When I first saw that the topic for this week’s Wednesday Word was cautious, I thought to myself “I have nothing to write about that!”. I took a moment and looked up the meaning of the word on a few different sites.
(of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.“a cautious driver”
antonyms: reckless -
(of an action) characterized by the desire to avoid potential problems.
As a parent, I believe I have taught my children to be cautious. They were taught to look both ways before crossing the street, not talk to strangers, not touch a hot stove, not play with matches…etc. In that sense, caution is good and caution is smart.
I then thought about myself. Was I too cautious sometimes? I looked deeper into some of the synonyms and examples and found that the word, cautious, can have a negative connotation as well.
“Someone who is cautious avoids risks “
Whoa! I realized that being cautious can sometimes lead to avoiding taking risks and avoiding potential problems real or imagined. Taking risks is sometimes really scary and taking risks sometimes leads to failure.
I know that in my training for running and tri races, I am often afraid to take risks. What if I swim so fast that I am too tired to bike or run? What if I run too fast the first half of a race and I can’t finish it? What if I am too cautious about swimming in the Potomac river so I don’t sign up for a race that would require me to swim there?
Perhaps being cautious has enabled me to hold back in some aspects of my training and racing for fear of the outcome? Do I stay safely in my comfort zone out of caution?
I never would have thought about any of this today had Deb not had this prompt for the Wednesday Word link up.
This exercise has given me so much to think about. What about you?
Are you too “cautious”? Does it hold you back?
Very thought-provoking, Deborah! Most people probably would not call me cautious since I frequently try new things. But others (especially those who have ridden with me on mountain bikes) would probably tell you I’m overly cautious. I try to strike a balance!
I would think of you as not cautious too! But no one else ever knows what goes on in your head do they?
I’m with you Deborah. First I thought I’m not too cautious, but reading your post about your triathlon – I’m doing the same thing! I’m avoiding to go all out in the beginning, ’cause I’m worried I might not finish otherwise. So true! Wow – something to think about, the powerful little word “cautious”.
I know! I never thought about it before and I was really surprised when I did. I really think I hold myself back at times.
I think most of the time I am opposite of cautious (in general) but with my blog I tend to be cautious (when it comes to certain topics) at times and not always write what I want for fear or being judged. I am trying to change that and just be as authentic as possible.
Interesting! You seem very genuine to me on your blog which is why I like to read it. Thanks for sharing that 🙂
I am cautious about speed but found it’s less risky on the track than the treadmill. My caution about the Potomac has kept me from trying SUP here, but those “raw sewage” warning signs validate my concerns!
ha yes me too! I would go SUP before I would swim for sure though
I don’t consider myself a cautious person…but I won’t do certain things, like a triathlon because the swim scares me!
It scares me too every time!!
I’n sure that sometimes I’m too cautious. I don’t want a painful race (hard is ok, just not literally painful) & I want to keep running.
That’s the edge & it’s so hard to find!
It really is hard to find isn’t it?!
What a fun topic! I was a very cautious kid but I feel like running has taught me to push my limits and take some risks.
That’s great! I think I am more cautious now than I have ever been. Partly because I think I will get hurt.
I feel like I’m too cautious in my professional life. I definitely would not use the word outspoken to describe me, but often times I think I should speak up when I don’t. It definitely makes it more challenging to advance my career. However I’m not cautious with my racing – I probably should be more so! Fly and die… that’s my motto haha.
Ah all about finding balance right?!
I definitely have been too cautious in the past. As I’ve gotten older though and learned many life lessons I’ve learned to take the bull by the horns!
Ha I think the opposite has happened to me! I know all these bad things that can happen and I get scared
I don’t feel I’m overly cautious. There were times when I decided to do something just because it was challenging, scary for me and a little risky. You know, conquer your fears. But, that doesn’t mean I throw caution to the wind either.
I need to conquer my fears more often 🙂
Caution is pretty much non existant to me. I am the person who runs towards danger. I lost caution when I joined the Army and then became a police officer. I am getting older so maybe I need to start being a little more caustious. Thanks and have a great day
I need to borrow some of yours!
Love that you found something to write about after all 🙂 I know I can be too cautious….learning to step out of our boundaries and take risks is so hard!! I’m learning more with yoga – i.e. headstands.
oh see I would never even try some of the inverisons in yoga because I think I will fall and hurt something. Clearly I need to work on this
I think their are 2 types of Cautious people. The type that are overly cautious and avoid and miss out on things in life because of it. Then those who are smart cautious, who just think things through a little so they get into things with less risk and can do them smartly:)
I’d say you definitely fall in the smart type:)
I am cautious when it comes to street smarts type stuff. But I am also a thrill seeker, who will try anything at least once. But even if I am going to jump out of a plane or cliff, I still think it through before and make sure I can do things in a way to live another day to do the next adventure:)
That’s true there are levels to caution for sure. Living to see another adventure is definitely key
I definitely think there is a fine line between being cautious and being carefree enough to take risks. But, I think pushing yourself to take a risk – like doing your first triathlon or full marathon, while being cautious in your training to avoid risk or overtraining, is pretty important too! So maybe we can have both?
yes I think there is a way to have both I just need to figure out how
I think this is just what I needed to hear today. I’m too cautious too sometimes and I need to be better at pushing myself a little bit harder. I want to try new things, but that little voice is always there. Thanks for sharing Deb!
