I was still on my post half marathon high, clutching my medal in one hand and banana in the other. The finish line photo was taken and uploaded to Instagram. I stumbled back to my hotel room to bask in my post-race hot shower. I will never forget that feeling when the water washed over me and I immediately felt a surge of pain. So severe that I let out a scream that caused my husband to come running in to check on me. No, there was no huge spider in my shower. I was screaming from the pain of chafing under my sports bra. Has this ever happened to you?
If you are a runner or avid exerciser, you have most likely experienced some sort of chafing situation at some time. If you have not yet, don’t worry it will happen. Chafe happens to the best of us. How can runners avoid chafing? How can we treat it once we have it?
Chafe Happens
Chafing is the irritation of the skin to the point of soreness and tenderness. It is caused by the friction between our skin and moisture and or a piece of fabric. Sometimes this abrasion can lead to bleeding or infection. It can happen anywhere from underarms to inner thighs, groin area, nipples, and under sports bras.
Why do we chafe when running?
Most commonly chafing while running is due to skin on skin rubbing. This happens frequently on the inner thighs and upper arms. Irritation also occurs from skin repeatedly rubbing against clothing such as hemlines, sports bra straps, hydration packs, or phone sleeves. Chafing can happen to runners of all shapes and sizes and has nothing to do with weight.
Why does it happen more in the summertime?
Wearing less clothing creates more potential areas for skin irritation to occur. We sweat more in the summer heat and that moisture on our skin contributes to more rubbing. Running in the rain or with wet clothes can also lead to potential chafing.
What can you do to reduce chafing?
Wear sweat-wicking clothes that help to keep the moisture off of your body and stay away from cotton. Cutting tags out of your shirts and wearing compression shorts will help to alleviate rubbing. Make sure to wear properly fitting sports bras that will stay in place while you move. Check for any zippers that may rub or irritate you (such as on a half zip) and safety pin them down.
Pre-treat your chafing hot spots
Taking a few pre run actions can help to prevent chafing. Moisture is not your friend. Using a simple product such as baby powder on sports bra straps and inner thighs does a fantastic job of reducing moisture. That is the reason why it is used for diaper rash in infants. Petroleum jelly and products like Aquafor help to create a protective barrier. There are some products that are made specifically for runners and Body Glide for her is very effective. If you are prone to chafing in sensitive groin areas (as many cyclists and runners do), Butt’r is specifically designed to help. I’ve used it for years for cycling and love it. (This post contains affiliate links)
Recently, I found this new Monistat chafing product that goes on like a gel but quickly turns to a powder. I am liking it so far.
How to treat chafing after it happens
Despite our best efforts, chafing still happens sometimes. It is important to clean the area with gentle soap to get any dirt or germs out of the area. Dry the area completely post-shower. One of the best ways to treat it is to use a diaper rash creme. Yup, it’s a similar malady. Petroleum jelly is also a great option and very soothing. The area will most likely scab over and heal quickly. Consult a doctor if there is any sign of infection or significant bleeding.
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Ah, I’m glad you took up this topic, Deborah!
Two weeks ago I was on my road bike in the rain. I was wearing jogging pants instead of proper cyclists’ pants. No idea why I did something as stupid as that.
One pant leg kept riding up so that my inner thigh was constantly rubbing the saddle. Needless to say that it got very bad towards the end of the 2-hour ride.
Lesson learned: wear the right clothes! 😉
OH yes the rain can really cause chafing! The cycling balm I mentioned Butt’r is my favorite
In the summer or rain I have dealt with chafing around my sports bra line and on my inner thighs. I like wearing longer compression type shorts that don’t move as much when I’m doing a long run, and I use body glide. Good to know that you can also use aqaufor to prevent chafing or diaper rash cream after it happens because I always have those in the house!
Yes you do have those handy!
Thankfully, I’ve been pretty lucky in this realm. I had a nasty mark on my left shoulder during MCM last October, though. It had rained (like for most of the first 18 miles) and my hydration vest shoulder strap was rubbing my shoulder (the left strap was where I’d stored my phone, so it “flared out” more than the strap on my other shoulder). Holy! I had to stop in a medical tent to get some gauze taped on it. I’ve used Aquaphor for years, though, as a preventative strategy on my upper thighs, and it’s always worked great!
Yes aquafor is great for so many things!
My inner, upper arms are definitely always at risk. Occasionally around the belly button — this has only begun in the last year. And sometimes “down there” — Winter or Summer!
I do pretreat. I also use the same stuff if I do chafe — pretreating before a shower helps a great deal! Luckily not much happening in that department right now. Knock on wood.
For the down there areas, I use the cycling balm and it really does the trick
Luckily I now know all of my chafe “hot spots” so I always pre-treat those areas with a lot of body glide before heading out for a run, especially if it’s humid!
