It’s that time again and the popular Holiday Run Streak season is back. I am not here to tell you whether you should or should not embark on your own run streak. That’s for you to decide. What I am going to share with you are 6 important things to consider before committing to a run streak as well as the reasons why I never do a run streak of my own.
6 Important things to consider before committing to a run streak
Let’s define a Run Streak as running at least one mile per day for a set amount of days. This time of the year, many runners hop onto the Runner’s World Run Streak with the intent of running every day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Again, I am in no way judging one’s decision to participate or not participate. I am merely putting a few important considerations out there to ponder.
Consider your current run fitness status
Will a daily run help or hurt your run performance and or future goals?
2. Do you have any lingering or recurring running related injuries?
How will running daily impact previous injury tendencies?
3. How flexible is your schedule?
Do you have access to an indoor treadmill if the weather is precarious?
4. Will a daily run allow you to continue to keep up with cross training?
5. Do you need a rest day?
See #1 and #2 above.
6. Will a run streak help or hurt your motivation to run?
Often a tricky question to answer! While many people find the discipline of a daily run to be motivating, others find it can hinder their motivation.
Why I never do a Run Streak?
My turn to answer those same questions. While I wish I could run daily, my body has other ideas. I am injury prone and tend to get the same overuse injuries when I try to add on more run days or build mileage too quickly. A run streak could quite possibly harm my future goals. I love my cross-training days and enjoy strength training and cycling on them. I have come to accept and appreciate the fact that yes, I do need a rest day each week. Finally, I never want to feel like “I have to run”. I love and appreciate that “I get to run”. I do love fitness challenges and do find that they are motivating for me. However, I prefer a challenge that allows me to be more flexible with my fitness. Therefore, as they say on Shark Tank, “for these reasons, I am out”.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on why you do or do not participate in run streaks.
Thanks for helping to make the Runners’ Roundup a huge success by visiting all of the hosts: Laura, Me, Debbie, Jen, Lisa
For a long time I didn’t do run streaks for these reasons. My first one ever was in October. Since it was just 1 month, and I was running 6 days a week already with a walk on my rest day, I figured I could try it. I’m not sure I would want to do one much longer than that. I think for some people it can be very motivating but for others it could lead to burnout or make them not want to run at all once the streak is over.
Yes exactly you really have to be aware of your body and what is a good idea at that time
Great questions to ask before a run streak!
Reason no 3 – it would have always been a squeeze to fit in my schedule.
That’s the benefit of the RunBet challenge – it’s flexible!
Having said that, I would like to try a streak between Thanksgiving and New Year.
Yes flexibility is key for lots of us
Well, you know my story 🙂 The first couple years I did the streak, the final week really felt obligatory. But the past few years have gone well & the burnout wasn’t a factor. I know I always have the option of quitting & the sun will still rise. I keep my mileage low, especially this year, so things will be low-key for these few weeks…and a great send-off to 2020!
Yes I know they have worked well for you in the past. You just have to know what is good for you at the given time of the challenge
Yesterday morning, it took me 30 minutes to get dressed and ready to run in the sub-zero dark. To do a ‘mile’ for a run streak would be ridiculous with that kind of prep. Not to mention all the reasons you cited. My body enjoys a day off or 2 or 3. It’s just not for me.
Exactly how I feel! You have to honor your body and what is good for it at the time
And…. nothing has changed my mind about the streak. Plus, I have other things I like to do for fitness as well.
same here!
I have never done a run streak either. I think for many (not all) runners it’s really a recipe for disaster, because it’s a lot of repetitive motion. My only streak is Yoga. 🙂
I do think for others it’s the motivation they need at this time of year — but they have to be really careful about it. They have to be willing to let the streak go if it’s doing more harm than good.
I suppose I should write about this sometime. 🙂
Exactly my point-I completely agree!
I’ve never done a run streak. I don’t think it’s bad but with working, I just don’t have the time. I kinda run when I can. And some days I cannot. Running one mile takes more time in getting ready than it’s worth for me…maybe in the summer. Maybe if I didn’t work.
