Borrowing an idea I saw in Women’s Running the other day. A group of runners was playing a game of “Would you rather” and had some pretty funny answers to some made up running dilemmas. Let’s give it a try shall we?
Would you rather…
Would you rather forget your sports bra or your socks?
A no brainer for me! This girl is “blessed” with some DD’s so there is no chance I could even run without a running bra. That would be the cause of 2 black eyes for sure. I’ve tried every bra out there so if you need suggestions for great underwire bras let me know. When asked over dinner to my runner friends the other night, the ladies overwhelming picked the bra as the necessity over socks.
Side note: this led to talk about bra chafing. I had used aquafor for chafing a number of times but apparently also great to use before said chafing.
Would you rather run a flat race in the blazing summer heat or an extremely hilly run in freezing temps?
If running in perfect 50 temps on a nice rolling course is not an option, I am going with a hilly run in the winter. That summer humidity really just zaps me. I figure you can always keep warm with the right clothes on and well those hills-I am always up for a challenge.
Would you rather give up carbs or coffee?
I’d give up carbs. No wait! I’d give up coffee! Who am I kidding I just can’t give up either one of them-ever. When chatted about over dinner the other night, this dilemma proved to be the most difficult for the 4 runners at the table.
My always caffeinated friend and Ultimate Coffee Date host, Coco, said “You know I’d walk miles to get to a Starbucks”. Coco is very serious about her coffee fix and where she gets it.
My friend Anne chimed in with “wait can I have a diet coke”?
What is it about us runners and our coffee fix? Maybe someone could invent some caffeine infused carbs? Speaking of coffee dates, mark your calendars for the next one on March 4th.
So tell me, would you rather give up coffee or carbs? Would you rather forget your sports bra or your socks? Would you rather run flats in the summer or hills in the winter?
linking up today
Coaches Corner: Suz, Debbie, Lora, Rachel
Workout Wednesday: AnnMarie, Nicole, Jen
I gotta have a bra, carbs, and I’d probably take the flat race. Because that is just Chicago during the summer!
As much as I love the warmer winter, I hope we don’t pay for it this summer with the humidity
I would probably want my socks, as I feel like I would get blisters without them. Besides I don’t have too much to hold up, so I think I’d be good for a short run. Definitely carbs, I can’t function without coffee!
How did we ever live without coffee?!
Fun questions! I would go without the bra, coffee, and would rather run in the winter!
I have come to really like winter running better-especially this winter
Oh fun! Soooo I’m going against the grain… SOCKS. I’m wellll… on the opposite side of the spectrum so while it would not be fun it’s doable BUT I currently seem to be having trouble with heel blisters so socks come first.
Flat race…
CARBS all the way! 🙂
This weekend trip was pretty quick but next time we have to find time to get together!
Blisters are no fun either! Running the summer humidity is always such a struggle here.
Oh, that is a tough one! I need both coffee and carbs! Can I pass on that question?
This is a fun post!
ha ha I know necessities for sure
Haha! This is fun! I actually tried to give up coffee for a challenge a while back. It wasn’t as hard as I’d thought it would be, but after the third day I started getting headaches. I decided giving up on the challenge was better than the pain. I guess I’m a true addict!
I could never give up coffee for 3 days. Part of it is probably habit but oh those headaches are real
Funny! I am with you, I have run several times with no socks, but no bra- well I would have to just sit out! Coming from Florida I can deal with flat and hot but carbs or coffee- yup, that is the tough one!
A good bra and good cup of coffee are a must!
Socks, blazing heat, carbs.
For sure. 🙂
Tough decisions for sure
The carbs or coffee question stumps me, I just can’t choose!!
It’s a real dilemma I hope I never have to face 🙂
I hate hills so much that I would run in awful heat for a flat race. lol. The warm air doesn’t typically bother me all too much. And OMG coffee or carbs, I have no idea! I tried giving up coffee for like three days and was so miserable, lol.
I used to love running in the summer but now the humidity is a killer!
I guess the bra (I have no boobs), flat (no good at hills), coffee (need my carbs).
Ha ha tough decisions I hope I never have to make
Even though I’d rather flat, heat sucks. I’ll take the hills.
It’s funny, I don’t drink coffee. I do, however, use some caffeine products for a race. And I think it helps me. Maybe because I don’t drink coffee.
No way am I giving up carbs!
Although I’m small on top and I can’t really imagine running without a bra even so, I’ve got to have socks. So I’d give up the bra.
Carbs are so hard to give up!
This is such a fun post!
I don’t like coffee and I love carbs, so coffee can go, lol. I would rather forget my socks vs a sports bra. If I forgot my sports bra, there is no way I could run. I’ll take hills in the winter over running anything in the blazing heat – I really hate summer running!
I’m with you on the sports bra that would never work for me. I used to like running in the summer but the humidity kills me now
I’m in your camp on all of these! And aquaphor has been my longtime standby for preventing chafing and dealing with chafing if I missed something.
Aquafor is the best! I put it on my feet at night too
Caffeine infused carbs sounds like an amazing idea. Someone needs to patent that ;). I always love to hear people’s explanation during a “would you rather” game, thanks for sharing!
