Thank you all for reaching out and for expressing your concern about my recent running injury. Thought it would just be easiest to share my status in a post. After a few weeks of having some moderate hip and Psoas pain, I decided it was time to get it checked out.
Injury Report and Update
After an uneventful run almost 4 weeks ago, I started to feel some intense muscle pain in the front of my left thigh. I initially did not think much of it. Over the course of the next few days, it got worse and I could barely walk. I started taking Advil and it got slightly better with ice and heat.
After 2 more weeks went by, I was feeling better but “not better”. While I could still take walks, do yoga and cycle, I could not run and still felt pain walking upstairs. I decided it was time to get some medical intervention. I made an appointment with my Ortho. He took an XRay which he thought may have shown a fracture. I knew something was wrong but I also knew I did not have a fracture. He sent me for an MRI.
I had the MRI last Tuesday. Thankfully, no fracture. What was evident was a hip labrum tear and some high hamstring tendinitis. My Doctor told me that most people, especially active folks, over 40 have some sort of labrum tear and he did not think that was the source of my pain. He thought it was tight IT bands.
That did not seem right to me. I am, of course not a Dr. but I do know my own body. I have had tight IT bands before and this was not that. I made an appointment to see another Ortho who specializes in hip pain. He took the time to explain my MRI results more extensively. He agreed that the labrum tear has probably been there for a while. He explained that I have an impingement in my hip where the femur connects.
Why is this happening?
I do have high hamstring tendinitis with some slight tearing at the insertion point. Basically right below my left butt cheek. I also have some piriformis swelling. I also have ridiculously tight hips. All of this is causing my hips to be out of alignment thus, causing pain in the side of hip and butt “an impingement”. Everything just kind of came together to cause a perfect storm.
Fortunately, it sounds like this are pretty common issues for runners. I have started physical therapy and I feel more encouraged than I did earlier in the week. Both the Dr. and the PT believe my symptoms can be tackled with PT. It just might take a few weeks (months?).
If you are still here reading, thanks! One thing I have learned throughout this experience so far is that you have to advocate for yourself. We know our bodies and we know when something is wrong. If you don’t feel right about a diagnosis, get second opinions. I will be updating my progress each week in the Weekly Run Down. See you there!
Linking up with Kim, Zenaida, Debbie and Marc
Oh well done for advocating for yourself, and getting the right diagnosis. Now for some horrible PT exercises. Mine helped my sore bum earlier in the year before my ultra and marathon, although it’s crept back a bit due to not doing the exercises, I’d imagine. So do what I say, not what I do! Best wishes for a full and strong recovery.
Thanks I know it will be work but I am motivated to get back there
So it’s okay to continue on with a partial labral tear? That’s not a deal breaker?? I’ve had the high hamstring tear and I still have issues with pain in that area when my pelvis is out of alignment. When my Chiro adjusts it, the issue is gone. Just wanted to give you a different perspective.
Wishing you a speedy and fully recovery!
yes apparently the labral tear is quite common and many people are not aware that they have one. My hips and pelvis are also out of alignment. I am a little leery of chiro’s in general but happy to hear that it works for you
Yes, we know our own bodies! Good for you for getting a second opinion.
And great that some PT will be able to solve it, even if it takes some time.
As you are doing yoga one would think that you are not a typical candidate for tight hips.
Let us know if the PT prescribes any great hip exercises that are good for runners!
I know you would think so but I guess I don’t do it enough
I’m glad you have some answers & a plan of action. You got this!!! Take care, keep smiling, and happy healing. Onward! <3
Thanks my friend hope to be back out there soon
That hip impingement is such a common issue! I see it in my young athletes too. Glad to hear you got the second opinion and that you have a plan to heal. Will you still be able to cycle while you’re going through PT?
Yes the cycling does not seem to hurt thank goodness. The higher hip position of the bike seems to be good. At least I can keep up my cardio
Good for you for advocating for yourself and seeing another specialist! I am glad that you now have answers for what is causing the pain. I hope that going to PT helps and thanks for sharing your update with us.
