Happy Wednesday Fitnessistas! I’m linking up for Wild Workout Wednesday with a few tips and tricks I’ve learned from my trainer to help me get more from my core exercises. Hope you find them useful as well.
The plank-a common exercise that we all do-right? It’s easy to do or is it? Have you ever stopped to think about your form?
My trainer, Brian, is a stickler for form sometimes making me repeat exercises over and over again until I get it right. He would rather I do one rep correctly than a whole set incorrectly.
The plank is one of those often done exercises that, when done with good form, can yield great benefits. Done incorrectly, the plank loses effectiveness and can even cause injury.
Today I am sharing some of the tips & tricks that we use to “Perfect my Plank”.
-Engaging your triceps, abs & legs before you lift your body keeps the intensity on your core.
-Lift your triceps, abs & legs all at the same time.
-Think of lifting your body into the air instead of pushing it up.
-Keep your weight evenly distributed between arms & legs while drawing abs in.
-Elbows and shoulders should form a 90 degree angle.
-Feet are at a 90 degree angle to your leg.
Looking in the mirror while doing a plank can really help check your form. Hope some of my tips and tricks help you to Perfect your Planks.
Are you a stickler for form? Any tips for me?
Linking up for
Great tips! I try to use a mirror once I get set up, but then my head/neck are out of alignment, so I have to look away!
Yes good to do a quick check with the mirror!
Awesome tips! I always find that looking in a mirror or watching play back on a video I’ve recorded really helps to keep my form in check! So easy to dip your hips when you’re fatigued!
Yes it is so easy to fall out of form isn’t it?
Your plank is fierce!!!!! Great tips!
thanks! My trainer really gets on my form
I am a stickler for form. I like to get the most benefits I can from a pose! Great tips.
Thanks! Great form makes all the difference doesn’t it?
All great tips! Its very easy to use the wrong form for so many exercises, but breaking things down and analyzing what our bodies are doing will help to prevent injuries.
definitely thanks!
Great detailed post. Planks are the only other exercise I try to squeeze in right now during my marathon training, despite my busy schedule.
Great to do anywhere yes!
Pitchy hips are my nemesis when watching others plank! I get after people (don’t worry, not strangers) all the time!
I am sure you are very subtle 🙂
Love planks! Great tips!! I like to look in the mirror at my form too!
Thanks! Have a great day
My chiro is also a super strict form man when it comes to planks. Need to remember to not let your hips drop which makes your lower back sag.
Exactly! Thanks for stopping in today have a great week
Great plank info! I heard once before that an incorrect blank is nearly non productive.
Last winter, I did a few Jillian Michaels Circuit workouts that had planks. It was my first time with them, and lets just say they kicked my butt, in a good way! The circuit was only 30 seconds for each, but oh my gosh when I first started that 30 seconds might as well of been 30 minutes, LOL
I’ve also heard planks are great for runners to build their core and hip muscles up and it helps avoid a lot of injuries. Thanks for the form tips!
I totally agree they can be great if done correctly. Thanks!
great tips! I like good form too or there really isn’t much use to doing them. I like when we do plank in yoga class because she will correct bad form, I am not very good at it. One minute seems like one hour!
I think that means you are doing them correctly!
Great tips! Done the wrong way, you can really do damage to your lower back. Ouch!
Yes absolutely! Thanks
This is great! I have seen some of THE WORST planks in the gym and a tiny mean girl part of me wants to take a photo so they could see how off they are. But I’ve never done it 😉 I’ll just share your tips instead.
LOL thanks 🙂
Great tips! It is painful to watch people plank or do push-ups with their hips up in the air! I am certain I would benefit from a mirror in my fitness room for my yoga practice!
Watching myself try to do yoga is scary
great tips – love planking!
Thanks me too!
I plank it out every day for 2 – 5 minutes! 😛
That’s great! Plank on friend
No mirror in my family room, but those are great tips!
Thanks! Enjoy 🙂
Confession – my butt tends to stay lifted during planks. I actually have to tell myself over and over to keep it down.
Well that means that you are paying attention to your form and that’s a good thing!
All great tips. It took me a while to perfect my form, but I’ve got it now! And you can tell when you are doing it right!!
Oh yes you can for sure!
YES! Right on. I see so many people at the gym doing planks with saggy butts or butts in the air! I should just leave a few of these printed out around the gym 🙂
Ha yes it’s amazing the things you can see people doing wrong at the gym isn’t it?
I am a stickler for form. That is the military in me The drill sergeants would make you do the same thing over and over until you get it right. Thanks so much for sharing
Sounds a lot like my trainer!
Form is so important to getting the most out of exercises and not getting injured! Great reminders!
Thanks I agree!
I constantly have to resist the urge to poke people’s bums when I see them planking wrong 🙂
Lol maybe you should!
I have no mirror and no audience other than my husband and son so I hope I’ve been keeping my butt down.
Lol I hope so too ?
Yes!! Love this! I am always thinking about my form when doing planks.
My therapist has watched me a few times to make sure I am doing it correctly. I love the mirror idea! 🙂
Thanks! I always think about my form too
Great tips, glad to hear the Brian is a stickler for form! Checking your form in the mirror is a must!
The Brian is a stickler for sure! When I taught group ex classes I found myself saying the same things to my class
great tips I always struggle to get my hips in line without a mirror!
It makes it a lot tougher!
I am a total stickler for form. Having these visuals is definitely helpful for getting proper form. The worst is improper form that makes your neck hurt!
I know! You can really do a lot of damage to your neck and shoulders
I saw this post on IG and thought “I am happy someone is showing a correct plank”! LOL! This is one of the best exercises if done correctly. Works the entire body when done right. Thanks for sharing! Nic-
Thanks! Drives me crazy when I see people in classes doing them wrong 🙂
Thank you , I have been working on core exercises and I’m not the best with my planks this should help me with my form. After all why would we want to do the planks and not receive the benefits you get from doing them right. I want to get stronger . Ruth
Exactly!! Thanks for stopping by have a great weekend
These are awesome tips!! It’s easy to do the plank wrong or change form as it becomes harder to hold. Great post!
Thanks! I agree ?
I want to print these and laminate them and show people what they look like when they are doing plank incorrectly. I teach boot amp and this is probably the move with the worst form. Well that and squats. Great tips!!
Oh yes squats too! Hmm future post
As a trainer, OH YES I am a stickler for form! It’s a challenge when their posture changes, but we can slowly work on both! Great post.
Thanks! I bet you do see lots of mistakes
yea lady!! love this! that is the PERFECT plank i would have to say. Lots of people dont realize when they’re pushing their weight back on their heels, and im so glad you brought it up. Nice one 🙂
Thanks so much! People don’t realize it
I can’t tell you how many times I have to correct people’s form at the gym while doing a plank. A move that looks so simple to the eye is quite difficult to perform correctly.
I know! Thanks