With my first tri race of this year coming up this weekend, I thought it would be a great time to refresh my own memory on how to pack my triathlon race day bag. (Insert nervous face here). I have not done a race since last summer and I want to make sure I don’t forget anything. It can be a little overwhelming as so much gear is required for a triathlon race but with a little prep work you can rest easy the night before your race. My simple guide to packing your triathlon race day bag will help you make sure you have everything you need to rock your race.
How To Pack Your Triathlon Race Day Bag
Because triathlon races do require so much gear, I find it’s best to set everything out at once for each leg of the race. That way you can visualize yourself moving through each leg and thinking about exactly what gear you will need for each stage. Once I have all of my gear laid out, I pack it into my tri bag in the reverse order that I will use it. Let’s take a look:
The Swim
I am laying out my tri kit here to make sure I have everything but on race day I will be wearing it to the race. As you can see I always pack an extra swim cap and an extra set of goggles. The swim caps often break so best to throw in an extra of those. I have a pair of flip-flops to wear to the swim start, sunscreen, chamois cream, and a t-shirt to throw on to keep me warm while waiting for the start. I bring a bright-colored towel to use at my transition spot.
The Bike
Since I will be racing all 3 legs in the same outfit, no need for extra clothes. I will ditch my goggles and cap and grab my helmet, gloves, and sunglasses. Throw on my Balega socks and bike shoes, take a sip of my pre-filled water bottles and head out. I put some baby powder into both my cycling shoes and running shoes to make them easier for wet feet.
The Run
After returning from the bike leg, I will throw off my helmet, gloves and cycle shoes and switch right into my running shoes. Bib numbers are required for the run and I will have mine already attached to my race belt and ready to go. Take another swig of water pop on my visor and I am off and running.
Post Race clothes
I always bring along dry and comfy clothes to change into post-race along with a snack just in case they do not have something that appeals to me. There is also a large plastic bag for wet clothes, Shower Pill wipes, and a little bag of emergency items just in case.
Packing it all up
Definitely a ton of gear for one race! I have my packing strategy down to a science and everything fits neatly into my tri bag. I believe it makes the most sense to pack your bag in the reverse order that you will use it. Therefore, your post-race dry clothes will go on the bottom and stay in your bag until after the race. Then layer in the run gear, the bike gear, and lastly your swim accessories on top. Water bottles are filled and stored in the side pockets. Fuel is split between the Bento Boxes on the bike and the side pockets. I’ve got a quick 15 second video to show you how it all fits in perfectly!
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There is so much gear needed for a tri, wow! Looks like you have a great plan for packing it all!
Yes it does seem like a lot!
I’m glad that you included post race clothes–I think people often forget those!
They do! I love to have dry clothes to change into
There arr really great tips! I’ve often wondered how triathletes pack for their races because you need so many different things for all 3 legs of the race.
You do need a lot of gear!
I don’t know if a triathlon is in my future – – but I do know I never ever ever thought I could do a marathon. I also know 🙂 so much less than the training I can get overwhelmed by the small stuff. What other people would think with small stuff. Things covered in this post. I got so frazzled about what to bring marathon morning – – I am filing this away in case it is ever triathlon time!!
I agree that all the details can really be overwhelming. It helps my anxiety about the race to plan out things like this. I can never imagine doing a full marathon myself but who knows
Since I don’t tri, I don’t know, of course!
Don’t you chafe biking & running in a wet suit? Curious minds want to know. 🙂 Not that I plan to ever be doing so, mind you.
I do use the body glide and chamois cream before swimming but I think if you have well fitting shorts it really helps
See, this is why I can’t do a tri. So much gear!!!
Seriously, you have it down to a science. I like the idea of being so organized!
Organization is kind of my thing and it helps reduce my race day anxiety. You could so do one 🙂 just saying
Ah, this is so exciting! I can’t wait to read your race recap. You’re so ready!!
Thanks Rachel a little nervous but I think I am ready
I wish I had read this before my first tri! I now have a list on my phone for packing. There are a lot of items in my bag, but I keep what I use in transition to a bare minimum. (It’s like I can’t see or think when I get there. LOL). Great tip on the two pairs of goggles. At my last tri, my goggles broke just as I was lining up to get in the water. Isn’t it amazing how wet you still are at the end? I keep dry clothes and a large towel in the car.
Of course everything breaks on race day right?!
Aw don’t be nervous, I know you’ll do great in your tri – I have so much admiration for triathletes! Looks like you have a great packing system..I don’t think it’s too much at all!
Thanks so much!
I find it hard enough to pack for a race (which I am finally have a system for) I cannot imagine packing for a tri but it looks like you’ve got it down!
I sure hope so!
With the two triathlons I did, organizing and packing my gear was the most overwhelming thing. This is an excellent list!! I pack my bags in reverse order too! Great minds! 🙂
Wow that is a lot of great gear for your triathlon! If I ever decide to race one I will remember your post for my checklist! Thank you!
Great thanks so much
Thanks for the awesome tips! It can have a huge impact on your performance.
Looks like you have a pretty good system for packing everything. So many items are needed! I’ve never done a tri, looks like being organized is a must.
Good luck at your race!
Yes organization is key
Sounds like you’re ready to go! You’re going to be awesome!
Thanks Nicole!
Great info! As you know, I’ve never done a tri (but have thought about it…someday), but I did a du in 2015. It’s crazy how much planning it took. I used a borrowed bike, so I also laid out a bright (orange) towel to help me spot it, and I had my Nuun water mixed and ready (in the bottle holster on the bike). Good luck!!!!!
I think you would totally rock a tri 🙂
This is a great list! I’d totally be the person that forgets to pack socks or something random like that! I’m always forgetting things!!
That’s why you have to have a list!
You’ve got this, you are so ready!
Thanks 🙂
Looks like you have it all taken care of… hope you have a fabulous event!
Thanks me too!
Reading this I just realized that it has been almost 10 years since I ran a triathlon! Great tips, though I doubt I’ll be needing them. 🙂
Good luck in your event! You’ll do great, you’ve been training hard!
I shared your post on a Triathlon page I manage (TriEvents, Inc).
Thanks so much!
Well you never know you may do one again 🙂
Iron Woman! Great job – Idk how you do these!
Aw thanks they are fun!
Love that coffee and friends tee!!!
Wow! There is sure a lot of stuff to pack for a Tri. That’s why I just stick w running. Heck sometimes I can’t even remember everything for that. You are very organized!
I’ve never done a triathlon, but I do love a good packing post 🙂
I know you are super organized too!
I love packing…and gear…if only I loved doing triathlons! haha!
Well never say never!
I think you do have it down to a science- very impressive! I am excited for you- good luck this weekend!
Getting there with all the right gear is half the battle!
I also have a headlamp. These races usually start early and I like to get there extra early so I don’t feel rushed. But I agree that it totally helps to set everything out and visualize it.
Great idea not sure if the parking lot is lit or not!
Packing the bag in the reverse order that the items will be needed makes complete sense. Hopefully that saves you some time during the transitions.
I think it will!
This Is great! I have not done a tri yet but I am going to save this post for when I do!!!
I think you would totally rock it!
I find packing my bag for a triathlon and racking my bike on the car the night before a triathlon is both calming to race day nerves and gives me an ‘oh crap this is really happening’ feeling. It’s always good to have more tips! Have you ever forgotten anything for a race?
Yes I also put my bike on the car the night before don’t want to forget that! 🙂 No fortunately I have not ever forgotten anything yet
Good post. amazing race day bag. I have not done a tri yet but I am going to save this post for when I do!!!
Great thanks so much