September: End of summer, start of school, new page in the calendar…
Although January is typically when people assess their goals and make changes in their lives, September is also the perfect time to do an assessment of how your goals are going and decide whether you might need a little “Tune Up” so to speak. Don’t worry I haven’t totally fallen off the wagon or anything. I’ve just been feeling lately that I could use a little “Tune Up”. I’ve let a few things slip this summer that I plan to refocus on.
I typically exercise 6 times a week with one day of rest. Usually that consists of 3 days of running, 2-3 days of strength training and some sort of cardio (biking, spinning, elliptical, swimming) and 1 day of yoga. This summer however, my frequency has remained constant but I think my intensity has waned a bit. This has been especially true this August where I felt a little rushed to get things in and perhaps have not dedicated myself the way I normally do.
I am pretty good about stretching, icing and rest days especially since my stress fracture last winter. Part of my recovery regimen includes hot yoga once a week. But I realized the other day that I hadn’t been to yoga all summer! I went last weekend and remembered how much I love it and how great I feel afterwards. Why did I miss class all summer? Is that why my hip flexors and IT bands have been tight?
I had some lofty goals of getting a lot more sleep this summer. During the school year, we get up around 6 as my kids are out the door before 7. I planned to log in lots more sleep during the summer but instead I stayed up late watching dumb tv shows and playing around on Pinterest. LOL! Tomorrow brings another 6 am wake up so it’s time to start going to bed earlier and remembering how good it feels to get a good night’s sleep.
For the most part, I eat a well balanced, vegetarian diet all of the time. Where I’ve been slacking a little is meal planning. I like to plan out my meals for at least 3 days. I haven’t been so good with that the past month and have been improvising at the last minute. I need to go back to my staples-preparing and eating my Breakfast Casserole again. Planning my meals out better and having the ingredients in stock. I was so good about my lemon water in the morning and that sort of fell apart as well. Whew! Got that off of my chest.
So just as you might take your car in for a “Tune Up” to check the tires, add fluids and make sure it’s prepped for winter, I invite you to join me in a September Tune up for your body. Assess what’s working and what could use a little tweaking. #Refocus #Restart
So tell me-Are you in need of a September Tune Up as well?
I love evaluated and resetting my goals each month (and meal planning!) It makes me feel good looking at last months goal and seeing improvement or what I need to improve more of. Thank you for always being “real.” I fall off the wagon too but good news, you can easily pick it back up! Happy September 🙂
Thanks! We all have good months and no so good months. Things don’t always go as planned! Have a great day
Woohoo I’m happy to say I’m good to go! No tune up needed 🙂
2 months ago was a different story. I needed a tune up and to regroup. Check!!
That’s great! Sounds like you are in a good place. I know I will get back there just need a week or so.
I don’t think that I need a tune up yet…. YET. But soon I probably will. I noticed earlier this summer that I too was getting pretty lax on the intensity. But being a month out !!!! from my marathon, the name of the game is DONT. GET. HURT.
oh yes I hear you! That was my goal for Ragnar next week. I figure better to be a little under trained than hurt right?
I’m with you on this! I’ve always treated September as a “new year” of sorts. My meal planning is in need of some fine tuning for sure. And overall I feel like I need to dial-up the intensity of my workouts. Happy September!!
We are definitely on the same page! Hope you have good month as well.
I feel like I always do better in the summer because I actually do love running when it’s hot out and always eating fresh ingredients you can find this time of year. I think once it it gets cold out I will need a tune up.
I love running in the summer too and love the sweat dripping off of me. I just feel like I need to ignite my fire so to speak 🙂
I’m not in need of a tune up yet–esp in the thick of marathon training! But come October, I’ll be reevaluating my goals for 2015! And lots of stretching and yoga.
That’s great that you are in such a great place. You’re almost to marathon time-exciting and impressive friend!
I had to take a step back and evaluate where I was and where the rest of the year was headed back in July. With injury definitely comes a shift in focus! Here’s to hoping a successful remainder of the year!
Yes so true-here’s to running injury free for both of us!
Hey hey!
Always a smart idea to talk about tune ups–we all need reminders ya know?!
My hub and I are making our way to a 1/2 marathon in October–so Sept will be filled with running and HIIT workouts. Its GREAT to have a workout partner for motivation.
Yes we do! Happy September 🙂
i think it’s always good to reassess where you are and make sure you’re on top of your game. and what better time than the change of seasons!
Totally agree! Feeling better already
So how does that lemon water make you feel in the morning? I hear a lot of people drinking it before breakfast, always been curious as to what it did for them 🙂
It is supposed to be cleansing to drink first thing in the morning and aid in digestion. In the winter months I really enjoyed it and then sort of fell off the wagon. Let me know if you give it a try.
All great goals. It’s good to be honest with yourself and know what needs to be improved. I know I need to focus on eating better again. I was doing well before we moved and I just haven’t gotten totally back on track. Sleep…I think I have given up on that!
Sleep so elusive! I know I can do it if I really try and stop searching pinterest at night LOL
I totally need a little tune up and I Am getting there– the first trimester of pregnancy this summer made me a major slacker in the kitchen and while I am still have some major food issues I need to get my act together and do better feeding my family!!
Well at least you have a good excuse!!
Right now I am at a good place! But not so long ago I did just as your suggesting and looked over my life, my goals and where I was and made a few decisions. I think tuning up our lives is a continual process, it’s always good to periodically step back and look at where we are at, and where we want to go!
Definitely a continual process. Don’t want to get too comfortable right?
Even though my training as been on point and I am eating healthy foods pretty much all of the time, I could use a bit of a cut back on the vino and definitely on the quantity of my food. I also could use more sleep but that is never going to happen 🙂
I felt the same way that my eating is good and I have been working out just something felt off. And yes we can all use more sleep for sure
My eating has suddenly gotten out of whack, and I think it’s due to my foot injury and the fact that I’m not running as much. I always eat to fuel my runs, but with my little hiatus, I got a little out of focus. Time to tune-up that part of my life!
I can totally see how that can happen. You have a schedule to eat for fuel and when that changes, everything can change. Hope your foot is doing better. Rest up for Ragnar
I REALLY need to tune up my SLEEP! I am so good, but lately I have been going to bed later because well… Life gets in the way. But I do try my very best to at least get 6 hours! Sometimes… 4 or 5 must do!
4 or 5? Wow I would be a walking zombie for sure. It’s so easy to get distracted at night on pinterest or FB. I need to be more disciplined too or it’s going to end bad for someone 🙂
I’m with GiGi! My sleep has been all out of whack lately. I go to bed with the intention of getting 7 hours of sleep, but lately I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep! I need to tune up (or turn off!) my brain haha
Sleep is such a hard one. I function well on 7 hours too but now with 2 teens its hard to get them into bed so I can go to bed. September is a transition for sure. Sweet dreams!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I need a September tune up… my nutrition is out of whack and my fitness is lazy.
Getting back to school usually helps with this too!