Sometimes during a long run, I can zone out and not think about anything at all. Other times, I have all kinds of random thoughts pop into my brain. Lately, those are the kinds of runs I am having. So, lucky for you, I am sharing a few of those random thoughts.
Running thoughts
In no particular order, here are some of the random thoughts I have had in the last week while out on a run. By the way, I did stop midway to jot them down into my phone’s notes section. Here goes:
Why is that guy running barefoot?
There is a guy that I see often that always runs barefoot. Why would someone want to do that? I’ve seen him in rain and shine and most recently on a very hot day where his feet had to be burning on that hot asphalt.
Why do some runners not say hi or wave back?
Twice on the same run, I waved and said hello to a fellow runner. One was male the other female. Neither one of them acknowledged or waived back. I really don’t understand why. I know they both saw me.
What should I have for lunch?
I have a few regular lunches that I rotate through. Usually, I am not hungry until way after my run.
Dogs on long leashes!
I love a cute dog as much as the next person. However, people walking their dogs need to keep them on a short leash. When I am running towards you, please don’t let your dog jump up on me. I don’t know you or your dog and it can be very frightening. It is just safer for all of us.
I wonder if anyone noticed I really need to shave my legs
Sometimes, I get lazy about shaving my legs. I just really didn’t feel like it yesterday. Another reason why fall and winter running is better-long running tights.
Well, that about covers my running thoughts for today. What did you think about during your last run?
Ah, I had some interesting thoughts yesterday.
I was biking up a steep trail in the forest when I heard an ambulance. I was very surprised and wondered how a car can get up the trail.
I stopped and saw that it was a quad with all the “ambulance fittings”. It passed me and sped further uphill. After about 20 minutes, I caught up with the quad-ambulance again. It was parked on the trail and the medics were rescuing a biker who had crashed into a tree. He was badly hurt in the head. I learned later that he was brought to the hospital and is on his way to recovery.
That gave me food for thought for the rest of the bike ride. I biked very carefully down that hill!
oh wow that is scary! Glad he is going to be ok
I am usually thinking about all the things I need to do after my run. Sometime I make a mental to-do list while I am running. I do like to plan out of my breakfast! I also get nervous around dogs if they come near me while I am running.
the dogs can really scare me!
I try to run with a friend or listen to a podcast. Not much thinking.
But I often do work stuff while I’m running or plan my life. Often it’s what to eat after. And when another runner passes I think about their form vs mine.
I do also look at other runners’ forms. It is super interesting to see so many variations
Ha ha!! My thoughts are all over the map, and I seldom can every remember any of them by the time I return home.
That happens too!
I don’t understand barefoot running either. It seems like it would be very uncomfortable. And I’ll bet his feet are UGLY!
Thoughts are so random when you run. I do spend too much time planning my IG post (there, I admitted it). I’ve also planned letters to the editor (or similar) if I’m annoyed about something. Never sent them though, mostly because all my great ideas disappear as soon as I stop running!
If I am annoyed about something, running does help me vent about it or make a plan. I also plan photo spots as a reward for finishing my run
I promise no one can tell you didn’t shave your legs- you’re speeding by them much too fast for them to see. I usually listen to podcasts while I run, and interestingly enough I was listening to one today where a guy was explaining why he likes to run ULTRAMARATHONS barefoot. He said it gives him a deeper connection to the earth. When the terrain is too iffy to go barefoot he wears Luna sandals. My difficult foot would make it about five steps running barefoot- but to each his own!
I am with you on the feet! I can’t even walk around my house barefoot let alone think about running!
I’m also usually not very hungry right after a workout. I need like an hour to recover before I stuff my face.
The shaving thing is the reason I wear compression socks. Kidding. Only kinda though haha. It does come in handy when I’m feeling lazy!
They do come in handy another reason to like winter running when we can wear tights 🙂
LOL. These days I think if someone is close enough to see that I need to shave then it’s their fault for being too close!
I wonder if Mr. Barefoot washes his feet when he gets home.
ooh I sure hope he washes his feet!