Happy Friday! I am not usually one to get all “deep” with the inspirational thoughts but lately I’ve come across a few that give me something to think about. Today, I’m sharing a few of the Inspirational Quotes I’m loving lately.
A few months ago when I was searching for a running mantra, this phrase struck a cord with me. I found myself using it to power up big crazy hills on my bike. It’s become my go to during a race or hard workout.
The last yoga class I went to, the instructor offered this intention at the beginning of class. “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not”. I thought about it throughout the flow of the class and realized how true it is for me. At the end of class, I surprised myself by managing a pose I never thought I could have done. Just believe you can and you are almost there.
I am a big fan of Tony Robbins quotes so it was hard to pick just one. Before a race or an event that gives me anxiety, it is easy for me to catastrophize all that can go wrong. I know that my energies would better be served focusing on the positive and the many aspects that will go well.
I’ve made a conscious effort to spend less time with those who stress me out and make me feel bad about myself and put my efforts into friendships and relationships that make me happy.
As my kids grow into young adults, I am realizing that they don’t need me as much as they used to or at least not in the same way. As a mom, this is one of the hardest things for me to accept. I hope they will let me hang on just a little longer.
Which one is your favorite? Do you have an inspirational quote that speaks to you right now?
Linking up with the Friday Five
Great quotes! I especially like the one you heard in your yoga class.
That one has really stuck with me
I love the first one! Sometimes it’s easy to just stop when things get rough, but then I remember my goals and I keep pushing through!
It is so easy for me to defeated when something goes wrong as well.
These are all great quotes! Although of course the furkids alwyas need me. 😉
I really like the Tony Robbins quote!
Tony Robbins has some great ones that I love
I love all of these–especially the one about the madness. Reminds me of the Namas’cray–the crazy in me honors the crazy in you!
ha ha yes!I don’t have any interest in hanging out with people who make me unhappy and crazy anymore
All great picks! The hardest part of being a mom is accepting success- AMEN to that one! It is so nice to see them succeed but it is so hard to let go! 🙂 Happy Friday!
I know it sure is! That’s my struggle at the moment
I love all of those. They cover all aspects of life! I think I love the one about people and madness the most. Or raising your kids (though in a way, they always need you, so take some comfort in that).
I don’t have time or interest anymore for people who make me crazy! I hope my kids always need me struggling a little with that right now
You know I”m all about inspirational quotes! The ones I like right now are the ones that fit on my momentum wraps! So I have to stick to the shorter mantras.
I tried to get my mantra on a momentum and it was too long 🙂
Oh, that last one tugs at my heartstrings! I think I’ve succeeded (knock-on-wood) but it’s hard to accept that success and step back!
I know it’s really hard for me to accept right now
Aw I love the last one. 🙂 I’m not a mother, but I think about that as a teacher toward my students.
Yes I can see how that would apply to teaching as well. It’s hard for me to watch my kids grow up and not need me as much but I know that’s the goal
Aww, that last one makes me sad. I hope to think i’ll always need my mom!
(I get the sentiment behind it though for sure)
Thanks for linking up. Have a good weekend!
I hope my kids feel the same way!
LOVE all of these quotes! So empowering :). Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! They are fun
Thank you so much for sharing these today Deborah! I needed to read all of them! With each one I was like nope this is my favorite of the day, nope this one lol. I’m going to use that first one to go workout! Have a fabulous weekend 🙂
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Ah so glad that they resonated with you as well! Hope you had a great workout today too
I also love motivational quotes. The last one about kids is so true. I’ve been feeling the same as my girls get older. It is hard to accept that they don’t need me as much but I guess it’s a part of life! My running mantra is “be strong”
They just need us in a different way as they age. I like your mantra
These are all great quotes. I love the one “it’s who you think you’re not that holds you back”…guilty! And the Magic vs. Madness is a timely one for me too! Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks you too!
LOVE those quotes! If you follow me on social media, you will see that I am quite fond of quotes myself! Love the magic not madness one particularly! Thanks for the inspiration today!
Yes I do see you do like them as well! Have a fabulous weekend
Stop when you are done is one I have been using in the heat! I was stopping and pausing and walking so much, I had to make it my mission to push on 🙂 and I’ve done better lately.
I use a lot of one word mantras in races…if I get a thought I don’t like, I try to replace with a word like PUSH!
Push is a great one too! With this heat I need all the help I can get
I LOVE the quote about magic vs madness. I needed that.
You know it really gave me something to think about as well
I love them all but my favorite is the one your Yoga teacher shared! I sell myself short way too often for fear of failing. There’s so much power in believing in yourself ….yet we are our own worst critics!
Thanks for sharing Deborah!
I completely agree and I do the same thing all the time 🙂
I love ALL of these, and for different reasons. The mothering quote is so tough to accept LOL
It really is isn’t it?
Oh I love the “stick with people who pull out the magic…”. This might be my new favourite quote !
I love all of these quotes! The mom one makes me sad, though, even though I never thought I’d be a sappy mom. 😉 But I love watching my little birdies fly!
I never thought of myself as a sappy mom either but lately ugh I guess I am
Ooooohhhh, that mom quote resonates HARD. It’s ridiculously difficult to let go and feel good about that decision, but that’s kind of the whole point, isn’t it? Ugh.
Yes it is for sure but oh it’s not easy sometimes
I love these, and need a little inspiration today. Thanks!
I love them too!
I see a few of my favorites. Tony Robbins’ words are often running through my head.
He is really inspiring isn’t he?
Those are some great quotes. I don’t have a favorite one but do like to read them so inspire and motivate me and others.
I love them too
I love all of these for different reasons. The one about relationships especially resonates with me. As I’ve gone through different phases of my adult life its become very clear who is and who isn’t meant to remain a part of my life. Sometimes its hard to let go of those people who you thought were good friends, but if they can’t support you without questioning you or making you feel guilty about something, then they likely aren’t meant to remain as an important figure in your life.
I completely agree with that sentiment!