this summer
Ha, too funny. I quit running due to injuries a while back and my dating life hasn’t been great so maybe there’s a connection?!
ha ha who knows!
hahaha, I love all these comparisons! 😛 It’s definitely complicated with me and running!
It sure is!
Great post! Perfect analogy for the ups and downs of running!
OMG, this is brilliant! and hilarious! and so very true! LOL
Thanks Jennifer!
Love this!!
You hate him where he’s around and miss him when he’s gone.
Inspite of all the problems he causes in your life, you love him and hope this relationship lasts forever.
Yes exactly!
Cute post! At this point, running and I have moved way past the dating point and have been married for many years. We’re kind of like an old grumpy couple. LOL
OH I hear you on that one 🙂
Awh, I remember this post <3 Yes, he can be a piece of work, but he's also very much that knight in shining armour.
He is a finicky one!
Aw! This is adorable.
Right now, Running and I are on a break. I know he’s waiting for me, so that makes me feel better.
He is definitely waiting for you just playing hard to get. You will win him back
Oh, yes! Running sure does know how to flirt. I am often seduced by all the races I want to sign up for, the bling, the shirts, the travel to new destinations.
He is really good at that!
Great analogies. This is so cute and clever! -M
Thanks so much!
A great post, Deborah! Love that first picture of you running in the snow with the hoodie.
You’re right about the time and attention. I’m sure I devote 10 hours or more to him and his running-related friends every week!
Yes running does require lots of attention and time to make it work but it’s so worth it
I’ve been in a relationship with running for about 20 years, even though it’s been complicated and not always easy! Running really does leave you wanting more!
He sure does have a way of doing that!
LOL about running getting you hot & sweaty! So true! Right now running and I are coming back together after a little breakup. 🙂 We’re taking it easy. And we’re not exclusive. 😉
And that’s okay running loves that too and will always be there for you
Whew! Is it hot in here? Just me? LOL The “dude” just tested my loyalty on the treadmill this morning. Lucky for him, I’m pretty committed 😉
OH he knows that 🙂
Yep, running will break your heart over and over again, but always be there for you in the end. Great post for Valentine’s Day!
Yes it will 🙂
Relationships status : It’s Complicated. I am dying laughing. This is all so hilarious and so true.
Thanks I had fun with it
Ahahah omg I’ve never thought of running like this! Such an interesting prespective
Thanks it was fun to write
hahah. these comparisons are SPOT on, lol. I have a hard time getting into running but can jump rope all day! This is a great way to change the mindset.
Thanks! 🙂
Yes! To all of this, especially the complicated status. Gosh, I love running so much, but some days. Ugh! Give me my space!
Yes I hear you!
Ha, ha I like your take on running. I’m not that much of a runner. I used to run when I lived downtown but not a lot. I’ve never ran a marathon. I don’t think it’s for me but I like your whole take on this.
I had fun writing it!
Love this!! Running as a boyfriend…yes he is very understanding and I chuckled when you said he lets you cheat! I am definitely hooked!
He does that to you 🙂
I don’t run unless something is chasing me but this is so cute!
ha thanks it was fun to write
This post is spot on! I was laughing at so many of your comparisons! Hilarious..yet so true!!
Thanks Leslie!
This is so true! I’ve been nursing a bad back for a few weeks now and I can’t wait to get back to my favorite boyfriend!
He will be there for you when you are feeling better
Running also feels like a good husband: there through all the changes and seasons of life!
Yes very true!
I love this! So funny and true.
Thanks I had fun with it
This is a brilliant post, Deborah! Yes, he knows we will always be back for more.
So demanding and time-consuming but also so loyal and patient. What a mixed bag!
Exactly! But he sure is addictive
I always enjoy this post. So true that running can be very complicated but always leaves you wanting more!
He sure does!
All so true and like a relationship there are ups and downs. You may want to break up and then you you give it another try.
In the end I will always love running and glad I gave it a chance.
Exactly! He sure is the total package
HA ha ha…I just saw my previous comment about the dude testing me on the treadmill…and that just happened ((again)) this morning. Weathering the storm, literally and metaphorically!
That is how to do it!
I remember this post — so clever, Deborah.
I would say at the moment my relationship is somewhat like my marriage. We don’t need to be clingy, yet we know what to expect from each other (mostly).
Yes, there is a long term trust that is built up
Such a fun comparison. And so true. All of it!
Agreed! Fun to look at running this way
Ha ha, yes- it’s complicated. Running and I have been bickering a lot lately, but I really feel like we need a commitment. I’m doing my part!!!
Yes you are!
LOL it’s complicated!
You are so right about all of these.
it is complicated!
This is a great analogy! I have been running for 13 years or so now and have no desire for the relationship to ever end.
This time, running and I have broken up! But we’re trying to get together again… it takes time, but we’re working on it! 🙂
I know you will work it out! 🙂
This is so true! Running always leaves us wanting more, even if we get frustrated with it sometimes.
Absoulutely! And running always has more to give
I love this. It makes me laugh each year you post it.
Running is like my hubby.
Sometimes we do our own thing like solo runs.
Other times we do things together like a group long run.
When times are tough we are always there to support each other.
It would be lonely without a run.
Running is the best boyfriend!
Currently, we’re solid 😉 I’m eager to spend much more time with him as the temps (eventually) get warmer 😉
Yes, a spring romance!
So adorable. Right now, we are in a honeymoon phase. I like it here.
That works! 🙂
Running has been a little unreliable for me over the last few years, but recently I think we’re on better terms. I would say it’s more like a marriage- you have to put a LOT of work into it, but if you can do that consistently it will reward you in the end.
You sure do have to put a lot into it but it is worth it!
Cute post! At this point, running and I have moved way past the dating point and have been married for many years. We’re kind of like an old grumpy couple. LOL
ha yes, it does feel like sometimes!
Ha! So cute and so true. Love this!
thanks always fun to do!
The Valentine Post! I’m going to get sweaty today but it’s going to be ugly, not sexy, haha!
Sweat is always sexy 🙂
So true! Hopefully running will always be there for us, even if we need a break from it sometimes!
If we respect it and take care of ourselves it can be!
Still true after all these years.
We did break up. Not my choice but now that we’re back together I appreciate him even more.
It is a rocky relationship at times but that also makes it exciting
I love this post! Everything you said is spot on!
Thanks Melodie 🙂
This is such a cute post. Yes, running is like the best boyfriend.
it sure is!
Ha, I like this, and you know what’s fun- reading over previous comments. Last year I was complaining that running was a little unreliable for me. This year, running has been great! So yes! The best boyfriend ever!!!
Just like any relationship it sure has it’s ups and downs
Truly one of my favorite posts! <3 <3 Happy Valentine's Day to you and your "boyfriend!"
and happy Valentine’s Day to you and your boyfriend 🙂