Thanks for joining me and Coco for the May 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date today. I often think I have nothing exciting to share, but have no fear, but you know how much I like to chat. Grab your mugs and let’s get right to it!
May 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…
May is always a super busy month around here. We have birthdays, anniversaries and of course, Mother’s Day all next weekend! All happy occasions to celebrate. We will be hosting Mother’s Day brunch on our new deck and porch. It is so close to being finished! All of my furniture is sitting in our garage waiting. Can’t wait to show you all the pics of the finished product very soon. My builder promises it will ready for Mother’s Day!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…
We are finalizing our summer travel plans. You all know how much we love to travel and this summer looks like another busy one. We have a quick trip to Chicago to visit our daughter this month. Then, we are off to a wedding in California with a stop in Napa of course. Time to start planning those epic travel runs!
We will be grabbing our passports for some more European travel in July and off to Colorado for a few days as well. While I do often miss the days of my kids filling the house, being an empty nester means that I can go off with my husband on his work trips more often.
If we were having coffee, I would ask you…
What does your perfect Mother’s Day look like? (Did you catch my Mother’s Day gift guide?)
Do you have any fun travel plans this summer?
Thanks for joining the May 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date!
Ooo, lots of travels up ahead for you—I hope you have fun!! I’m headed to Vietnam shortly but no other travel plans yet other than a conference in Montana over the summer-hoping to go to a couple more places before the end of the year!
Both of those trips sound amazing!
I’m envious of all your upcoming travel! I’ll be seeing the sights of my hometown, LOL. But, I do have some races on the roster, so there’s that. I’m definitely ready for some real summer weather and outdoor fun!
I am sure you will take full advantage of the warm weather !
Your travel plans sound fun! We are heading off on an African safari in June. I can’t believe how quickly it’s coming up!
I cannot wait to hear all about it! We have discussed doing that but weren’t sure our daughter would like it
Sounds like you have a fun summer ahead! I’m definitely looking forward to getting some time away soon.
Me too!
Whew! That’s a lot of travel.
We are thinking of going out west to visit my MIL & SIL.
Have a great Mother’s Day!
Thanks you too!
I have NO summer plans whatsoever. Maybe I can tag along with you. 😉
I didn’t know you were re-doing your deck — can’t wait to see it!
Yes it is looking great we are excited for our new space
All the travel sounds wonderful!
Ever since 2020 ( when we couldn’t go out to restaurants), we hosted a Mother’s day tea party at home. It has become some what of a tradition for my family so we are looking to that!!
Thanks for the link up and Happy Weekend!
I like that tradition it sounds lovely!
Wow, your travel schedule sounds amazing. Whenever I get sad at the thought of my kids leaving home, I remind myself that I’ll have more time for things I want to do. It’s just a different phase (and an exciting one, for you!)
I’m not even sure what we’re doing for Mother’s Day (but I know what I’m NOT doing- cooking dinner.) I want to see the pictures of your finished deck! And brunch… I like food photos.
yes it is a different phase of life. I was so sad when my kids first went off to college! I am now embracing the freedom of being able to travel
Thank you for the opportunity to link up and for your time to put it together weekly.
Thanks for checking it out
I love following all of your travels – LMK if you have time for a quick run or coffee when you’re in Chicago. I have to work on some travel planning!!
I will miss you this time but I am sure we will catch up soon
I’m looking forward to seeing you when you are here in a couple of weeks. I hope you can squeeze me in! I have a lot of travel plans this summer too. Crazy how fast it goes!
Yes it does go fast! Hope we can fit in a visit
We desperately need a new deck but have been dragging my feet.
Very jealous of all your trips. Can’t wait for the photos.
None planned here until September finger lakes.
I am excited for this summer too should be fun and busy
Sounds like you have a lot of fun travel plans coming up! When and where will you be in Colorado? I’ll be in Denver from 5/21-6/25, so it sounds like I’ll just be missing ya in that state.
I will be in Aspen at the end of July 🙂 Safe travels to you!
Well, we are off to a hot air balloon festival on Mother’s Day, so I’m pretty excited about that!
Otherwise, I just want to workout, I want a good meal I don’t have to cook, and I want a pretty cocktail and ice cream and time with the kiddo. That’s all. He will be doing his shakeout hike for Philmont this weekend, but we also have his band banquet (we will rescue him for a few hours to attend). It will be good.
Hot air ballooning sounds fun! Hope you get the Mother’s Day you are dreaming of 🙂
Those are fun travel plans! I also love following along because you go to lots of cool places.
well thanks we do love to travel