My streak is at least going for a walk or two every day. I’ve been pretty successful.
It is a lot of prep for one mile. I do like a walking streak and that pretty suitable and appropriate for almost everyone
Hey Deborah, I agree with you 100% and I think this is an important post because there are so many people going for running streaks right now. That’s great, but it’s also not for everyone. For me personally, the test fails at #1…it’s not likely to help my current fitness or do anything for my future running goals.
Yes I agree it’s important to think about all of these factors before jumping into one. It’s not a good idea for me either and I never do them.Just gotta do you!
I agree so much! I never do a run streak because I don’t want to feel burnt out or get injured. Running matters to me and I don’t want to lose months of running in exchange for 30 days.
Yes exactly! I know it works for lots of runners but not worth it for me
I never thought I’d do a run streak until I ended up doing one this summer. I still don’t think I’d intentionally set a goal of doing one for many of these reasons. I get too goal oriented and ignore twinges that I shouldn’t. Plus, I got lucky with the weather!
Yup exactly my point!
I did a run streak many years ago and as soon as it was over I knew I would never do another one. Running became a chore and my body really didn’t like running every day. I now do activity streaks where I get in at least 30 minutes of movement a day. That works much better for me.
I feel exactly the same way! Moving my body daily in some feels good but running is not the only way to do that.
I’ve never done a run streak, but my husband did one this summer (the Runners World challenge where you run every day from Memorial Day to July 4th) and it really helped him! He used to run 3-4 days a week but now runs 6, going out for a quick mile or two on days where he previously would have done nothing. i guess it all depends on where you’re coming from.
It depends on who you are and how your body handles it. I am really glad that your husband’s run streak ended up working out so well for him
I’ve never done a run streak. Much as I would like to, my body just isn’t built to run every single day over an extended period of time. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m ok sitting those streaks out, especially now after my surgery.
I am right there with you!
I have never done a run streak for all the reasons you mention. Perhaps if they’d been popular when I was younger I would have tried it, but at this point it’s just not a good idea for me to try.
Same here my body would not be happy with me at all
A couple years ago I did the Memorial Day to July 4th streak with my run club, and when we were discussing it beforehand and how hard it would be, I said “I mean, it’s just one mile a day… you’d have to have the stomach flu to not be able to do that!”. Well the Universe, with her oh-so-hilarious ironic sense of humor, struck me down with the sapovirus (a variant of norovirus) about halfway through the streak. I managed to still do one mile a day, but it was a slooooooooow shuffle where I was trying not to hurl the whole time (<– Note to self: this is an example of where you should stop the streak. Not worth it).
I like the activity and/or yoga streaks others have mentioned though! Those are great ideas; gentler on the body, and more variety.
Definitely too much clothing for winter streaks. The summer ones are much more practical for the throw-on-a-tank-and-shorts time-saving factor.
Thanks for a thought-provoking and interesting post!
Oh wow that is too ironic! Yes, a great example of when to pull the plug. I also am a fan of activity and movement daily so much easier to adjust to recovery days
I know it’s not a good idea for me as I will get injured and overtired. I have gone up from 3/4 to 4/5 runs per week during pandemic times but that’s to get the mental health effect and not too many more miles per week than I’d normally do. Good points that you raise, thank you for talking about this. I know a good few people who have tried without thinking too hard and come a cropper.
yes I have seen it happen as well! Hope you are well friend! xoxo
I’ve never done a run streak or had a desire to do one. Heading out for just a mile always seems kind of silly to me. That being said, I somehow signed up for the Zooma Winter Challenge which includes a run streak from 1/1 to 12/15 (I think). We’ll see if it will actually happen.
One of the runners on my Ragnar trail team has a run streak of almost 4,000 days. I admire him very much and he is an amazing runner. Still, not my thing.
Not my thing either for all the reasons I mentioned. Good luck with the Zooma winter challenge!
Well, I am doing one right now and so far it’s been going well. Today is day #98. Yikes! I will stop if I get injured or know I cannot continue.
