Wow August just really sneaked up on me and I have to admit, I am not loving it. I’ve always loved summer time and treasured my outdoor workouts but not this year. I admit I am struggling out there this summer.
At first, I thought it was just me. What was wrong with me? I went straight to my best source on everything-my Moms Run This Town tribe. If I have a problem or need advice, these are my peeps. Moms know all right?! Turns out lots of my friends are struggling right now as well. So what gives? Why is everyone struggling this August?
5 Summer Struggles
My very unscientific poll of my crew resulted in 5 common themes:
The heat
The 95 degree days and serious humidity are really knocking us all off our game. I am finding myself really struggling to make it through runs that should be easy. Many of us are needing to do walk run intervals and it is oh so humbling and very discouraging at times.
Many of us are finding recovery from summer running so much harder. Even those that are running early in the morning are finding they are just exhausted the rest of the day.
Camp mommy
I am past this myself, however I remember how much fun it is in June to have unstructured time with the kids. You can sleep in and do fun activities as a family all day. That’s all well and good in June and maybe even in July but by the end of the summer it can start to get a little old. The kids are getting bored and so are the parents.
No set schedules
While the flexibility of summer is great (for a while) it can make finding time to fit in your exercise more difficult. Having kids at home and not in school can throw everyone’s schedules into a turmoil. School does not start until after Labor Day here and many of my friends are counting the days at this point. Meals become more laid back and less planned out.
Many have mentioned struggling with motivation to get up and get out there early before their kids are up.
August -I am not loving you this year and I find myself dreaming of fall, regular schedules, cooler weather and planned meals.
Tell me-Are you having Summer Struggles? Any of this sound familiar?
Linking up today with:
Friday Five: Courtney, Mar & Cynthia
Fit n Fashionable Friday: Nicole
Right now the struggle is just real, period, lol. We have a bout of humidity that is going through, so yesterday just felt like a swamp. And that is something, coming from me!
We have had the same and it is really draining. Running in it is just exhausting. Thanks for letting me whine 🙂
I am just the opposite this year. The thought of fall makes me want to cry! I love summer so much.
I’m pretty lucky in Asheville though… it doesn’t get as hot here.
That’s how I usually feel but this year I am really struggling with the heat. I always thought it was hotter down south by you.
We just had a short break from the heat but the humidity started back up again – I’m done with that. Though I’m not ready for fall (as I’m enjoying summer too much), I am looking forward to the cooler temps!
You and me both!
I’m used to the heat factor putting a crimp in my running, which is why I stopped training for fall races (until now, wouldn’t you know, since I’m working with LaceUp running and they have a couple fall races). I just tell myself that 1) It will be over soon, and 2) What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. 🙂
I hope you are right (about it being over soon! )
I have to say that I am struggling with much of the same. Not really the motivation part but the whole heat, humidity, recovery and lack of schedule is really throwing my game off. At this point, I would welcome back to school and maybe even some snow 😉
Ha I’m not quite ready for snow but I am ready for fall weather for sure.
This week has been particularly difficult for me with both the extreme heat and humidity, AND trying to get over this summer head cold. The struggle has been real so I switched over to walking until I start feeling better.
It’s been tough out there lately for sure. Dreaming of fall. Hope you feel better!
Oh man. I’ve been struggling so hard – mostly with healthy eating! Bottomless brunches with mimosas are just too tempting haha
Well…I have no answers for mimosas 🙂
The heat is definitely a huge factor! When I can get out, it is brutal. As far as the kids being home, I am a teacher so I would rather be camp mommy any day than think of heading back to work! There are so many positives to fall though, I’m sure I wont be too sad when it’s finally here!
It has been brutal lately. I think I am heading to the treadmill tomorrow.
I feel this way too. I’m seriously lacking in motivation, and I know if I chose a fall race to train for, it’d get better. I’m just not motivated to look for a fall race either. It’s really blah right now.
Blah indeed! Hope we both pull out of it soon 🙂
Actually, I really WANT to run, despite the horrible weather. I just hate it when I’m sick and can’t complete what ‘s on my schedule.
I want to run too I just want to run in 60 degree weather with a nice cool breeze. LOL Think you can make that happen?
this heat has definitely been tough. it is averaging 100 for me right now and I just want to cry.
That’s about what we have going on. It’s really hard to be outside and even harder to run. I may need to treadmill tomorrow.
