This sounded like a fun Friday Five post to write! I haven’t really thought about this at all really but here goes:
1. Turning 50!?
Ok wow I will be turning the big 5-0 in 5 years. Yikes that sounds really old doesn’t it? But 50 is the new 40 right?
2. Becoming an Empty Nester
I just dropped my daughter off at college yesterday and in five years my son will be in college and we will be empty nesters. That sounds very surreal just to type. I am in no way ready for that to happen.
3. Traveling the world with my husband?
Maybe! We always talk about renting a villa in Italy somewhere for a month and living like the locals. I would have so much fun going to Italian markets and dreaming up new ways to cook fabulous Meatless Monday recipes for you all.
4. Still be running, tri-ing & Coaching?
I hope to still be running, biking and swimming in a forward direction. I’d love to still be coaching Girls On The Run and maybe do something else with my RRCA certification. I have no idea what I’d like to do with it right now.
I know I will still be involved with Moms Run This Town. The last 2 1/2 years have been amazing and life changing as you have seen me write about often. I can’t even imagine how incredible our running community will be 5 years from now.
Who really knows what will be happening 5 years from now? 5 years ago I never would have imagined doing most of the things I am now. I didn’t even know what blogging was 5 years ago, never thought I would ever have started my own running group or began my involvement with Girls on The Run. I am really excited to see what the future brings (except for maybe the turning 50 part ).
What do you think you will be doing in 5 years? What should I do that’s not on my list?
Linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia
and Nicole
I will be an empty nester too in 5 years. Scary ! And a month in Italy sounds fantastic to me !
Awesome I will meet you there! 🙂
You are freaking magnificent. Don’t you forget it!
You know I love you! xoxo
I love the idea of an extended holiday. Every summer when my European colleagues are on their 3-4 weeks of holiday I get supremely jealous as I spread out my (relatively) little vacation over bits and pieces throughout the year and consequently have trouble stringing more than 5 days together for a break.
It does sound fabulous to have a long vacation. Tri races in Italy??
I can’t even imagine an empty nest right now. That’s gotta be surreal. And you’ll be rocking at 50 !!! I
think the age factor is the most difficult to envision. But us mother runners just get better with age.
Thanks! Lets hope so 🙂
Love this ! 50 comes next year for me so I will give you the inside scoop! Being an empty nester is not bad – you will quickly adapt ?. Hmm 5 years from now? I hope to start MB Phase 2- just need to figure out what that will be!
Ah thanks and yes you can give me the down low on 50. Being an empty nester does kind of freak me out.
Wow! I haven’t really thought about what I’ll be doing in 5 years. Must be so weird to be empty nesters in that amount of time. I would totally love to travel when that happens. For me, in 5 years I would love to be active in something like Girls on the Run.
I hope you have the chance to work with GOTR I really enjoy it.
This was a great prompt and I love reading all of these! Too bad I missed out and wrote about 5 other things! Lol.
ha ha you can do it next week!
You should totally go to Italy and live like a local! Sounds like a dream!
It does!!
My dad rented an apartment in Paris for 6 weeks and we mooched off that. It was so fun being in neighborhoods and not in the tourist areas.
That sounds amazing!
There is no way, shape or form that you will be 50 in 5 years- you are rockin’ it girl!
ha then we will just go with that! xoxo
What a fun topic to ponder. I can’t even fathom being an empty nester, although I think the Caveman is more ready for that than I. In 5 years I’ll have one in college and the other just starting high school. That empty nest will be awhile.
It goes by so fast really! Enjoy while you can
That’s fun to think about! If you’re an empty nester definitely go travelling, it’s your chance.
Sounds like a great plan to me!
This is so nice to see! I think it’s great to put longterm goals down on paper (or virtual paper) so that you know what you want to work toward. Even if you don’t have a clear picture of what an end goal is, like with your certification, you know you want to use it for something and I think that’s enough to get you started!
How did dropping your daughter off go? I cried when my parents…was not easy! Have a great weekend!
It was a little rough dropping her off but I know she is happy.
Yikes! Thinking about 5 years from now is kind of scary. I will be 62! Thinking seriously about medicare and social security. This time thing. It happens all too quickly.
By the way, no matter what happens in 5 years, you’ll be a fit and fabulous 50!
Ah thanks friend and yes it does go by so quickly!
Sound like your life will really just be starting ? yes 50 IS the new 40! And you are working it. Great post.
I sure hope so thanks!
ooo this is fun! Let’s see… in five years… I’ll still be running for sure, I’ll mayyybeee be married and will most likely be out in the suburbs (gasp!).
Also, I’m coming with you when you go to Italy. Just letting you know.
Ooh the suburbs? YOu?