I feel the same way! Hope we both find a way to balance it!
Isn’t it great how these simple words provoke a lengthy thought process? I do find that the older I get It does hold me back more than when I was younger!
Yes I am growing to really enjoy these Wednesday Word topics!
I do find I am too cautious when it comes to running. Today at my track workout, the leader gave me a finish time for my 400 and I was like-no way…she said yes way! I was surely being too cautious and was not (at first) willing to take the risk but then I did and CRUSHED the time she had given me!
Yay you that must have felt awesome!!
Recently I’ve been walking on that “omg I can’t believe I’m doing this” line. And it’s been liberating. And risky. And OMG I can’t even believe how brave I’ve been lately. But it’s scary. And I still feel like I”m being cautious, but so excited to see what might change if I go for my dreams. About to throw caution to the wind and go for it!
That is great to hear that you are stepping out of your comfort zone more. I need to do that!
I don’t think of myself as cautious, but more realistic. Yes, I know how to swim now, but I’m still cautious about certain tris in lakes I don’t feel confident in. That’s a project for the winter/next spring I guess.
For me too! That is my weakness but I know it’s all in my mind.
I think I’m always way too cautious when racing. I am so afraid of that burned out feeling that might come that I don’t push myself and therefore don’t reach my full potential. It’s a tough thing to stop doing to yourself.
That’s exactly how I feel!! I know I can do better. It’s all in my head.
Since getting injured, I’m definitely cautious with my right leg, but I think it also taught me to train smarter. I still love trying new workouts – I’m just sure to take it easy if I feel my calf tweak out and always refuel properly afterwards !
I am cautious as well due to recent injuries I need to be a little less afraid sometimes and just go for it
Sometimes I don’t feel l am cautious enough. I need to step back and weigh my options before making a decision.
We should team up!!
This is a great blog prompt! I heard recently that people are cautious not for fear of failure but fear of shame. That had me thinking and it makes so much sense! What is one thing that hold someone back? Worry about what people might think. And if you fail, then you fear people will shame you with comments like, ” I knew you couldn’t do it.” Or “I knew that idea wouldn’t work.” I am learning to throw caution to the wind and stop the “what if’s”. It’s been very freeing!
It sounds freeing! I am going to work on it for sure
I think the older I get the more cautious i become. I have learned to enjoy the adventure as a whole so taking it slow and easy sometimes is ok with me, it is better than not participating at all! I am surrounding everyday by residents that took to many risks and well, it did not pan out for them.
I think I have also gotten more cautious with age. I don’t care as much about speed. I just want to be out there doing what I love
Definitely some food for thought here! I know that I am cautious about SO many things in my life…I really do need to work more on that and stop being so fearful about risk or making mistakes!
Yes me too. I never really thought about before
Some really good points Deb! I say in fitness I am def too cautious, but I take risks in other categories like travel and such! I also think I am less cautious than I was in my 20’s! There is always so much room to grow! What a great exercise.
Yes in other parts of my life I am not as cautious. Really interesting to think about
All great points, Deborah. I’m certainly a very cautious person, and often err on the side of caution. But taking risks often pays off, even in ways that you won’t necessarily think that they will.
That’s so true and I need to remember that more
I would say I’ve def been super cautions in training for marathons. Hey, I’ve ran 4 without being injured. But, I’m always wondering if I would push a little harder how great could I become? So, this training (number 5!) season I’m reaching past my comfort zone and pushing harder than before without reserve. And you know what? It feels freaking amazing!!
Good for you! run on friend
That’s fabulous! I am always afraid of getting hurt again.
What a great examination of the meaning of being cautious! I’ve never thought of there being a positive meaning, but sometimes caution is a good thing 🙂
Thanks sometimes caution is a positive thing for sure.
I’m cautious, but I think in a bit of a good way. I tend to get into phases where I just want to do everything, face my fears, jump into the deep end of the ocean! The cautious side of me helps me really think these situations through before I make any massive mistakes 😉
Sounds like you have found a great balance!
I think I am cautious for fear that I don’t want to make a mistake and regret it. It’s hard taking risks. But you never know what the outcome maybe if you do not take a chance at it.
So true I feel the same way!
I’ve never been more un-cautious than ever before. Not unsafe but much more willing to take risks. That mindset comes with an amazing energy!
I suspected that about you! It’s all about finding that balance right? Have a great weekend
I definitely think there is a time and place for being cautious. I am definitely cautious, but I think I’m appropriately cautious. I’m not sure I’ll have to think about this one more!
I know it was a lot to think about for me too!
You’ve listed some very good reasons to be cautious during a tri. Having never attempted one, I wouldn’t have thought of any of those things!
I think sometimes if we’re too cautious, we’d miss out on a lot of fun.
Thanks for linking up!
Yes totally agree! Lots to think about for sure
I can definitely be too cautious for fear of not being perfect or for making a mistake. It is something I continue to work on. It’s hard to miss out on things because you are too cautious. Great food for thought!
Thanks it really gave me a lot to think about as well!
Debbie’s link up is so good at making us think 🙂 In some cases, it’s definitely important to be cautious to avoid injury or disaster. But then again, a lot of times when I achieve a new PR it’s because I threw caution out the window. Bettering ourselves often comes with a bit of risk.
I know it’s complicated isn’t it!?