Thanks for joining me and Kim for the weekly run down. My plan to get back on track post holidays quickly became a no go as I was sick most of the week. It was a rocky week over here and I don’t have much to report. Here’s my very short and very inactive week.
A Rocky Week
You know it’s not good when you don’t see any pics at all!
Sunday-mobility class Peloton
Well, I woke up with a fever and sore throat that came on fast and furious. I really never get any cold or flu like viruses and this one is a doozy. I managed a short Peloton mobility class to keep my streak.
Monday-Peloton stretch
We awoke to 8-9 inches of snow and a higher fever. I literally could barely lift my head up for most of the day. My covid test came back negative. I’m guessing I have some sort of flu virus. Yes, I did get the vaccine.
Tuesday-Peloton foam roll
Oh it was another rocky and rough day over here of mostly lounging around. I still had a fever and now a painful cough as well.
Wednesday- Peloton stretch
My fever is finally gone-yeah. I still feel pretty crappy and have no energy at all. I thought I would maybe try to walk on the tread but just could not muster up the energy. I have never been hit with a virus like this before and I give it zero stars. Do not recommend at all.
Thursday- treadmill walk + core
I woke up feeling a lot better today thankfully. I just needed to move so I hopped onto my tread in my pj’s and walked for 30 min. It’s a start…It really helped and even shaved my legs and dried my hair. Making progress slowly.
Friday- Peloton walk + upper and lower body strength + core
I woke up feeling a lot better even if my Oura doesn’t think so. It was time to get moving so that’s what I did. I walked on tread and then did about 30 min of strength with much lighter weights. Feeling pretty good and even made it out of the house to run some errands.
Saturday-Tread walk + upper and lower body strength
I am finally feeling almost 100% today. It was just time to get back at it and it felt good to run some errands and do some strength work.
I can’t believe how sick I was! While it was definitely not a good week for me, I will be fine. My heart goes out to all those in California.
Debbie says
Oh wow, Deborah, that sounds awful! I hope you continue to feel well and your energy returns completely and quickly!