Thanks for joining Coco and me for the June Ultimate Coffee Date. I love to catch up with everyone over a great cup of coffee (even if it is virtual). So grab your favorite mug, pull up a chair and let’s chat about what’s been going the last month. If we were having coffee, I would have so much to tell you!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…I am so over the May weather. We literally had rain 25 of the 31 days last month. May is usually so nice around here but it was just ridiculous. I wonder what our summer will be like?
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…I am a little nervous about my triathlon race tomorrow. Yes I have been training a lot but wow I just get so nervous before races. First, I was nervous that the water temps are so cold. This race is in a pool that just opened a few days ago. Current water temp 72 yikes! I actually went out and swam a few laps in it Thursday and it was not as bad as I thought. Then, they were calling for a total downpour of course. Not the best for biking. The weather is now looking up so fingers crossed. Thirdly, race nerves and PMS not a good combination LOL. On the more important side, I have a new tri suit for the race that I am excited about wearing. Sneak peek right here:
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…I like to cook when I am nervous or stressed and I made a few really yummy salads this week that I can’t wait to share with you. I always think I will one day run out of recipe ideas for Meatless Monday. Stay tuned for some great summer salads.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…my baby, otherwise known as my 17 year old son, is going to the junior prom tonight. I admit I got a little tear in my eye seeing him try on his tuxedo. You know that old expression, “long days and short years” it’s just so true. I think I’ve gotten more sentimental in my old age ha ha. He does not like his photo on the blog but I might sneak one onto facebook tomorrow.
Adding in a quick Weekly Wrap and Snap shot of this week’s workouts.
Race Week meant a lighter week for me.
M- 30m elliptical, 60 m strength training
T- 4.25 m run (pouring rain) skipped my swim
W- 90m kickboxing and strength training
Th-3.5 m hill run
Fr-Rest day and coffee date with the running crew
Sa-Rest day, packet pickup
Thanks for joining us for The June Ultimate Coffee date. If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?

Also linking up with
That is a cute suit! Good luck on your tri!
Thanks so much I am excited
All the best for your race. You’ve got this!
Thanks so much feeling a little less nervous today
Good luck for your tri! Love the suit! We’ve been quite lucky with our weather over here (UK) for May, which is quite unusual. I am hoping for a gorgeous summer where I can get stuck into sorting out our garden.
Frolicking in the garden sounds like a fab hobby!
Good luck tomorrow! That new tri suit is badass! Almost makes me want to jump out there and train for one, not really! I just want to wear the suit and walk around the grocery store! LOL! Sounds like a big weekend and you are throwing in a prom, I remember the days! Enjoy them! Thank you for the coffee!
oh you make me laugh I could totally see you walking around in a tri suit. And hey you never know!
Ha! My boys don’t mind their pics on the blog, it’s on FB that bothers them! Altho the prom pic was approved. I didn’t cry–one of the moms at the group pictures was so annoying that I couldn’t get sad! There’s always one, right? The one who has to pose the kids in all kinds of “creative” poses…like “let’s take one of all of you taking selfies of yourself”? Ay. No. just no.
Anyways, good luck on your tri tomorrow! I love your kit and I think it’s going to make you extra speedy!
I saw your son’s photo very handsome. Yes I hear there is quite a picture set up schedule for the whole group later. Probably to last place I want to be 🙂 And thanks I am feeling better about it today not as nervous
I heard on the news that for the past two years our Mays have been cooler and wetter than usual. Hopefully June will be nice. Good luck tomorrow – it doesn’t look like the rain will be an issue in the morning. Love your tri kit!
Now that the weather is looking better I am feeling much more relaxed. Biking in the rain is not fun as you know. Nice catching up w you and we must do it in person soon
Ooooh, I’m digging that new tri suit! Love the contrasting leg bands. Keeping my fingers crossed that the rain stays away for your race tomorrow! Running in the rain is one thing, but cycling ….that’d make me nervous too. You’ll do great!
The weather forecast is looking a lot better now I am feeling a lot less nervous thanks!
Good luck on your triathalon!! I could not even imagine doing one of those!!!! That is awesome. 🙂
Thanks so much! I am feeling more relaxed about it today
I love that tri suit! Good luck tomorrow!
Thanks so much I am excited!
Where is your trisuit from? Doing a tri on July 9th and thinking about actually buying my own suit this time rather than using my friend’s again…. Looking for a cute trisuit that’s not too pricey since who knows if I’ll ever do a tri after this one…..
They are all pricey! Sometimes you can find a deal though. This one is a Zoot. It fits me really well check them out
I hope that the weather cooperates for your tri! You look awesome in that new kit so you’ll look good no matter what! I have a half marathon tomorrow and it’s supposed to be super humid and hot. Ugh. Not a fave for me! I’m a cold weather girl!
The weather this time of year can be so iffy you just never know. Hope you have a great race too
Good luck tomorrow!! It sounds like your training has gone really well – hope the weather cooperates!
Thanks for hosting coffee 🙂
Thanks so much it is looking a lot better
My 17 year old went to his prom in April wearing a white jacket and black pants –James Bond style. They grow so quick. I adore your new Tri suit! What brand? Good luck tomorrow. You’re going to smash it! Thanks for the linkup!
We had a rainy May, too! June has started off sunny, and I hope it stays that way 🙂
yes here too and I hope so as well
I can’t wait to hear how your tri goes tomorrow. Good luck!
As always, thanks for the linkup!
Over all good but wow I hate that run over in hilly Reston
Good luck! Yuck to PMS + race. I hate when that happens!
I like to baked when I’m stressed . . . it’s not quit as healthy!
It is not fun is it!?
You’ll be great tomorrow! Forget about the cold water and just swim. I have those same pre-tri nerves where I wonder why the heck I keep signing up for them. Can’t wait to hear all about. And catch a peek at your son and his prom date. So sweet!
Well yes there is some questioning as to why I do it? It went pretty well stay tuned for details
Your tri is gonna go well for you! I can just feel it 😉 And, you’re gonna look you mean business in that tri suit. Bestofluck!!
It’s the cute outfit that makes all the difference right? Thanks for your sweet message meant a lot to me
I am totally with you on the May weather. Hopefully it gets the memo that it’s just about summer soon!!
I hope your triathlon went well! <3
I really need to start cooking again! I've been reallyyy lazy over the last couple weeks!
I bet it can be hard for you to find time to cook with your schedule
I hope your tri went well this morning and that the weather held out for you. Love the new tri suit. 🙂
I had a pretty good race stay tuned for details!
You had a great week of training. I saw your post on IG so I already know your Tri went well – congratulations!!!
I think this was a busy week for prom – I saw so many posts on social media and Facebook. What a fun time in their lives, that’s for sure!
My race had some ups and downs but over all good and I learned a lot as always
I hope your Tri went well! we’re gearing up for the rainy weather here now too! Our May wasn’t that bad but I hope that doesn’t mean our June will be full of rain?
Who knows about this crazy weather!
I feel like I had a glimpse in the future, because I already know you had killed the Tri!! Congratulations!
I love that quote, long days, short years.
I would not say killed it but some parts were great others I need to work on. thanks!
Hope the tri went well! I know what you mean about the long days/short years. I have a 13 month old right now but time is flying by….
thanks and yes it sure does! Enjoy everyday
I’m with you on hoping for less rain in June! I hope your race went well! I also get really nervous before races.
Thanks! It did go pretty well
I always get pre-race jitters too, even when I’ve done them a hundred times! I don’t think I’d want to swim in that cold of water- I’m a warm water kind of girl. Unless its super sunny and then cool water feels good!
The water ended up not being as bad as I had imagined