Happy Friday! I am linking up with the Friday Five gals Fairytales & fitness and Running on Happy. Today’s topic is Five Things you may not know about me….Hmmm what do you already not know about me?
You may not know, that even though I have been a vegetarian since I was twelve, I married a complete carnivore. I am not just talking he prefers meat. Oh no, my hubs will not eat any vegetables except for the carby ones. This makes meal planning a little tricky at our house! I am ashamed to admit that I often make two different dinners. I try, when possible, to make dinners like this one where people can combine their own ingredients.
You may not know, I am a total crossword puzzle nerd. I love to see how quickly I can get through the daily puzzles and look forward to the more challenging weekend puzzles. Saturday morning coffee and crosswords are my favorite way to start the weekend.
You may not know that I did not start running until my mid thirties (you know yesterday lol). I started my MRTT chapter 4 years ago because I was looking for someone to run with in my neighborhood. I never would have guessed that I would have found over 700 moms to run with!
You may not know, I have a Masters in Social Work with a specialization in Eating Disorders. Though I am not using those skills like I did when I worked in an ED clinic, I like to think my social work skills come in pretty handy with my Girls on The Run group. I coach the 6th grade team and sometimes our practices seem like group therapy and that’s fine by me.
You may not know, I really never drank coffee until about 3 years ago. I now cannot believe I ever lived without it! Coffee is that magical thing that gets me through me day. Seriously, is there anything coffee can’t do?
Speaking of coffee…You don’t want to miss the monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup tomorrow with me and Coco. Hope you will join us! It’s the best coffee date around.
Your meat-eating mad cracks me up. I’m in the dame situation and it’s a constant battle. I eat meat, but I swear Vegas would live on steaks, burgers, and pepperoni pizza if I let her. At least she admits she eats like crap…
My husband won’t admit that he eats terribly either! The struggle is real my friend
I love crossword puzzles as well–I used to be addicted to the crossword app on my phone, but I can’t find an app that I like nearly as much for my new phone. And I would always steal my dad’s NY magazine to do the crossword at the back!
I feel like they keep my mind sharp! I didn’t like the crossword app either but I do play words with friends a lot.
I used to do crosswords all the time – it’s how I multitasked through college lectures before there was social media. My skills are rusty though! See you tomorrow!
I feel like the same clues come up a lot so it’s fun to know some obscure info. I find it relaxing in the evening. Yes see you for coffee friend
I am so impressed with your background in SW! Working in peds, we get a few eating disorder patients. We just hired a new adolescent medicine physician with a background in eating disorders. Thankfully. I always feel so inept with those patients.
ED’s are such a tough condition to treat. I’ve been out of the field for a while now but all of the social media has to make it worse than ever.
LOL on the coffee. I can not live without the stuff. Perhaps if I actually got enough sleep…
I’m an adult onset runner as well. I love that all the local MRTT groups have grown so much around here. You could totally tell from the near constant shout outs at MCM this past weekend.
And we all eat meat and I still find myself sometimes making two dinners…
Seeing so many MRTT mamas out at big races just warms my heart! The 2 dinners ugh the struggle is real
I’m not a veggie person either, and it drove my mom nuts when I was a kid. I love fruit, so I stay healthy with that. I have gotten better with some veggies, like I’ll eat tomatoes now, but still not many. My mom’s a veggie lover, so I obviously didn’t get that.
Ha well maybe there is hope my husband and son
What a fun post! I didn’t know you became a vegetarian so early. I was about 15. My hubby is a carnivore too, BUT he’s a really good sport about eating whatever I put in front of him. He gets his meat fix out at lunch.
Have a great weekend.
That’s great that your hubs will eat what you make. I am still working on the kids but I’ve given up on him
That’s funny that you and your hubby eat so differently. That has to be hard with the family. Are the kids more meat eating or veggie eating?
So the kids will eat a little bit of both. My daughter is much easier and my son is coming around a little bit more.
I don’t know how I ever managed life before coffee. I was a very late bloomer too… 35 maybe? Before that it was nothing but tea.
I think it’s great that you are mentoring girls so young through Girls on the Run. I with there were more programs like that when we were young (-ger than we are now).
I wish there had been a program like gotr when I was younger as well
Crossword puzzles are fun! I used to do them a lot before going to bed. I will be honest, I was better at the People Magazine crossword puzzles than the newspaper ones. 🙂 Do you like Cryptoquotes? Those are a fun puzzle.
Your GOTR team is lucky to have a coach that is so educated on ED! I coached GOTR for a season. Our girls were 3rd and 4th graders.
I’m a carnivore but I do love me some veggies too!
So glad you had the chance to coach as well. It’s a great experience for sure. I have not tried cryptoquotes I will check it out
Very nice to learn more about you. I didn’t know you didn’t start running until your 30’s. Coffee is the best 🙂
Yes so there’s hope for everyone!
Out of all of these I am most shocked by the coffee one…cannot believe you went so long without it!!!
I know seriously!!
Wow, with the amazing vegetarian meals you make, I’m surprised your husband is still meat crazy, lol!
I enjoy crossword puzzles but only do them when I’m on an airplane! They are often really tough!
I know what is wrong with that man?!
So you’re saying that there’s still a chance that I might one day develop a taste for coffee? 🙂
I am thinking yes!!
My husband is a vegan and I’m not – that makes for some fun meals! Confession, I’ve never had a coffee before…couldn’t even stand the smell of it until a few years after marrying my husband!
