Thanks for joining me and Kim for the weekly run down. This week we were in Aspen, Colorado getting in some amazing ski runs and the most beautiful views. If you missed my story about the last time I skied and why it took me 20 years to try it again, you can read it here. Here’s a peek into my week!
Ski Ya Later-weekly run down
Sunday- travel to Aspen + numerous airport Peloton walks
Travel days are never optimal for time changes! That early morning wake up was rough but so worth it. We had a slight delay in Denver-which always happens to us before finally making it Aspen. The weather is absolutely gorgeous with highs in the 40’s.
Monday- Skiing + stretch classes
We headed out with an instructor for a fabulous day of skiing and oh the views. I was super nervous at first because of what happened last time I skied. After a few runs, I relaxed a bit and felt pretty good out there.

Aspen is such a fun town to walk around in and people watch so we did a little of that after skiing. All the restaurants and shops are fabulous too.
Tuesday- ski day #2 + stretch classes
It was another picture perfect day on the slopes today. I felt a lot more comfortable on my skis and did a few more difficult runs. I left feeling accomplished and not too sore. Of course, I did my Peloton stretches both before and after our ski day.
Wednesday- Tread Peloton walk + barre + stretch/core
Whew! Exercising at altitude is so challenging! I was a little stiff from skiing so a Peloton walk and some stretching and mobility was just what I needed. I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around and enjoying the shops and the views. Aprés Ski style.
Thursday-Peloton cycle + stretch & mobility + walk
Always love it when my hotel has a Peloton. Did I mention how hard it is to exercise at this altitude? There is 25% less oxygen. Apparently, it takes about 3 weeks for your body to really adapt to that change. Anyway…my husband wanted to hit some more challenging runs today, so I opted for the gym and walking around town and a soak in the hot tub.
Friday-travel back to Denver
We walked around town until our flight was scheduled to leave. Denver got a bunch of snow and was having all kinds of delays. Our flight was delayed out of Aspen and we missed our connecting flight home by about 15 minutes. Argh! Anyway, we spent the night in Denver.
Saturday-Fly back to DC
We finally made it back home a little tired and with a lot of laundry! Everything seems to have bloomed and boy was it warm!
So that’s a wrap on our week of skiing and fun in Aspen. I am really proud of myself for getting back out there after so long.
Well done for getting back to skiing, very brave. No joke about the lack of oxygen up there. My husband had a work trip in Colorado and was so unwell with altitude sickness (of course we’re only a few metres above sea level at home) and he’s likely to have to go back there so not sure what he’s going to do! I have seasickness bands which are apparently supposed to work. Anyway, great photos (and trousers on that first day!) and well done you!
that altitude is no joke if you come from sea level. They do sell oxygen cans which apparently help and lots of electrolytes
Good to know, thank you!
yay for getting back to skiing!! looks like it is going well- hopefully it feels good to be back after everything. enjoy! your photos are gorgeous!
thanks it did feel good!
I’m glad you had such a great time skiing! You have such cute ski gear!!
We went to Aspen for our honeymoon but we were so tired from skiing we barely made it to the hotel happy hours!
It’s crazy how much snow Denver got while it was spring here. Glad you made it home.
I am glad that I tried it again too it was super fun!
Yay you for getting out there! I was an avid skier in my younger years but it has been well over 30 years since I’ve skied. I would be a little nervous out there. Getting an instructor was a good idea. Looks like a blast!
I was definitely nervous but glad that I did it
It looks like you guys had so much fun! Glad you got back out there and had a great time. Love your pictures and your outfits!
Thanks me too
Yay for a fabulous week on the slopes! I can only imaginer how mentally challenging it was to get back on the skis, but kudos for conquering that feat! I’ve been loving all your clever ski/snow captions 😉
I was super nervous but so glad I did it. Thanks you know I love a good photo
This sounds like an amazing trip, and you skied! How fun (and brave of you.) I’ve never been to Aspen but I’ve been to Denver, and I remember just going for a walk there and feeling the lack of oxygen.
Glad you returned home in one piece!
I am too! The altitude is no joke if you are not used to it
Well done getting back on the slopes! And how nice that there were some other options too (the gym etc). Those are such beautiful mountain views. I didn’t know Aspen was at such an altitude that you’d notice the lack of oxygen!
The altitude is real and apparently takes a few weeks to adapt to
So proud of you! How fun! And your skiing wardrobe was so adorable!
Your pics make it all look so fun! I wish I could try skiing again- the idea of that boot around my hardware makes me unable to breathe lol. But I could totally rock those fun pants!
Glad it was an amazing time!
I feel you on the being nervous and I sure was! I am glad I conquered my fears 🙂 and had some fun
Ahhhhhh skiing!! This trip looks great! I would also be hella nervous about skiing after that injury so I’m glad you got back at it. Exercising at altitude is a challenge for sure. Glad you had a good trip!
We had so much fun!
Good for you for getting back on the slopes after that horrible injury! Love the pics and fabulous outfits!
It felt good to get back at it