I am joining up with Deb for the Wednesday Word linkup today for a change of pace. When I first saw today’s word was quality, I immediately thought of the saying “quality not quantity”. I did a little thinking about how that applies to my life right now.
Simple Definition of quality
: how good or bad something is
: a characteristic or feature that someone or something has : something that can be noticed as a part of a person or thing
: a high level of value or excellence source
Running “quality”
This time last year, I had a raging case of plantar fasciitus that left me unable to run for almost 4 months. The previous year I earned myself a stress fracture by not respecting my body. I am happy to report that I am feeling better than ever running! (Knock on some wood somewhere) I’ve been slowly building back my mileage the past few months and really enjoying running. Part of me wants to go out everyday and run as many miles as I can but I know from past experience that this will only lead me right back to injury. I am running 3 days a week and have really learned to enjoy the quality of my runs and not pay so much attention to the quantity (mileage or time).
I’ve realized a shorter quality run can make me very happy and keep me hopefully off the injury list. I am actually enjoying running in the cold! I can honestly say I am loving running more than I have in a long time. Looking forward to runs instead of dreading having to run a certain number of miles can make a huge difference in the quality of my runs.
Emotional “quality”
I have also been making a concerted effort the past few months to spend quality time with those who make me happy and spend less time with those who do not. Surrounding myself with those who have qualities I enjoy and removing myself from situations that give me stress, have made a huge difference for me.
Nutritional “quality”
I’ve always been interested in nutrition and vegetarian cooking however, now that I am hosting the Meatless Monday link up each week I am even more focused on the quality of my food choices. I am loving the challenge of coming up with new recipes each week that are filled with quality ingredients.
I was having the hardest time coming up with a “word of the year” but I think I may have just found mine!
Finding who and what you love and surrounding yourself with them.
Love this! After having issues with my knee for the past few months and not being able to run because of the severe pain, I’m starting to get eager to run again. Like you, I think it will be great to look forward to runs rather than dread them. And speaking of quality people in your life, one of the things I’ve learned in the last year or two is that keeping great friends around is so important…and letting the ones go who aren’t positively impacting your life.
Yes that’s exactly how I feel. Life is too short to hang around people who make you feel bad right?
Oh, Deborah, I couldn’t love this post more! What a perfect way to look at the year!
Thanks! It’s my new motto as of today 🙂
You know I’m all about quality. Especially now as I’m waging my own war with PF!!! Damn it!
I see you wearing those sandals that I love. Yep, quality.
Quality is the way to go for the “long run” have a great day!
Oh, this is a great “word” for the year! I hope we can spend some quality time together!
I would really love that!
I love the word quality and the way you can apply it to all different aspects of your life in 2016 and beyond.
I think so too!
Since I have moved home near family this yr, it has been so nice to spend quality time with them. Something that I was unable to do for several yrs when I lived out of the area. Makes you appreciate the small things a bit more:)
It sure does doesn’t it?!
Quality is a great word of the year! I too have made quality foods my focus this year. Quality in friendship is priceless!
It sure is isn’t it? Took me a long time to figure out
Team quality. Definitely!
Sounds good to me!
I am totally with you on quality over quantity, with every aspect of my life! I’m very prone to injury when it comes to running, so I’m all for getting less runs in if they are strong, than forcing myself to get out there just for the sake of getting extra miles. And high quality nutrition goes waaay further than eating a ton of crappy food!
Exactly! Here’s to quality for both of us 🙂
Quality over quantity every time! I like how you applied this one word to different aspects of your life!
Thanks I liked thinking about it in different ways too
Quality is a great word to have as your yearly focus! It really is the key to everything!
It is isn’t it?!
Quality all the way! It’s interesting that now that I’m running 3 days a week instead of 4, I seem to be more focused on having a quality run. I am also trying to surround myself with quality people that make me happy instead of dragging me down! So glad to hear your running is going well!
Thanks and I am glad that your running is going well!
Awesome read!!
Quality time with those that make you happy….PRICELESS!! 2016 came and a few friends got cut or choose to leave (and I am OK with that!)
Food choices-working on a higher quantity of fruits and veggies.
Quality runs/workouts for sure. I really try to make sure each workout/run serves a purpose!
I am ok with that too! Sounds like we are on the same page!
I love your word! Quality time is SO important not just for your family time but friendships too.
Exactly! Thanks for being part of my circle 🙂
Oh, quality for sure! A whole lot of nothing special isn’t really that important, while just a little bit of something awesome is everything!
I hope you have an awesome, injury-free year!
I couldn’t agree more and happy injury free running to you too!
I love today’s word! It seems we all are in agreement on the Quality over Quantity thing 😉
It was a fun word to think about for me and see how I could apply it to all areas of my life.
Quality is a great word to focus on! Quality wins over quantity most times, unless we are talking about shoes… or bags 🙂
Or chocolate?! 🙂
Love this post! I really try to focus on the quality of my workouts versus the quantity. No point in going to the gym if I’m just going to half ass it!
Love Love your word choice for the year! Quality is so important especially about time and people you care about =) Thanks for sharing
Exactly and thanks for being one of my quality people 🙂
I am all about quality over quantity. As I get back to running again, I’ll be focusing on quality miles instead of trying to log as many miles as possible. The last thing I want is to risk injury.
Exactly! Hope you are enjoying all of your quality mommy time 🙂
I think that is a great word for the year! You are so right, when you focus on quality your life has quality! Great post!
It does doesn’t it?! Thanks for being part of my quality group of friends 🙂
I love this word. It’s sort of where I’m trying to go this year cleaning house. I have too much “stuff” – my focus this year is going to be on experiences over things! Total quality.
I love it! I am right there with you
Great post! I will take quality over quantity everyday! I like how you broke it down and hit each aspect of your life!
Thanks! I think it’s a great word too
I’m a big believer in quality over quantity, too 🙂 in my day job that totally applies – I don’t care how many reps a client can or cannot do, as long as the reps DONE are quality. I need to be better at surrounding myself with QUALITY people.
My trainer is always telling me the same exact thing! It took me a long time to realize that I needed to hang with certain people less often to be happier.
I definitely need to improve “quality” in all of these aspects. Need to start running more again. Need to eat MUCH better. and need to spend more time with friends I don’t see as much as I’d like to. Thanks for the reminder!
It was a nice reminder for me too! Spending time with people I actually enjoy makes all the difference.
When it comes to running, I am definitely a quality over quantity person. Quantity lead to injury & burnout. Also, fully agree about surrounding ourselves with quality … I have weeded out all people in my life who were full of negative energy. Hope you are ok in the blizzard !
WE are doing ok thanks! I agree quality friends and quality running.
Great post Deborah! It’s hard not to get caught up in all the streaks and challenges out there that are based on quantity. Thankfully, it does not interest me to try and run 2016 miles in 2016. I can’t even imagine!
It is hard not to get caught up in all of that. I know it just leads to injury for me and that is nowhere I want to be again. Hope you are having a great weekend
I think it’s important to find a balance between quality and quantity- they’re not mutually exclusive concepts. Quality sounds like a great word of the year, and I love the quote you had along with it!
Thanks and yes they don’t have to be mutually exclusive! Have a great week
Quality is a great word to have as your “word of the year.” Good for you for surrounding yourself only with people who don’t add stress to your life!
Thanks for linking up!
I think so too! Thanks for the idea