New (and rebooted) fitness goals are exciting! Whether you are training for a big race or aiming to fine tune your existing fitness routine, these tips will you stay consistent and committed.
Top Tips For Keeping up Your Fitness Goals in 2025
Have a plan
Like any worthwhile undertaking, it sure helps to have a realistic plan. Scheduling your workouts each week into your calendar makes them real. Being realistic about your time and availability is key. For example, if you have never been an early morning exerciser, signing up for a 5 am gym class might be a challenge. Embrace your own schedule and habits and make those work to your advantage.
Start with small goals and build on them
It can be tempting to make sweeping changes however, that can quickly lead to burnout. It makes sense to under commit and over perform vs taking on too much and then letting yourself down. For example, if you’d like to reach a higher daily step count, aim to add 1,000 more steps to your current count and re-evaluate every few weeks.
Track your progress
Checking off small accomplishments are very motivating! Remind yourself weekly of how much you have achieved.It feels good to check things off!
Find Accountability
My personal favorite! Finding your tribe, running group, community who share your fitness passions is hugely motivating. Knowing your people are waiting for you can help get you out the door and moving.
Be flexible
Life happens! Learning to be flexible and keep moving when a wrench is thrown in your way is key. Don’t let one missed session derail your efforts. A short run is better than no run as they say.
Results take time. Fitness is a life long marathon not a sprint.We got this-Let’s crush those fitness goals this year.
Joining My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!
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