It definitely helps 🙂
I’ve relegated a couple of my sports bras to short-distance running. They are perfect for short distances but I’ve discovered that when I run longer than a 12K/15K, I come back with chafing on my back!
Yes that is a hard spot to pretreat on your own too
I’m a big fan of Body Glide and wear it on my thighs to prevent chafing. It’s a huge help, though I am curious about trying out Butt’r. I actually do have Aquaphor at home so that sounds like a good alternative in a pinch!
I am a big fan of the Butt’r. I use it for cycling in all of those sensitive areas under my shorts
I don’t chafe often but when I do, it’s in bizarre places. Like right now, I have a rub on the underside of my left arm. Sometimes, it will be on one side of my back below my sports bra line. Super annoying. And painful!
Annoying and painful I agree!
I have to say, I’ve been fortunate not to have this problem, and it’s certainly not because I don’t sweat or have problems with my skin rubbing together!!! I have used Body Glide a few times when I was afraid it would happen, though. My son is a big fan!
Glad to hear that you have escaped this 🙂
I use Body Glide on my inner thighs and do not chafe at all. Due to the high humidity and the extra sweat that comes with it, I’ve been chafing on my back in the sports bra strap. It doesn’t hurt but I can feel the scabs.
Thank you for linking up with us!
Yes it’s hard to reach back there to pretreat the area. It’s important to make sure your straps fit correctly
Good to know the diaper creme works! I actually have plenty of that! lol 🙂
Great tips though- it’s happened to me too.
I bet it is handy at your house
I am not much of a runner, nor have I tried body glide, but it sounds like a great solution!
It can be a big help
This is very helpful! I often chafe around my running bra, so I load up on vaseline in any areas where I might chafe, it’s what I have found to work best for me.
That is a tough spot to pre treat and can be very painful
Luckily I do not chafe. Knock on wood.
But thanks for the tips.
That’s a good thing!
Great post, Deborah, and very timely with the summer heat on its way. When running long, my hot spots were where the backs of my upper arms rubbed my sides. I remember how relieved I was one year to see a marine with a dab of Vaseline on a stick during the Marine Corps Marathon.
I sometimes get it under my arms as well depending on the type of shirt I am wearing.
I’ll never forget when I ran the Houston Marathon in the pouring rain and got the worst chafing under my arms. I was wearing a tank top plus arm sleeves and a jacket- terrible combo for running in the rain but it was much colder than expected and I didn’t pack any other options! I hope to never deal with that again!
I know,sometimes it happens when you least expect it!
I keep a tube of diaper rash cream in my running bag for this very reason but thankfully, knock wood, I’ve never chafed badly enough to need it. I’ve seen others at races chafe SO badly though. That sting in the shower is a shocker!
That shower sting is the worst!
I feel lucky. I am not a big sweater and I have never chafed. knock on wood.
I try to wear breathable and comfortable clothing. I think that helps too.
You are lucky!
In preparation for my ultra, I bought baby powder to pre-treat my chafing spots. It works a treat!
Now I’ll need to get the diaper rash cream as well and then I’m all set.
Thanks for the tips, Deborah!
Baby powder does work really well
I had chafing on my inner thighs once that I too noticed while showering…ouch! Fortunately I don’t chafe much but have cream just in case.
Ohn yeah it hurts so much when you get
Oh, yes, I know that feeling well of getting in the hot shower and “discovering” all the places you’ve chafed!!! I use Body Glide and it works well. I’ve also heard of people using deodorant, and that works too. Diaper rash cream is a great idea- I’ll have to try that!
Yes it really works!
Thankfully I don’t chafe often anymore — but it still can happen randomly — even in winter!
My best tip for dealing with it once it’s already happened is to use anti chafe on it before you shower. It really works!
It can happen randomly it’s so weird sometimes!
I typically don’t have issues with chafing, so when it does happen it’s always a total shock. A few months ago, I had two nasty marks on my inner thighs (just below the hem of my shorts) after an indoor bike workout. I didn’t feel it at the time, but my legs had been rubbing against the edge of my bike seat. UGH…that shower was PAINFUL. It took awhile to heal, and I still have scars from it LOL
Yes I know it can happen when you least expect it! It really hurts
Usually, I do fairly well with this, but I have a chafed strip under my left breast that I just can’t get on top of! It doesn’t hurt, but it’s ugly as sin. Running is a sexy sport lol!
Ouch that is not a fun space to chafe!
Great tips! I’ve been maximizing my coverage to my thighs with Body Glide so that has been a big help! I need to experiment to see if I can find something that lasts on longer runs!
Try the Butt’r product that I mentioned here it was initially designed for cyclists and I think it works really well for running as well
And chafing is so deception because often you’ll finish the run, seemingly “chafe free”, until you hit the shower! One of my sports bras gave me such bad chafing when I ran so I relegated it to a gym/strength workout bra. But last week I was behind on my washing so I was forced to wear it for a run. My nipples!! OMG – I nearly cried in the shower!