I am glad it’s working well for you! They are not for everyone and you have to know your body. Happy running!
Great questions, Deborah!
I have never managed to streak and I admire people who can do it.
I do go out every day to do my 10’000 steps but I don’t run every day. I guess it’s just too much of a hassle for me! 🙂
I definitely enjoy being active everyday but run streaks are not for me
I’ve only done one run streak for a month last year and I’m not looking to do one again any time soon. I actually really enjoyed my run streak and didn’t feel like it was an obligation or anything, but it was much easier to do when I was working from home. Now its harder to fit in my workouts with my commute and everything.
Yes, I am sure it is
No. Never. Especially in the winter. It takes too long to get ready to run one mile. And there’s the weather. Too dangerous on some days.
Besides I don’t need a streak to stay active. I sign up for races all year so I keep my normal running schedule – 4 days.
Same here!
I’m lucky, REALLY lucky, that the RW Streak works for me, my goals, and lifestyle. I look forward to it every year because it’s a break from my “usual” routine. Also, I’ve said this before, it gets me through the Winter Solstice, which is a huge hurdle for me this time of year. I don’t embrace the cold, like most of my runner friends, so the Streak is a valuable vice in my coping strategy 😉
I love that it works so well for you! My body just can’t run every day without getting injured. I don’t want to go there again
I’ve never done a run streak but probably will one of these years. This year I was out of the RW holiday run streak for reason #2 above (sigh.). All your things to consider are good, and if you decide you can handle it (physically, mentally and schedule-wise) then I think it would be a fun challenge. The idea of keeping to your regular schedule but adding a one mile run on your (previous) days off sounds reasonable. I’m having fun following along the runs streaks that are happening now!
They definitely work well for some. I also enjoy cheering on those who do them
Just the thought of all the laundry I’d have to do is another reason I don’t do run streaks!
My only streak is Yoga, and that’s not the same thing every day. There were a handful of days I didn’t practice Yoga this year, and I have zero guilt about those days, too.
I guess it helps that I’m basically a very self motivated person — most of the time.
yes, that does help! I am all for some sort of activity daily but runs streaks are not for me
I wish I could run streak but like you, I am injury prone plus I enjoy a little more variety in my workouts! But I think it’s amazing how people are able to streak for years and years!
Yes, same. I like variety as well. I have seen some people with years’ long streaks! Have not idea how they do it
I work 6am to 630pm twice a week and on those days I don’t run. Even a mile after work would seem like too much. I agree that it would feel like a chore after a while.
They are not for everyone!
So well said Deborah. I streak every year around this time – a very popular 10km a day for 10days challenge in Botswana. I love it!!! But this year I decided to skip the challenge and so many people have asked me why. And the truth is I had to answer those questions you’ve put here – having just come off my break from running (because of my toenail situation) – I’m just not fit to do 100km in 10 days. I also had so many work commitments and I couldn’t fathom running/walking this mileage every day for 10 days. And ultimately, I don’t think it would have helped to keep me motivated. I’m just getting into building up my mileage and enjoying the place I’m at. So yes – although I’m a huge fan of streaking, you have to answer these questions and do what’s best for you at that specific time in your life.
I appreciate your feedback on this. Yes, our answers to these questions can change depending on where we are. Sounds like you made the right decision for yourself this year. That is not always easy to do!
I agree with you. I like the streak I am doing currently: you can run, walk, or jog one mile a day (purposefully). It’s movement, but it also gives you a bit of a break to mix up those muscles.
yes exactly! I don’t want to push myself to run every day but I do like to move daily
I actually feel really demoralized if I miss a day and it actually makes me LESS likely to resume whatever fitness activity it was that I was trying to streak. I can do those types of challenges for other things in my life, but for exercise, it’s not really an option for me!
thank for sharing your thoughts. Exercise and running streaks are not for everyone and that’s ok!
I have never been a fan of run streaks. I like to have time open to hike, go skiing, or do something else in winter without worrying about a run each day. But if someone enjoys them and they can do them without getting injured, power to them!