I originally discovered this product when it arrived in my RunnerBox last month and was immediately intrigued. Mino is inserted into your running shoe to “Automatically track your shoe usage so you can replace them before injuries happen”. Interesting!
We all know you are supposed to replace your shoes every 300-500 miles but who can keep track of that? Does running on different surfaces affect the life span of shoes? Does the weight of the runner affect the shoe’s integrity? Does the style of a runner matter? I don’t know about you but I’ve always wondered how to know when to replace my shoes.
Enter “MINO” a new product designed to tell us just when to replace our shoes before we injure ourselves.
What is it?
It is a 2.5mm thick soft foam insert that goes right under the liner or orthodic of your shoe. It is calibrated to count 400 miles of compression to the mid-sole of your shoe. Right smack in the middle of the 300-500 mile suggested life span of a running shoe.
“There are 6 progressive LED’s that light up once you hit a certain amount of compressions per the miles you have run. We count walk steps and run steps differently in the algorithm and average it all out b/c we have found some people walk and run in the shoes (and cross-train). We recommend every 3-4 weeks, lift up the sock liner, press and hold the blue “O” on mino to display the lights and see how far along you are.”
There are 6 wear light indicators that show you how worn your shoes are. You will need to insert the Mino into a new pair of shoes to get an accurate reading. It is only necessary to insert the sensor into one shoe (either left or right). A spacer is also included for those that want to have one in the other shoe as well. I could not feel it under the Superfeet that I had in my shoe.
How do you install it?
Simple- lift up the lining or orthodic of one of your shoes, place the foam inside and replace the insert. No batteries or charging required. Use the spacer on the other shoe if you wish but it is not necessary.
What will the sensor tell me?
“There are 4 blue lights, a yellow and a red. The red is calibrated at the 400 mile mark. If you like to change your shoes a little earlier than 400 miles, you can change them out when the yellow lights turns on (350 miles). Once you hit the red light, the Mino will still function, but it won’t tell you anything other than you’re about to OUTRUN YOUR SHOES.”
If you like to replace your shoes after 350 miles, simply watch for the yellow indicator. The red light means you’ve hit 4oo miles.
How do I check it?
Every few weeks simply lift up the liner, press down on the blue button for 2 seconds and note the color of the wear lights. The Mino is not reusable for another pair of shoes.
This in an introductory review as I have just placed the sensor into my own shoes. I will be doing periodic updates on the product over the next few months as I pile on the miles. I think this is a pretty cool product for the price ($15) and the peace of mind of knowing when to replace your shoes. One more positive of this company is that all of the sensors are Made in The United States.
Mino also provided me with some samples to share with my running group. More on their experiences in the months to come.
I’d like to share a Mino with one of you to test out as well. Please enter the raffle below if you’d like to give it a “test run!”
a Rafflecopter giveaway
How often do you replace your shoes? How do know when you need to?
I try to change them about 350 or so, but I forget to write it down. This would be great.
I love the concept of it. Good luck with the raffle.
Not soon enougb. I’ve been waiting until I start hurting to change them! This would help a lot!
Well then this would be perfect for you! thanks for stopping by the blog
Around 500! I don’t actually measure (that’s why this sounds cool!) but I can tell in my knees when the shoes are starting to break down!
I think this is a great product for exactly that reason. Save your knees!
What a great idea!!! As an elite, it is critical that I change my shoes out regularly. I usually put about 300-400 on mine, but it depends on the shoe. I use my online training log to keep track of mine, but this is a great idea! Would definitely love to win one! I don’t mind tracking mine online, but I have plenty of friends who I know would love to know about this product! Thanks for bringing it to my attention 🙂
I go through shoes fast, because I don’t really wear other shoes other that workout and running shoes! About every six months I need new ones, but I have some barley used that I hate, so I am gonna be shopping soon!!!! #iloveshoes
Interesting. What a great concept! I usually change mine every couple of months and I have 2 pair that I use
It’s a really interesting concept-I like it!
this is such a cool concept! I can’t believe it wasn’t done already since most of us are using outdated spreadsheets to track mileage hahaha
I know so simple but important. Thanks for visiting the blog hope to see you again.