Ugh it’s the worst when it happens! Do you try to pretreat with some vaseline or aquaphor?
As mentioned in my Previous comments, I have been quite lucky with this (mostly MIA) issue. That being said, I’m terribly guilty of taking it for granted and don’t prepare for it (and I’ve had a few phantom chaffing incidents as a result). Thanks for all the info & recommendations on products for prevention (the Butt’r, which I should probably find & stash in my bike bag) and treatment.
I used the Butt’r a lot when I cycled and did tri races. I used it before every ride as these girly spots can get irritated pretty easily
I don’t chafe very often so I don’t prepare for it. Dang, it’s painful. Actually, the reason I started wearing skirts to run in was because of the shorties inside.
yes chafing is the worst!
I chafed from a Koala clip the other day and did not realize it until after the run! It stung like crazy in the shower. I use Bodyglide in summer, especially if wearing my hydration vest.
I know it can happen when you least expect it!
One place I never expected was the outside of my thigh earlie this year. Clearly keys or whatever had been in the pocket that day were rubbing. Was a weird place to feel the chafe in the shower as it wasn’t somewhere I thought to look or prep.
We do have it better than men in that we’ll almost never have bloody nipples in finish line pics. It’s the little things
ha ha that is true!
Great post, Deborah, and very timely with the summer heat on its way. When running long, my hot spots were where the backs of my upper arms rubbed my sides. I remember how relieved I was one year to see a marine with a dab of Vaseline on a stick during the Marine Corps Marathon.
sometimes I will get it for no reason at all but often around my bra area. It is a not fun side effect of summer
I have been very lucky lately with hardly any chafing.
The last time I chafed was a few months ago after a long run – right along the bra line. I didn’t notice it until I was in the shower. So painful!
I was glad I still had baby powder.
That tends to be where I get it as well.
I am most likely to chafe under my sports bra if I wear a heart rate monitor, or under my arms if I wear arm sleeves, or my inner thighs in certain shorts. Body glide helps alot. Ive been using Squirrel’s Nut Butter this year and I really like it!
I will have to try that one thanks
I feel lucky. I don’t chafe. I think it’s because I don’t sweat a lot. And I’m careful about what I wear.
Thanks for those tips. I may need them. You never say never.
I definitely sweat a lot! Sometimes it just happens when you least expect it
Thankfully (yes, EVER SO THANKFUL) this has never been a constant for me. That said, I do get caught off guard when it does happen because I seldom prepare for it, LOL
I am always caught off guard when it does happen
I’ve recently discovered Squirrel’s Nut Butter and it is AMAZING! I was having issues chafing around my hydration vest, and SNB solved the whole problem.
good to know I will have to try that one
I love the Athleta sports bras I’ve recently “discovered” but hate that they have giant tags and edges even when removed. If anything is ripe for tagless, it should be bras and underwear!
this is true!
Obviously it has happened to me. Totally random. I usually treat the usual suspects before I run, and most of the time that works. But I’ve chafed even in Winter — and learned that I still need to treat the usual suspects then!
You just never know when it might happen!
Great minds think alike!
I don’t usually chafe, but I have two spots that seem more sensitive than others. One is on my back and the other is on my bra line. Let me tell you how fun that is.
I hear ya!
It’s my thighs that suffer from chafing so I always have to get the Body Glide! But I will deifnitely try using Aquaphor as a treatment for the chafing that does occur, I’ve never thought of that!
And I bet you have some sort of diaper rash creme around-that really helps
I get chafing under the sports bra and from my hydration pack. For the hydration pack, I’ve tried everything, but a small tape near my neck seems to work best.
I love the baby powder tip, I’ll try that for the bra area!
It can be so tricky and sometimes I chafe places I never have. Let me know how the powder works for you
Great info! Chafing is the worst. In the summer I always try to use some kind of body glide on the areas I know are prone to chafing.
It definitely helps to pretreat the areas!
Ugh, chafing. Yes it happens to the best of us. 🙂 My worst spot is between my thighs. That’s one of the reasons I run in skirts.
Mine is my bra line but not always just sometimes
Great post, Deborah, and very timely with the summer heat fully on us When running long, my hot spots were where the backs of my upper arms rubbed my sides. I remember how relieved I was one year to see a marine with a dab of Vaseline on a stick during the Marine Corps Marathon.
I used to get terrible heat rash also when I cycled a lot the Butt’r was my friend
Yes to all of these things! I had my first little bit of chafe the other day, and I cringed as I was getting in the shower. It wasn’t as bad as I expected, but ugh. If you know you know.
It sneaks up on you sometimes! (Not in a good way