It’s been a while since I’ve done a loving lately post. While there is a lot not to like about January, I am finding there are also many things to love about January. Here are a few things I am loving lately this January.
Loving Lately January
Winter Running
I am loving winter running! Yes it’s cold and lately snowy but I am finding January running just invigorating. While I really have had trouble in the summer heat the last few years, the winter temps seem to really suit me. I find it so much easier to regulate my body temperature and remove layers as needed. I am buying hand warmers by the case though. Being outside everyday just makes me happy!
RunBet challenge
I found out about the RunBet challenge from Janice @ Salads for lunch. Basically, it’s a 4 week challenge that you “bet” on yourself to finish. My challenge has 4 30 minute runs per week. While I normally run 3 days a week, I am able to use a walk as one of my active days. My runs upload directly from Strava and Garmin so easy peasy. More on this after the challenge ends in a few weeks.
[In case you missed it: Rope Assisted Stretches for Runners]
Walking on non running days
To keep up my streak for the runbet, I have also been walking on non-running days. Since I typically do my workouts (strength training and biking) in the mornings, I am kind of stationary in the afternoons. I have been doing 3-4 mile walks about 2 times a week in the afternoons and loving them. The walks don’t seem to tire out my legs, get me outside and give me points for the runbet. It’s a win win win!
A friend of mine suggested reading Roar by Stacy Sims. It came out about 2 years ago-better late than never! One of the few books that explains female physiology and nutrition and they impact women athletes. I am only about halfway through it so far but loving it. There is a lot of information about how your hormones and menopause effect performance. Will report back when I have finished.
January is not that bad after all! Have you read Roar? Ever done a step bet or run bet challenge? What are you loving lately?
Linking up with Fairytales and fitness
I’ve heard of Roar but not read it. I should! We’ve been so blessed here with a mild winter so far. Of course it isn’t always easy but it’s been such a gift for marathon training. I runfess I never tried a hand warmer before!
Our winter has been much more snowy than usual but so far, I am kind of enjoying it. My hands are the only thing that gets cold and the hand warmers are great for me. Maybe I need better gloves?
I’m looking forward to your review on Roar. I looked at it for the book club but never picked it up!
We’re getting a big snowstorm today so I’ll get my share of winter running…
So far I am really enjoying reading it. Hope to get some good takeaways
Glad that you are enjoying RunBet so far! I haven’t tried that one yet but I may look into it when I start marathon training in the summer.
I also love walking on my non-running days. I try to get in a 30 minute walk during my lunch break when my work schedule allows.
I am enjoying the walking so much more than I expected too. I don’t mind getting out there even on cold days
I hate the snow but that picture of a snowy scene art the top of the post momentarily made me miss that landscape view from my window back home in CT. But then I got over it. LOL
Ha ha It is fun for now but I may get tired of it next month!
As you know, I’m a huge advocate for walking 😉 I”m glad to see it’s been a fun addition to your fitness challenge. Keep it up!!
I am enjoying the walking so much more than I expected! I think it’s really a great help to me as well fitness wise
I love running in the winter! It helps that our winter has been pretty mild! But cold weather is my jam and I love walking, too! Sounds like the runbet has been a great way to start the year!
I am enjoying the Runbet more than I thought I would and the walks have been an extra bonus for me
I hadn’t heard of Roar before but it sounds like a great book. I’ll have to look into that.
I am enjoying it so far
I have never heard of the book Roar. I am actually heading to the library to get some books and movies before our snow storm that is coming. I’ll have to check that one out.
It has been out for a few years so maybe they have it!
I’ve been hearing a lot about that book! I’m not a big fan of January/February but I’m finding things that I like about them to make them easier for me. I’m pretty sure the biggest reason is that by this time I’m so sick of cold and snow that I just really want spring.
I usually dread this time of the year myself, but this year I am embracing the cold and snow. I am a lot happier
I love walking in the afternoons – it’s a great time to catch up on podcasts and “shake out” the legs. Roar has been on my must-read list!
I have tried some audio books on my walks as well!
Roar sounds fantastic! Just put it on this year’s to-read list. Thanks for the recommendation! I also need to check out RunBet. I’m a competitive gal when it comes to challenges like that so it sounds right up my alley! 🙂
Well I think you would like RunBet then! Will fill you in once I finish the Roar book but so far so good
I’ve heard about Roar but haven’t read it. So many books I want to read and not enough time. No on the bets. My problem is that I don’t sync any of my runs.
I do need to walk on non-running days.
I love the cold weather as long as there’s no snow or ice. That will change tomorrow 🙁
Yes looks like you are all in for a big storm!
I’ve heard such good things about Roar! I really must read it x
I am enjoying it so far!
I have read ROAR several times. There’s an awful lot of info in there!
I am definitely no loving winter running — but you guys don’t usually get as cold as us. And shortly after the run, even if I have the heater blasting in the car, I am SO chilled and it takes me hours to warm up. There’s generally no where to change, so once I cool off those sweaty clothes (and socks!) do a number on me.
I was loving no snow on the roads, but that’s already changed. But i’m loving that it held true through the middle of January for us!
Sounds like January is treating you well! Thanks for sharing love
I loved the book Roar as it’s specific to female performance and needs as an athlete. It’s impressive that you do 3-4mi walks. Honestly I’d rather run than walk but my dog forces me to walk him dally.
I am loving the book so far. Adding in the walks on non running days has been really enjoyable
Today was great winter running conditions. I think Monday’s weather will be brutal, but it looks like Wednesday will be decent again.
I am usually a Tue Thu runner so fingers crossed for this week!
I agree re: adjusting to cold better than heat. It’s so true. And faster too to recover.
Thanks for reminder re: RunBet, meant to look into it. I used to do DietBet but never got into StepBet since it wasn’t manageable.
Roar is also on my radar! I’m definitely going to try to read more this year – good to know you are enjoying it!
I am not a fan of winter (snow and ice) running so I hope it skips us!!
I am enjoying the book. Also trying to read more this year but I get so tired at night
I’m loving your snow picture! It’s gorgeous!
It was beautiful snow this time!