I typically change out my shoes every 3 to 4 months. Mileage varies though. #wowlinkup
Me too It’s just hard to remember sometimes.
I usually run about 400 on them but try not to go over that
Thanks for entering and stopping by the blog hope to see you again!
What an interesting product. I know I am not great about replacing my shoes in a timely manner. I’d just be excited to see how many miles I’ve walked/run. At my current rate, I won’t need to renew my shoes for a year. LOL!
haha! yes it’s a great concept and easy to use.
good question! I’m not really sure, because I can’t really keep track, usually when my legs start hurting more and more!
Ha then this perfect for you and so easy to use. Thanks for entering-good luck
I used to be better about tracking, but I now rotate through so many shoes at one time that I have no idea!
Guess you need one these trackers then!
This is bad, but I actually don’t keep track! I just wear them until they don’t feel right anymore.
guess you need one of these then!
I would love this! I alternate three pairs of shoes but this would be helpful!
Alternating shoes is a great idea but hard to keep track I’m sure. Thanks for visiting the blog hope to see you again!
now THIS is cool!!! I always wait until I start hurting before I realize it’s time for new shoes!
It’s a great concept! Sound like you need one
I honestly haven’t run enough miles to change shoes yet *blush*. But I do plan to change them if I ever get to 400 miles on my Daily Mile account 🙂 #wowlinkup
You will! Keep it up Amanda
I always struggle with this! Generally I will wear my shoes for a season and then start thinking about the next pair, but I woud love something like this to take out the guesswork!
Sounds like you could use one. Thanks for stopping by hope to see you again
I don’t run and I should practice what I preach. I tend to hold onto the shoes until they look busted LOL. Visiting from the #wowlinkup and entering also!
Oh no that can’t be good!
I usually have a hard time figuring out how many miles I put on shoes, but I can guess maybe 400.
Then this would be a great product for you! good luck and thanks for stopping by hope to see you again
I have never actually tracked miles on my shoes. Which is why I really need this!
you do! Hope you win. Thanks for stopping by
I never keep track. I usually wait for my knee or ankle to start hurting. this would be awesome!
It’s a great product! Good luck
once every 1-2 years, now that I run in more minimalist shoes and don’t really heel-strike.
ooh that sounds like a long time! You might need one of these. Thanks for stopping by hope to see you again
Whoa. I have never heard of this. Interesting concept! I change my shoes about every 300 miles, but I also swap between 2 different sets at a time. Thanks for sharing something new! Good luck with them. I’ll be interested in hearing your progress updates. #wowlinkup
It is an interesting concept. I like to change around 300 miles too but I forget sometimes.
This is interesting! I’m currently using the milestone pod on my shoe, but HATE wearing a pod on the outside. I would love to try this one out. I’m not the best to ask how many miles it takes to get a new pair…my last pair had over 700 miles on it…NOT GOOD.
700! Wow no wonder your calf hurt!! I try to change mine every 3-4 months. You need one of these
What a clever product! Thanks for introducing it!
It is interesting and I’m anxious to see how it works for me.
I usually run around 400, but this would be so useful to be more aware!!
I think it’s a great product. Good luck! Hope to see you again here thanks for stopping by
I wear my sneakers for about 500 miles.
You could definitely use this! Thanks for stopping by!
I change them somewhere between 300-400 miles. But more specifically, I know it’s time to go shopping when my shoes get uncomfortable, start rubbing blisters, or hurt my feet.
I try to change mine before something hurts but I forget sometimes. I think this is a great product
This is my second year of running and my second pair of shoes which I bought right after Christmas to start the new year. I was hoping to run in them all year? Now I am fascinated with your idea- keep us posted- I would not want to be injured just because I did not know it was time to buy new shoes!
People usually change their shoes btwn 300-400 miles or 4-5 months. I think a year is too long. You may need one of these!
Probably about 300-400
Thanks for entering. You should check out this product it’s creative.
This looks like an interesting product. I like that it’s in your shoe and tells the difference between running and walking, since I often walk my dog in my running shoes too.
I like that concept too. I will keep you posted on how it works.