Thanks for joining me and Kim for the weekly run down. Coming off of the heels of another challenging week, I am ready for a rewind and a redo week. I am channeling my inner Hilary Swank from Million Dollar Baby-I might have lost a few rounds, but I am not down for the count.
Rewind and Redo
Sunday-Peloton cycle + 2 mile walk + stretch
I woke up feeling so much better and ready to get back to some semblance of my workout intensity. It felt good to get back on my Peloton and nothing lifts my mood like a little to me with Denis and Cody.
I was still testing positive so no social time instead, I headed out for an afternoon walk with Peloton outdoors in my ear.
Monday- upper body strength + core + Peloton cycle + outdoor walk and stretch
I woke up feeling a lot better and happy to test negative. Determined for a rewind and a do over, I stacked my Peloton classes and got it done. Later in the afternoon, I headed out to keep up my outdoor walk streak.
Tuesday- 4 mile run/walk + stretch and mobility + barre
With my covid testing negative, I was excited to return to gen pop and get some time with my friends, I tried to cut myself some grace on this run. Happy to report it went a lot better. My legs are feeling less achy and I am trying to get used to the meds. There was some walking involved but the run felt better.
Continuing with my A to Z Joy of Running theme. My favorite F word is Friends and I could not be more thankful for mine.
Wednesday- upper and lower body strength + bare + core + stretch
Pretty good all around Workout Wednesday with a little bit of everything. I was feeling back to myself for the most part with a lot of energy for my classes.
Thursday- 4 mile run/walk + stretch classes + afternoon walk
It was another beautiful spring day around here. I am determined to take back some sort of control over my running. It still feels like I am running in someone else’s body but I progressing. I am sure the whole covid situation did not help things.

Friday- core + upper & lower body strength + yoga for hips
I slept really well last night and was feeling good about getting in a solid workout today. My body really appreciated the 20 minute yoga for hips. I did not realized how tight I was today! I had a fantastic deep tissue massage this afternoon and I‘m ready for a relaxing weekend with my husband (who finally returned from his trip).
Saturday- 4 mile run + stretching and mobility
Today’s run went much better. My Dr. adjusted my meds a little lower and it seems to have made a huge difference. I am feeling a lot better and able to run farther before taking a walk break. Feeling like I won this round today! I was a lot happier!
Happy to be finishing this week a lot stronger than it started! Rewind and Redo accomplished. Hope your week ended on a high note as well.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
I hope the rest of 2023 brings you good health.
Friends sure do help, don’t they?
I got my booster. Fingers crossed it protects me. And the rain better stop!!
Thanks I hope so too
I’m so glad to see you feeling better. What a roller coaster ride you’ve been on! At least now you don’t need a Covid booster…I’ve actually read that there’s a new variant emerging and I wonder if that’s what you had. Anyways, stay healthy and give your body grace to make a gentle comeback. XO
I am glad that I am feeling better. I knew I was on too high of a dose of those meds and they were making me feel crappy. Giving myself grace is not one of my virtues 🙂
Glad you are recovering and things are on the upswing. After I had covid back in early December, I had mild chest congestion for a looong time. It’s nuts. Enjoy that beautiful weather and send some here!
It was gorgeous out all week and now it’s torrential rain all weekend!
I’m so glad you’re feeling much better! Back with the workouts & back with friends…does it get any better? 🙂
Yes, it feels good to be back and with my friends too
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Between the new meds and covid, your body was coping with a lot. I was glad to test negative after my trip (wanted to check before visiting my Mom). The guy across from me on the plane home was coughing and hacking the whole way. Grrr.
I am glad too! 🙂
I’m glad the week ended on a high note for you! I think whenever you start new meds there’s an adjustment period. Hopefully you’re past that now and can start to feel normal. And maybe you’ll be immune to Covid for a while at least. In your photos you definitely look like your usual strong, happy self!
thanks and I hope so too!
hooray for feeling better and getting to see friends! hopefully this means you’re protected for a while and can stay healthy this spring!
I sure hope so
I’m so happy for you that you’re feeling better, both being rid of Covid and the medication change. How nice to get back together with friends and I hope you can work on getting where you want to be with your running. Are you cleared to run longer distances now?
I am working my way back up!
So glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully, the medication adjustment is just what you needed. Wishing you a strong week ahead!
thanks Michelle I hope so too
Oh, so glad to hear you’re feeling better Deb! Here’s to a healthy 2023 for you for the rest of the year!
Thanks I hope so too
Oh, I am so sorry to hear you caught Covid. I dodged it for a long time but got it last fall even though I was still so careful. It’s almost unavoidable at some point. I am glad you’re feeling so much better already and are able to pick up your routine again.
Agreed it catches up w all of us eventually!
SO glad you are feeling better! It took a bit more time for me to get back to running after I had covid but fingers crossed you won’t be too affected by it! great rewind and redo!
Mine was pretty minor so hopefully all done w it
So glad to hear that you felt better at the start of the week and continued to improve.
Yes I am so thankful for that!
Glad you’re feeling better though think I missed you being poorly. I’ve realised the bout of illness I had in Feb/Mar was probably Covid, even though I tested negative multiple times – I had conjunctivitis with it and that is a feature of the new variant we have here! Fortunately I stayed away from people anyway. Good to see you’re back out and about.
Ugh glad you are feeling. Better too! I guess we were all bound to get it at some point!
I am so, so, so glad you are feeling better. You can almost see the relief in how you are glowing in those pictures! Yay!
Also, I’m glad Covid didn’t hold you back too much. Hopefully recovery goes smoothly!
Thanks Jenn! I am feeling a lot better this week
Glad you were out of COVID jail and able to enjoy the company of friends again! Also glad to hear the meds adjustment helped you out. I got my COVID booster last week and I felt a little wonky from it, but nothing too bad.
yes happy to have a much better week!