Yes hope I never have to make any of these choices for real
Haha!! This is kindof fun! I definitely need a bra… I can do without socks if needed. I need my coffee over my carbs… I need my wine over my coffee and carbs… The second question is the hardest because I sweat so much and I hate hills so much… I think I’d have to go with I’d prefer to run a flat road in heat, but that’s tough!!! How hot are we talking about and how hilly… I’d need more stats!!
LOL hopefully very scary decisions that we never have to make
Ooph. These are tough questions. I’d give up my bra (fo sho…itty bitty titty committee here), I’d prefer a hilly race in the winter (been there, done that) and would most certainly give up carbs before coffee (without it, I’m dead) 😉
I know how did I even function without coffee in my earlier years?!
I love runnning in the heat! This is a fun read… glad you shared it!
I used to love running in the middle of summer but now it’s so much harder with the humidity for me
I’d give up carbs (as I sit here drinking an iced coffee..)
I’d rather forget my socks I guess. Either would be terrible.
And I’d take hills over flat on any day!
I don’t know how I ever functioned without coffee!
I’d definitely trade socks for a sports bra! No running without one, haha. And I’d rather give up coffee than carbs although I LOVE coffee!
Coffee and carbs are both such a necessity who can choose? Why would we?! 🙂
Well, I’m not extremely endowed, but the running bra is a must-have. No argument (I do not want to be one of those old ladies sagging and bagging someday, just saying). I’d choose summer over winter, hands down. I don’t love humidity, but I can deal with it…especially on a flat course. And coffee? I don’t like the stuff (though it does smell heavenly). Any other questions? 😉
Well I am going to have to think up some more!! 🙂
1) I’d rather forget a sports bra. I’m sadly an “A” cup, and blisters on my feet HURT. I ran a naked 5K once, the “bounce” wasn’t so bad 😛
2) I guess flat in the heat, because that is what we are used to running here in Myrtle Beach in the summer, haha!
3) I’d give up coffee…only because I already DON’T drink it. I feel like the only person on earth who doesn’t like the taste of coffee!!
Wait you ran a race naked?! I need to hear about that
Uphill in winter for sure!! 🙂
Yes with you on that one!
I would rather forget my socks than bra, run a flat race in the heat (I hate the cold!) and definitely would give up coffee… don’t mess with my carbs! LOL
ha ha I used to love running in the summer but the humidity just gets me now. Carbs ahhh
Oh, fun! I would rather forget my socks, probably would need to take on the flat race in the heat and humidity (story of my life really) and would rather give up coffee (since I barely drink it).
I’ll take hills in the winter. Definitely socks, there’s no way I could run without a bra! I don’t drink coffee, so that’s an easy one.
OH wow no coffee??? Impressive
I’m not a coffee drinker, so I’m going to say I could not give up carbs. Carbs are life!
Carbs are pretty much the reason to workout 🙂
Definately socks, coffee is no problem since I don’t drink it now and do I have to run at all? I think I’d take the cold weather because running would keep me warm and I can’t stand the heat to begin with. Fun post!
Running does keep you warm in cold for sure
I’d forget my socks, run in the summer heat, and give up coffee.
But the coffee would be hard. 🙂
And the summer heat would need to be here in the dry heat. 😀
So we have the most humid heat here and it’s really tough!
This is very interesting!!! There’s no way I could forget my sports bra. It will be a huge problem if I do. And I would choose to give up coffee because I have allergy. The last one is so hard to choose.
Forgetting a bra would be a nightmare for me too!
This is such a fun post!
I would 100000000000% give up coffee before I ever thought about giving up carbs. And bra over socks because I am definitely a part of the itty bitty titty club, hahaha ;P
The coffee carb dilemma is one that I hope I never have to make!
Tough questions! I’ve given up coffee before, for 6 weeks for Lent last year. I survived but it was not easy! I feel like I eat so many carbs that I dont know what else I would have to eat. And I think I would also choose the sports bra over the socks. I cant image running without one!
Wow that is impressive that you gave up coffee for 6 weeks!!
I would most definitely rather run a flat race in the blazing heat. I absolutely hate being cold!!!
Really? Our summer heat gets pretty brutal sometimes
This was a fun read! Thanks for sharing! I will give up coffee for carbs because well, I don’t drink coffee!! haha. def give up the bra and i’ll run in the heat any day.
Give up the bra and the coffee?? Wow daring 🙂
maan these are some tough questions. do i really have to choose between coffee and carbs? I’d give up both socks and bras over those two 🙂
Ha ha I hope these are dilemmas I never have to face either
Socks for sure and I’d give up carbs before I’d give up coffee. Actually, I think i’ll keep both.
I know tough choices!
I love this and was on my list to blog about! So fun!! I would go without socks for sure, nix the coffee (I don’t drink it!) and a hilly, cold race any day of the week!!!
Hope all is well friend! xo
Yes have to have the good running bra!
I don’t like coffee so that one is easy! I could hold my chest and run just fine, but still, I’d prefer to run without socks than a sports bra. As for the last one, you didn’t mention the distance, so if it were a shorter run, I’d pick the flat summer run. I’ve run some crazy steep hills in my lifetime and I’ll pass on those whenever I can!
This was fun! I just might have to play it with my friend sometime!
It’s fun to think of all of the made up crises we face 🙂