Wow never had coffee!? Yes it is challenging to balance different eating needs for sure
I really admire that you make two dinners! That must be challenging! how do you organize that ? My fiancé doesn’t eat a lot of meat, so i’ll make whatever I am making and he eats only the veggies. Tacos is always my best option.
I also really admire that you can do crossword puzzles!
I don’t know how or why I make 2 dinners! I end up eating lots of left overs for me
I would have never guessed you are a crossword puzzle nerd! NO WAY! Once you are empty nesters will you eat out more with your very different diets or are you just used to that way of cooking?
I love that you started a MRTT chapter and that you volunteer with GOTR. I’d love to volunteer once I have a little bit more time!
It’s really such a great experience I hope you have the chance to volunteer as well.
The one thing I dislike about my local MRTT chapter is how big it is. I feel like a lot of people just “sit” and don’t participate. I’m actually not a member because of the size to be honest. Lol.
I can’t believe you make two dinners. No, freaking, way… how do you juggle it all??!
So I have mixed feelings about the size of our group. We are at over 700 now and I don’t obviously know everyone anymore. I still think it’s the best thing I’ve ever been a part of. Hope you give it another try and find your peeps.
I’m a counselor and worked with at-risk youth when I got started in the counseling field. I don’t practice currently but I keep up my licensing. I believe it’s super helpful when coaching women through self-image issues and such. Surprised to learn that you haven’t been a runner all your life. I started running in my early 20s. I did not do sports or anything in school.
Yes the counseling background is so helpful when coaching the younger girls and dealing with everyone else too! No I really started running later in life so maybe there is still time for improvement
Yet more things in common…the mid-late 30’s thing with running, for example. I still have not gotten into coffee, though….I love the smell, but the taste is yucky. Give me a foamy hot chai latte’ and I’m good. I took a pass on the Friday Five 2.0 because I’m “having coffee” with ya’ll tomorrow (and just could not swing back-to-back posts this week). I never thought of dong one post and double-linking it (duh!)
Well of course I am glad that you are having coffee with us tomorrow (or chai latte) 🙂
These are such interesting facts! Hmmm, one thing people don’t know about me. Probably that I’m terrified of birds!
So is my daughter and I have no idea why!!
Aw that was so fun to learn more about you!! Coaching those girls on the run group seems so fun! I’ve never gotten into crosswords but I used to be obsessed with doing those sudoku puzzles in middle school!
oh yeah I liked the suduko for a while then kind of got bored. Yes coaching gotr is the best experience
It’s always a bit of a challenge when two people in your family have very different eating habits, you’re doing a great job!!!
It sure can be!
Those are five great things to know about you!
Ah thanks! Have a fantastic weekend
Great post! Such a fun way to share new things about yourself!
Your husband sounds like mine!
Love that you can still use your experience even though you aren’t specifically using your degree right now!
Yes so do I thanks for stopping in! Have a great weekend
I’m not vegetarian, but in eat that way a LOT. And Mr. Judy sounds a lot like your husband. So yeah, I frequently make 2 meals & that really sucks.
Of course I don’t drink coffee; I don’t even like the smell!
Well our husbands are very lucky to say the least!!
Aren’t they, though? 😉
No coffee until 3 years ago? How did you live? Haha. I actually used to HATE coffee growing up. I hated the smell of it and everything. Then I went to college. I worked at the gym and usually had the opening shift followed by a full day of classes, studying and partying. Needless to say, coffee became my best friend.
I think I was drinking other things in college 🙂
Ummmm…..how did you survive without coffee for that long? The only time I didn’t drink coffee was during my first pregnancy, lost the taste for it. Now I drink way too much….
I have absolutely no idea how I went that long without coffee!! I could not even make it a day right now
I love that you are using your education in a way to help young girls feel good about themselves. Way to inspire young girls to be healthy and accept themselves.
Thanks so much Cassie I really do enjoy working with them and hope that it makes a small difference
I wish I was better at crosswords! I’m quite jealous!
Gotta practice!!
Interesting post! I was a late in life coffee convert as well. Always loved the smell but took a while for the palate to warm up to it.
Yes exactly! Now I want it all the time
I absolutely love that you have experience with ED treatment, that is so crucial when it comes to coaching young girls (or anyone for that matter). Have you listened to the Running on Om episode on EDs in running? It’s with Lauren Fleshman and Dr Melody Moore and it’s so full of wisdom.
Actually no I have not heard that podcast yet thanks for suggesting!
I’m the same way about coffee it was about 3 for me too. How did I function before this liquid awesome?
I have no idea how either one of us did!
I love coffee too. I didn’t start drinking it until I was in college. It got me through a lot of late night studying. I hate crosswords. I find them too challenging and can never figure them out and I get frustrated. I much prefer word finds…haha.
The crosswords get easier as you keep doing them. I really like the challenge
I love this post! Especially since I just started following your blog, I feel like I get a bit of a head start on getting to know you.
I didn’t start running until my mid-twenties, and I can’t imagine life without it now 10 years later. It’s done so much for me.
My husband is also a big meat eater, but fortunately he eats veggies. Don’t be ashamed to make different meals, I have to do that too sometimes 😉
Thanks for sharing these with us!
Thanks so much it’s so fun getting to know all of my blogger friends even more! Isn’t it funny how before you become a runner, you never even think about it and then it just sucks you in and changes your life!?
That is so awesome that you have a Masters in Social Work!!
Impressive! 🙂
Well thanks friend!