I’ve been doing a lot more swimming lately which means a lot more time to reflect. When I swim in the pool, I find myself so relaxed and almost in a zen like state. I realize I have been thinking about all sorts of things while logging my laps. I started to think about what I have learned through swimming and how some of those lessons could be applied to life in general. Today I offer you some of the Life Lessons Learned in the lap lane.
Life Lessons Learned In The Lap Lane
Sometimes you hit a wall and sometimes you are able to turn right at the exact time to avoid it.
Some days it’s comforting to guided by the blue line on the bottom and some days it’s liberating to fly blind.
Last week, our coach literally had us swim with our eyes closed. While terrifying at first, I learned so much about my stroke and alignment.
No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.
While especially true for swimming, very applicable for running and just about any other activity.
We thrive when we have rhythm in our lives.
Days where my breathing and strokes are in sync, I feel like I could swim forever. When mind and body are truly connected that’s where the magic happens. When one part of my rhythm is off, nothing feels right.
You are going to get wet.
Life is messy sometimes, embrace it.
Just get to the other side-Just keep swimming.
There is more than one way to do things. Find the way that works for you.
Swimming, running or yoga we each have our own way of achieving our goals. Whose to say what is the right way to do things?
Of course all of these lessons could apply to almost any sport or aspect of life. I’ve been trying to be more open to the spiritual side of yoga class lately and I think that has helped me to look at all of my activities in a new and different way especially swimming.
How about you? What life lessons has sports taught you?
Linking up
Coaches Corner: Suz, Debbie, Rachel, Lora
Wednesday Workout: Nicole, AnnMarie, Michelle, Jen
If only I could figure out how to breath while swimming, I think I would like it alot more! I do enjoy being in the water, and getting into a good rhythm is relaxing. I took a lesson a few years ago but never really saw any improvements.
Yes once you figure out how to breath it’s all down hill from there
I love this.
I would also add that sometimes you need to re-learn how to breathe 😀
Yes you do but once you figure it out-magic 🙂
I love that quote, about lapping everyone one the couch. That is what I say to some of my runners friends who do not consider themselves as real/or fast runners. Either way you are still doing it, and hat is all that matters.
Yes exactly!
All great lessons!
I thought about swimming today. It was supposed to be warm. And while warm-er, it’s still far from warm. It’s just an ugly week this week.
So I’ll wait a little longer . . .
You always make me laugh! Have a great day 🙂
Maybe that’s why I don’t like swimming. I can’t find my rhythm.
Great thoughts here!
Once I started breathing on a set schedule it got a lot easier for me.
These are great! I was always a panicked mess in the pool. #FailedTriathlete 😉 Anyway, just this past weekend I was telling a friend before his first ultra that super long distance running, just like life, is going to have highs and lows. And both will pass. You have to keep moving forward knowing that for every low, there will be another high!
Yes indeed! Many highs and lows
Life really is messy! So many pool lessons- I had no idea! You totally inspire me with your swimming– keep at it!
Ah you are too sweet
These are all great lessons. I love the one about following the guided line vs. going blind…you really do learn about yourself!
I wish I had access to a pool…I was never a strong swimmer but did enjoy it back in grade school.
You really do learn about yourself and what you could work on
I can’t get that breathing thing under control. You make it seem so easy! I certainly agree with “life is messy”. It’s how we clean up that mess that counts.
Yes it is how we handle the mess that defines us
If I could do something other than the doggie paddle in the pool, lol. It’s such a great way to get in cardio exercise!
It is a great way to get in more non impact cardio for sure
I’ve never been much of a swimmer, but this is a great post! Love hearing things people have learned & experienced so I can take away from them too!
Thanks! I really think they apply to all sports that we do
Great lessons! I feel like the one about lapping people on the couch is an important one I’ve picked up from running! I may not be the best or even very good, but sometimes having the courage to just start and do something new is important.
Yes indeed! Does not matter how fast we are just that we do it. I can easily forget that myself
Again with the push to get me back in the pool!! Totally agree with the Zen like state of swimming laps. I’ve thought about getting waterproof headphones but I like the quiet and the rhythm of the activity.
I thought about the headphones too but I kind of like the quiet I find there.
The lapping everyone on the couch is a favorite as well as it might be ugly but you have to take the good with the bad and enjoy it all because it all makes us stronger in some way or another!
Yes it definitely does!
