Who else is keeping warm with a nice hot mug of coffee this morning? It’s been a cold and windy one this week which is not unexpected because it is January. This month flew by for me. It’s been a busy one and I have lots to Runfess. Thanks to Marcia for hosting.
Cold and Windy January Runfessions
I Runfess…
So it’s almost Valentine’s Day. We don’t usually make a big deal of it around here however, I do like it when the hubs sends flowers or gets me some sort of little gift. Normally, I’d be all over some sort of chocolate or dessert type gift but I’ve been hitting my nutrition goals hard so that’s out. I am thinking of subtly suggesting this leg massager to my hubs. I’ve seen much more expensive brands and this looks like a steal! I plan to get him a new fogless shower shaving mirror. Very romantic don’t you think?
I Runfess…
For the last 6 months I have been pouring my heart and soul into my blog and my Pinterest account. I’ve taken a few courses and spent hours updating old posts and creating new pins. I am so excited to see that my hard work is finally paying off with a nice increase in my Pinterest monthly views numbers. You are following me on Pinterest right?
I Runfess…
I have probably said this 5 times already but cold and windy January seems to agree with me running wise. I have not felt this good in my running shoes in a long time. I know I said I was over the virtual runs but…I may sign up for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler virtual and then hope to do the actual race in person in September. I don’t think we will have any real races here for a while.
Idk–maybe your hubs could do the duty of the leg massager? LOL I know mine would happily buy that device instead! So romantic after 34 years of marriage…
Congrats on the blog success! You’ve been working hard and it pays off!
OH no he is not so willing to do the massages anymore. I guess my charm has worn off 🙂
Nope. Don’t really celebrate Valentines Day. I was in Bermuda last year and maybe Florida this year. And not with the hubby. Sigh.
Congrats on your blog. It looks great. I wish I had more time. But truthfully not a priority.
Ahh Bermuda sounds really great right about now!
I need to up my Pinterest game (and Twitter). It’s such a time suck, though, and my hours are limited due to my work schedule. My Insta page has ballooned in recent months and I’m struggling to stay caught up on that…not sure when/if I could manage two more obligations LOL I’m glad your running has been going so well…very well-deserved!
It is absolutely time-consuming! Thanks I am feeling good about running right now
I’ve done a good job of ignoring Valentine’s Day for many years so I’ll keep that tradition alive this year, lol. I usually treat myself to pizza and wine.
Awesome job on all your hard work on the blog! I’m always bookmarking and sending your recipes to friends 🙂
pizza and wine sound about my speed! Thanks so much I truly appreciate your sharing my recipes 🙂
Nothing says “love” like a shaving mirror! 🙂 I always tell hubs not to get me anything for Valentine’s Day but sometimes he doesn’t listen and buys me flowers. (Which I always appreciate!)
I always appreciate them as well
Yay for feeling so good when you’re running! And congrats on your blog and Pinterest successes. Hard work pays off!
Bill and I rarely exchange Valentine’s gifts. We’re at the point where we don’t need that much and just buy stuff when we need it so it’s hard to buy each other gifts. I guess that’s a good problem, right?
we kind of have the same problem over here but I always appreciate something small like flowers
Those look amazing! Yes, way cheaper than Normatec. Even though it’s my birthday, I don’t think my hubby is going to spring for that though. I’ve been looking for better gloves for him. He’s always struggling with gloves when we walk Bandit. Of course anything that isn’t his idea is never any good, though!
That’s great that your hard work is paying off! And it IS a lot of work. Congrats!
I have a narrow range for running. But Winter running can be really hard up here, with the cold and black ice!
I imagine it is a little tougher to get the runs in where you are with so much snow
I actually bought my husband one of those fogless shower mirrors one time. IDK if he still has it or not, I’ll have to take a peek in his shower!
Yes, I do follow you and I love your Pinterest board. How did you get those pictures one your profile? Is that only for “business” accounts?
Yes his old shower mirror is all gross looking! Time for an update. I do have a business account but I would imagine you could do it check the settings for edit cover photos
I’m so glad you’re in a running groove. I’m not gonna lie, though, I’m not sad I can’t run when it’s in the 20s with a gale warming …. I do follow you on Pinterest, but I rarely use Pinterest. 😉
I am loving this weather despite the wind!
All your hard work on the blog shows and I’m so glad it’s paying off for you!
I don’t think the hubs and I exchange gifts…at least I don’t think so. That leg massage thing looks good! I’ve been eyeing a massage chair for years but who wants that huge thing taking up space?
Yes the massage chair is too much of a commitment! Ha! I cannot wait to get a real massage on the regular again
Awesome on the blog & pinterest work. I will re-set my password and go follow you there. It’s one site I’m not good with so I’m not sure if I do.
Mom & I had the conversation about chocolate for Halloween when she didn’t buy me orange junior mints because a) they looked weird and b) I;ve been so good. There’s something about the chocolate peppermint combination though that’s just magic. Proud of myself for not buying myself holiday junior mints this year since I can’t portion control them
There is something magical about the choco and mint combo! I stopped buying stuff like that too (like Hershey kisses) bc I can’t help myself but if they are not here, I don’t miss them