I sure hope so too. Really miss being out there
That was so good you went to get a second opinion! We are the only ones that know our bodies best. When you mentioned a tear, I got super concerned since it’s sounds serious. Who knew it was common and doesn’t seem like an issue haha
WEll it can be super serious so I need to tackle it
I’m so sorry you’re going through this! It’s so frustrating to be injured, even more so when they don’t get the diagnosis straight. I’m going to suggest once again that you look into fascial stretch therapy. While FST can’t make the tendinitis go away, it can help with the imbalances and immobility that you have. If you want, message me and I’ll find someone near you.
I sure wish you were here so I could go to you! Yes I will message you to see if you know someone here.
I’m glad the Dx is PT and not surgery but I’m sure it’s still frustrating. I don’t take Advil often but it did help when I was dealing with my right hip issues earlier this year.
It is frustrating and I know you have been there before too. I am motivated to get back!
Absolute yes on self advocating, but also amazing how much it helps when a medical professional takes time to explain vs tell you the results. Glad you have a course toward improvement
It does really make a difference indeed! Thanks for the support
Interesting! I had not heard of that kind of a tear before. I think that’s one of the most frustrating things about finding an answer – who to go see. I mean, I think I could go to 3 different Drs with some of my issues and get three different answers. That would be great if I had free appointments, but sadly no. Good to hear that you have a plan for recovery and you can continue to be active in some manner!
Yes I agree! Thanks so much for all of the info you sent. We can work on this together! Speedy recovery to both of us
Glad you got things checked out. So sorry you are having all of this pain. But now hopefully you can get all healed up and back on track with running!
I sure hope so fingers crossed!
I am sorry that you are going through this, but glad that you got that second opinion. Even reading it, it didn’t sounds like IT problems to me, either.
Oddly you’re the second blogger to post about high hamstring tendonitis this week. I’ve had some mild butt pain, like, forever. Never really gets bad, goes away, comes back. I’m beginning to wonder if that’s it.
I actually really love PT! Well, not the time it takes, but I like knowing how all that sort of stuff works. If only insurance covered it I’d go all the time (problem or not).
Best wishes for happy hips sooner rather than later!
Thanks so much for the well wishes. I bet all of your yoga really helps. I need to get there more than once a week. Yes the high hamstring tendonitis is apparently quite popular. Would not hurt to do some of the exercises anyway I guess!
Oh wow, at least, thank goodness, it’s not a fracture! Hoping PT does wonders and you will be back in business in no time!
I sure hope so too thanks Linda!
Well bummer about your injury, but thank goodness it isn’t a fracture. Hopefully with PT you will be back in business in no time.
I am so sorry you’re dealing with an injury, Deborah! Glad it’s not a fracture though! Sending you love for a quick healing process!!
Thanks Kaila I know you went through a lot of rehab for your running injuries as well
Oof, that does not sound fun. I’m so sorry to hear you’re dealing with all those at once. I had hamstring tendonitis and it was really, truly no picnic at all. It took months and even now I can feel it tighten up every now and again. Just be diligent with those exercises and keeping the surrounding muscles loose and happy. You’ll come back a stronger runner!
Thanks Rachel glad to hear that you came back from it! It can be so frustrating
Good for you for advocating for yourself. I am glad that you have a game plan. Wishing you a very speedy recovery!
Thanks so much Michelle
Oh wow! Good for you for getting a second opinion! We so often just do the first thing the doctor tells us, even if it doesn’t feel/sound right. Best of luck with your PT! I’m sure you’ll be back on the road in no time!
I sure hope so Lex thanks so much
Really bummed to hear, but this is something you can definitely overcome! You’ll do your prehab and rehab exercises and be back to new (and stronger than ever) in no time!
Thanks Marc I sure hope so!
I am glad you got some answers! It sucks that you had to get a second opinion since the first one just didn’t sound right. What a frustrating experience! Happy to know PT will help and soon you will be out there running. Hugs to you.
Thank you for linking up with us!