I always think that I won’t have anything to share for Runfessions each month and yet 2020 keeps on giving us so much to share about. Thanks Marcia for the fun linkup.
August 2020 Runfessions
I Runfess…
I am optimistic about returning to running and hopefully running pain free. My Prolotherapy treatment seems to be going well. In case you missed my post about it, find it here. Fingers crossed! I also participated in a great running mechanics clinic this week as well as a zoom clinic. Stay tuned for what I learned and how I plan to incorporate that knowledge into my recovery.
I Runfess..
It is kind of odd being empty nesters again. We all were thrown back together for 5 months and although we were isolated at home, it was actually nice to all be together. I do enjoy the nightly family dinners. I am happy that my daughter is enjoying her new life in Chicago and my son is back to college in Indiana. Although it’s virtual learning for him, it’s better for him to be there on campus.
I Runfess…
I was kind of surprised to learn that a family of squirrels decided to try to burrow into our roof and try to make it their home. We found some insulation on the ground and knew something was up.Yep had to have a guy come out and set some traps to catch them. “No Vacancy”! So far after 2 days, no squirrels have been caught in the trap yet. I do keep having nightmares about squirrels in my bed though.
Ugh, I hope the squirrels get out of there! We haven’t had anything like that happen. But there is a frog that lives right outside our kitchen door. We hear him all the time and the other night he was actually sitting on the window.
Hope your return to running goes well!
A frog would be much more acceptable!
It is weird and difficult being empty nesters again! I don’t mind the decrease in the laundry, tho. But I sure miss my boys!
True! I Miss mine too 🙂
My younger brother went back to Michigan State this week and like your son he’s online to. If parents/students can send their kids back to campus I think it’s good for all parties involved!
I runfess I was really enjoying cooler running temps last week and then August came back with vengeance this week. Each day was closet to 80 in the morning so they were hot runs!
Crossing my fingers you catch some squirrels soon!
August did come back w a vengeance! It’s been toasty. Good luck to your brother as well
Those darn squirrels! My Mom has a friend who had squirrels get in up under her car and chew some wires! Scooby’s not wrong to try to chase them away. 😉
Oh goodness that’s not good!
We’ve been empty nesters for a while…less cooking and grocery shopping!
Hope you hip continues to improve and you can run.
We had an opposum in our house – ICK!!
Definitely less cooking. I am just hoping that nothing got into the house. I would not do well w that at all
The squirrels clearly heard you talking about an empty nest. LOL. Glad you caught them early. We had one in the house once and what a mess.
I love the running mechanics clinics, I learn so much. So glad you’re running pain free, but hopefully with much pizza.
Oh wow I sure hope they don’t get into the house! I would not do well with that
No issues with squirrels, but one morning (a couple years ago) our youngest called me at work. She was ready to leave for school & saw a bat “sleeping” on the front of our fireplace. My dad went over & helped her catch it (in a bucket) and set it free outside.
OH boy bats yikes!
I often say that the one nice thing about the lockdown was having everyone home together for family dinners.
Boo to those squirrels – hope you can catch them before they do too much damage.
It really was nice having everyone home for dinner for so many nights. I already miss that part
Thankfully the only animals I’ve had in my house were the ones the cats brought in — quite the assortment, but never any squirrels. Good luck getting rid of them!
I think some families are actually going to look back at this time together with fondness sometime in the future. Must be hard to let them go again.
It was hard to let them go again. They were pretty ready to escape though! 🙂
I am glad that your return to running has been going well.
That’s so crazy about the squirrels! I guess your roof looked like a cool place to settle down? lol
ha ha they must have heard we had an empty nest!
We just finished our second round of squirrels in the attic. Actually the first time may have been raccoons. I just had a guy remove a giant bees nest in the attic over our garage that had been hollowed out and filled with grasses/insulation to make a squirrel nest. IT’s all been cleaned out and sealed up but UGH! I hope your daughter is enjoying Chicago and your son stays healthy on campus! Thanks for linking!
ugh is right I am not good with these types of things!
Yikes! on the squirrels!!! I would be having nightmares too.
I know what you mean about being empty nesters. I thought it was weird when my youngest went away to college. I was sad for about 10 minutes, then I realized all the freedom I had with only Hubby and me at home. Your kids might be home from school sooner than you think! Another school near us sent kids home due to the spike in COVID cases.
It is an adjustment for sure. The freedom part is starting to sink in
To your last runfession…. We’ve had the same thing with chipmunks! Right after I had my baby last summer, when I was up half the night feeding her to begin with, the chipmunks decided that the middle of the night was the right time to make a ton of noise burrowing in my attic. They were relentless!! They’re kind of cute outside but not in my attic haha.
And I’m sure it was an adjustment having your kids back home, and then you had to readjust again once they left home. But the quality time all together must have been nice!
Oh wow that sounds like a real pain in the butt! Seems like it’s a common problem