Oh January, you seem to bring a lot of pressure with you. There is lots of talk about resolutions and “new you” goals. But, what if you didn’t make resolutions or set new goals? What if you continued to practice the habits that have served you well from the last year?
Why I don’t make resolutions
The word “resolution” has always had a negative connotation for me. I think of it as resolving a problem or situation. Conflict resolution comes to mind. What if January is not the best time to make sweeping changes in your life? Only 16% of resolutions stick longer than 6 weeks. Perhaps it’s having a lack of a reasonable plan or unclear motivation.
Instead of making resolutions, I reevaluate the goals I set for the previous year and make tweaks to my current plan where needed. January can be a time of continuing the healthy habits you already have in place. Why not keep doing the things that have brought you success?
My 2023 Goals
You guessed it. I am going to continue the schedule and habits that have served me well the past year. These habits have become part of my lifestyle and are attainable for me. These are the goals I will continue into 2023.
Running 3x a week-While I wish I could run more often, my body does well with 3x times a week runs.
Daily stretching/mobility and or yoga 30 min-My routine includes a pre run warm up and post run stretch. In addition, a mobility or yoga class for the lower body.
Peloton Strength + Cycling 3x week– Upper and lower body strength plus cycling 3x a week on non-running days.
Prioritizing protein-I aim to get in about 120 grams of protein daily. It is not always easy but it is doable when split up to about 25-30 grams per meal and snack.
Rest Day– I keep on day of full rest from any cardio and strength. I will do my stretches on rest days.
Sleep-Priortizing sleep is one of the best ways to ensure the rest of my goals happen. I do best on 7.5-8 hours of sleep per night.
Those are my goals and I’m sticking to them for 2023. How do you feel about goal setting and resolutions?
Thanks for helping to make the Runners’ Roundup a huge success by visiting all of the hosts: Me, Debbie, Jen, Lisa
I do the exact same! I don’t set new goals in January – I just continue with my current habits and tweak them here and there throughout the year.
I have a log book which I review weekly and quarterly together with my husband. As you can imagine, those discussions can be quite hilarious! 🙂
Your goals are solid, Deborah! All the best with 2023!
That is a great strategy! Hope you are feeling good Cat
I didn’t set any goals this year either. Instead I’m trying to focus on continuing to do whats worked and adjusting some things as needed. These look like very reasonable habits to continue this year!
Many people feel pressure to make sweeping changes in January when it may not be the ideal time
Perfect planning.
I decided too to take last years goals and pick the ones I want to achieve.
Nothing major.
Just continue what I normally do.
It seems to work well for you!
YOU have a solid routine and it’s been your best friend, so you’re all set for the “new” year. I also don’t try to set any specific “new” goals either, though I do consider tweaking a few things that need changing. Happy ’23!!
thanks Kim. I feel like I am in a good place to continue what’s working
I absolutely prefer goals to resolutions. They just make more sense!
agreed! Let’s do it
Yes, what you’re doing is obviously working so there’s no need to change anything! I do have two new goals for the new year, and coincidentally they’re two of yours- prioritize protein and get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Those are basic necessities but they haven’t been happening for me, so I guess I could call them my 2023 “resolutions.”
Those 2 have been key for me and they make a huge difference. You can do it!
It’s great that you’ve found a good routine that works for you.
I am definitely not a fan of resolutions – I am a goal-setter. Over the past could of years I’ve set smaller monthly goals, but this year I’m leaning towards setting some bigger goals – more to come.
Can’t wait to hear more!
I love this approach! Continuing your habits from the last year vs. feeling like you’re always starting over in January. I really like your goals and I know you’ll continue to do great with them!
thanks looking forward to it!
This! Like you, I don’t set NY resolutions. My goals are simply to maintain my current level of fitness while training smart and hopefully avoiding injury.
yes that is always my plan and I am sticking to it
Unclear motivation… or external motivation. It’s not going to stick if it’s not a personal choice to do/change/etc. which I think is part of the issue with resolutions. There’s pressure to make them, so people think they have to, and built in excuse to break them, because “everyone” does. The only ones I keep are silly/personal ones. I’m with you on sleep and protein. I’ve started back with protein powder in the smoothies, so we’ll see how that sneaky goes.
I bet those protein smoothies will do wonders for you! Let me know how it goes. That is my post run snack
I must admit I love the New year, New Me craze/concept! LOL. But the way I interpret it is not making huge sweeping changes, but rather tweaking things so I function/do better in the new year. This year my word is Flow – which is really about optimising processes in my life, so I achieve more. The ultimate goal – to have a consistent routine that flows!
I love the healthy habits you have for 2023 and looking forward to being inspired by you again this year!
Having a consistent routine is key for me too. It gets a lot easier as your kids get older