My parents have been empty nesters for a couple of years and now I am way more jealous of their life. Traveling and activities, they got it made! 🙂
Ha but I bet they miss you!
I will just say that #2 is so true!
Ha yes it is!
So much has happened over the past 5 years already. Like you, I didn’t even know what blogging was and I certainly never thought I would run a marathon or have my own fashion column for a large newspaper! I can’t even begin to think what the next 5 years will bring but if things happen to remain the same I’ll be okay with that.
It never stays the same! That would be too boring anyway
Ohh, a Villa! That sounds incredible! I hope that you guys do that! Hopefully it will make the empty-nest transition easier 😉
Well of course it will that and some Italian food!
I hadn’t thought about my MRTT chapter. I really hope to see some major growth in my region with it. We started with such a great momentum just a year ago. I can’t imagine how much it will continue to grow in 5 years.
You will be surprised!!
It’s amazing how much can change in just 5 years! Since I’m engaged right now, I’ll be married and maybe even have a child? a house? I don’t even know. It’s crazy to think about though! Looks like you have a lot to look forward to as well. 🙂
Thanks and it looks like you are starting a fun exciting phase of your life-enjoy!
What a fun question to ask on a Friday! I feel like I need some time to think about it! It sounds like you will be having a fun time in 5 years! 🙂
I hope so and it was fun to do!
It’s so crazy to look back and see where I was 5 years ago, that I can’t begin to fathom where I’ll be in 5 years. I just hope I’m still active and running.
I think 50 is the new 30, really! I would love to guess where I’ll be in 5 years, but since nothing in my life has gone according to plan, I’m just going to continue to wing it!
Looks like that is working well so far!
Yeah, way to make me feel old. I’m 53, so in 5 yrs I’ll be awful close to 60. Although frankly 50 didn’t bother me (other than the fact I was all alone – yes, my husband was on a business trip & I didn’t join him because I was flying out to run my 2nd HM somewhere else – the only one he’s missed so far!).
Well at least you were having fun right?!
I LOVE THIS! Sooooo in 5 years I will have a freshman in college, 10th grader, and 8th grader, WOWWWWWWW! LOL! hopefully I will be still be building my brand to be successful.
It’s fun to think about isn’t it?!
I love this post! I have no idea what I’m going to be doing in 5 years, but you have encouraged me to go think about it and make a wishlist! Thank you!
It was fun to write and think about-have a great weekend
You are beautiful and fabulous! Definitely rent that villa in Italy! Imagine the dishes you can create 🙂
I know it would be amazing!
Great list! I am not sure what I will be doign in 5 years… something amazing! 🙂
I have no doubt!
Five years form now i would be probably be doing what i am doing now, as there is a difference of 8 years between my girls.
That is a big difference for sure!
yup, totally magnificent! I’ll be on the other side my 40s and closer to 50 in 5 years time 🙂
Crazy how that happens isn’t it!
You would love Italy!! Who needs to wait 5 years for that!
Not me for sure!
So much can happen in five years! Traveling the world would be exciting 🙂
Yes it sure would be!
Empty nester too. Yikes! A thriving business is the first thing that comes to mind 🙂
If anyone can do it it’s you! It will be lots of changes for both of us
In five years I will be hitting my 40’s, hopefully scoring a BQ and doing my first tri. I would lvoe to live in Italy for a month but I think I have some years before that is possible.
Those sound like great goals too!
Turning 50 is not nearly as scary as it sounds. It’s nothing more than a nice round number. We will have a empty nest and I hope to do more traveling.
That’s a great way to look at it!
50 now a days is not what it used to be. I think it’s the new 30, not 40. I’m turning 39 this September and I find it hard to believe I’m over 25. In 5 years I’m hoping to be running 1/2 marathons (i’m at 10 km) and tri-ing as well. I just started my family so I won’t be an empty nester for a long long time.
Great goals and enjoy this exciting time in your life.
Babe you do not look ANYWHERE near 50, not with a 50 metre pole!
And that’s why I like you!! 🙂
You will have accomplished so many cool and awesome things at 50! Well…you already HAVE!! I admire you.
You are so sweet-thanks friend
Five years? I’ll be over 50, and my daughter will be eight. Enough said, lolol!
LOL! Well we will both be rocking it!
Your cartoon with the empty nester comment could not be more true! LOL Someting to look forward to? Lower bills – especially food and toiletries!
Were will I be? Not sure but I would love to have my own little side business? IDK but I have some creative juices flowing right now…
It will be our 25th wedding anniversary so I am hoping for big travel plans too.
It will be my 25th wedding anniversary as well! Hope to hear about those business plans. It’s fun to think about
Turning 50 wasn’t the least bit scary. My motto is, “You’re as old as you feel,” and I still fell pretty darn young! 🙂
I believe that too it just sounds old!!