I am not a great swimmer, but would like to be! I also enjoy the spiritual side of yoga and even did a yoga workout just for anxiety. I learned how to do the one nostril breathing. It was strangely calming! Lol!
OH that sounds really interesting! I would love to do a yoga workshop sometime too. Too many fun things to do not enough time
This is a great post! I love the life lesson about hitting the wall! I may have to try the swimming with my eyes closed thing as long as no one else is in my lane. Haha!
Because you are already a swimmer, I think you would find it fascinating
I love this! Almost makes me want to get back in the water! We learn so much about ourselves and about life in general through participation in sports. That’s one of the reasons I loved coaching young people.
Yes exactly me too!
LOVE this. I have all sorts of thoughts while I am out on the run, I need to start writing them down 🙂
It is so interesting all the things that can go through our minds when we sweat it out
Great reflections 😉 Running is my main sport, and so much of it parallels life…good days/bad days, easy runs/tough runs, go the distance, run with others (but take the lead if necessary). It certainly gives us proud moments…but also has a knack for keeping us humble.
OH it sure does doesn’t it!?
Just keep swimming. 🙂 Best one!
Thanks!Important to remember for sure
I love your lessons learned! So true. Great post!
Thanks so much!
Love these! I’m still not able to get into the zone with swimming, but I’m really trying! This is inspiring me to keep working on it.
I never used to be able to do it but it slowly happened and I love it now
This is a kick in the butt — I tend to avoid the pool in the winter because it’s so stinking cold outside. But it is such a zen workout, not to mention excellent cross training for those of us planning spring races!
Great no impact cross training!
Love “you will get wet” because life really does get messy!
It sure can 🙂
Swimming with your eyes closed sounds horrifying! I am claustrophobic and I think that would really jumpstart my anxiety.
So many great lessons here.
so I am claustrophobic too but oddly I really enjoyed it. When I swim in open water and can’t see I totally freak but knowing I could open my eyes made all the difference
What a great post! Love all these life lessons.. love the ‘you are going to get wet’..lol
up definitely going to get wet
These are such great lessons! Isn’t it funny that ideas and epiphanies can come about in the most unusual of places?!
It sure is!
It’s so great that you’ve found an exercise that also helps you feel calm and zen-like! I loved this life lesson, “We thrive when we have rhythm in our lives.” I think my biggest takeaway has been to listen to your body and honor what it can do instead of pushing too far. We’ll all get to our goals in time.
I’ve definitely learned never to give up no matter how hard it get’s and to keep persevering through it all!! I love how swimmings taught you so much, especially when it comes to breathing and moving in synch with your breath!
Thanks and I certainly think these are lessons that carry over to all parts of our lives.
i love the one with lapping everyone on the couch…sometimes getting up and moving around (no matter how slow) is the important thing.
definitely agree!
Great thoughts. I’m not a runner and as much as I’d like to swim, I can’t call myself a swimmer either. Love that it’s a great workout but I’m not good at it. I can see how you could think all sorts of great thoughts while swimming. I love all of these. Especially, you’ll get wet and you’re passing those on the coach. Something is always better than nothing.
Yes definitely! It doesn’t matter if you are good at it or not it’s all about how it makes you feel.
All great lessons. Its amazing how much we can apply to our non-athletic lives that we learn from physical activities. I know that more than anything, I’ve learned a lot about persistence and determination from my running.
Persistance and determination indeed!
Running has taught me so much. It’s taught me patience. It’s taught me I can push myself. It’s taught me to enjoy my surrounds. It’s taught me to get out of my own head. I could go on and on! Sports are amazing that way 🙂
Sports are amazing aren’t they?!
LOL I certainly hope no one is hitting the wall on their turns. For beginner swimmers, finding that rhythm is the key to loving swimming – that’s where you’ll find your zen.
Finding your rhythm is key!
This is so interesting. I’m not a swimmer but it’s so cool to read about and learn.
Thanks Jill- I think these lessons apply to all sports we do
The only sport I really do is running and it has taught me that I am capable of much more than I ever though.
yes definitely!
Great stuff! I would be scared to swim with my eyes closed for sure! Sports has definitely taught me to never say never! 🙂
Yes never say never is a good one!
I admire anyone who swims. I fight the water rather than gliding through it.
It’s really great once you get the right rhythm going
Wow I love all of these! I like the one about flying blind. So true…and about getting wet because life is messy 🙂 Such a great post!
It certainly can be!