I hear ya on the heat and humidity. If I don’t get early enough to get my run in it doesn’t happened. But like you said I am exhausted the rest of the day. I don’t think my runs have been really recharging me. Just making me more tired. Maybe I need to take a break, but I am in marathon training so really can’t. When will fall be here?????
Good question! Not soon enough for me
I’m motivated to exercise inside – thank goodness for the A/C at OTF and Revolve!
I think I am going to have to suck it up and run on the treadmill tomorrow. I am sure it will be better! Look forward to seeing you next week at Elevate
I hear you. Oddly vacation I never have a problem staying on track but when we go from summer to school or school to summer I have problems trying to get into a new routine. Right now my issue is just that our schedules are ALL messed up. Since Cali we were off on our time and then no chance of getting back on schedule with Sammie’s 8:45 soccer games. She comes home, showers, is hungry, we watch the Olympics and I have to tell her to try to go to sleep at 1am, after she has been reading an hour and still isn’t tired. Than we don’t get up until 10-11am! I know CRAZY but we are just rolling with it since my hubby has been out of town.
I hope you find motivation soon! Otherwise just roll with the flow sometimes it just “works”.
It does sound even crazier at your house!!
Gosh yes! You put it all into such a positive post compared to my whine-fest on Wednesday. Motivation, heat, and recovery are all killing my mojo right now. I think we try to pack so much in summer and it just wipes us out!
You know maybe it is a little of that too! I am confident we will both make it through 🙂 Until then lets feel free to complain to each other about it!!
Thankfully, my struggles have not been major, though frustrating. As you know, I spent June (and most of July) scaling back my mileage due to one issue or another (PF and then the angry hammy). I’m glad my body can maintain most of its fitness and endurance without excess miles in the running shoes anymore. The heat/humidity has been pretty extreme, though! #sweatfest
I know you were injured earlier in the summer and I loved how you kept such a positive attitude throughout
Living in Mississippi, I really should be use to this, but I think this has been the summer of heat and humidity from Hell! No matter when you go out it is awful! No doubt this is one of my struggles, another is the lack of schedules.
I totally agree this summer just seems so much worse to me as well.
Ugh, the heat has been horrible this summer…
I know so crazy hot all weekend!
I feel like the heat in general just tires us out, even if we’re not doing strenuous workouts in it. It’s important to remind ourselves of these things. This post was a great reminder for me 🙂 So Thank you!
Thank you too! It’s so easy for me to be hard on myself but you are right
Waving my hand over here. Me too! Different struggles but summer struggles nonetheless.
I never remember having them before! Dreaming of fall 🙂
I agree with the lack of structure when the kids aren’t in school. I usually can convince them to go to the YMCA but that’s become a bit of a struggle lately. Fortunately the girls go back to school next week and I’ll have more time to myself!
Well that should surely help a lot!
Well school has begun, so that is helping with the schedules. It has been super hot and humid here in Indiana, and that usually gets me with my running. However, I have a knee injury and so I’ve only been road biking and not running. So I kinda feel like I’ve cheated the heat this summer. I’m riding hard but there is some relief on the bike that you just can’t get on the run. My struggle now is with school back in session, and it’s dark early, I have to wait to go out for my bike ride. I hope to be running again soon.
I am taking my daughter back to IU tomorrow and I see that the temps are really cooling down this week. So excited to get a run in there!
Yes, better weather although we’ve had a ton of rain and still some in the forecast next couple of days. Enjoy your trip!
I would actually rather run in the rain at least I won’t be sweating to death 🙂
I think a change in schedule is always going to disrupt your workouts – whether it’s a complete lack of schedule or going back to a full on schedule after enjoying the lack of schedule 😛 We’re creatures of habit!
In summer the heat definitely messes with me as I know if I don’t get out early, it is WAY too hot (and to be honest, often too dangerous!) to do anything later so I only get one chance!
Yes all true! I am looking forward to school starting and some cooler weather.
While we don’t have the heat & humidity you do, I have struggled with the lack of schedule. Kids sleeping until 10 every day ? Our meal times are completely off. I am starting to crave the back to school schedule too.
Yes exactly! This too will pass for all of us soon
The heat and humidity are my big summer struggles down here in SC,
I know it’s been crazy this summer!
This humidity over the past few weeks has been very draining! I hope you find your mojo soon.
It has been tough! I feel a light at the end of the tunnel 🙂 Have a great week friend
yes, yes and yes. the humidity has been downright RUDE! I don’t mind the heat but dangit this heat wave is just excessive.
I don’t remember it being this bad in a long time! I think the end is near. Have a great week!