Often at the beginning of yoga class, my instructor will start the class with an intention or theme for that day’s practice. I admit, I normally don’t pay much attention to this and I am ready to just get right into my downdog. Last week, however, my instructor was talking about running and about achieving a runner’s high. Now that got my attention!
She was explaining that yoga itself was really a fusion of mind, body and spirit. My instructor went further to say that if one could truly achieve that fusion, then they would potentially feel something akin to a “runner’s high”. What?! Now I was intrigued, captivated really.
ISO The Runner’s High
As the class went on, I really thought about this fusion of mind, body and spirit. What did that mean exactly? I started to think about how I felt while running. Sure I get an incredible endorphin rush and feel amazing after I run or workout. But is that really a “runner’s high”? I went on a very unscientific google search to scope out some of the descriptions of the “runner’s high”.
Urban dictionary had this to say:
“An addictive side affect from exhausting oneself in a footrace. Usually runners high varies differently depending on the person but it his been compared to an orgasm or being on drugs.”
Hmm well let’s just say that’s not happening on my runs. But it might be nice. Just Saying.
Others have described feeling in a trance and tuning out everything and every thought around them. They describe feeling as though they could run forever without getting tired. See this NY Times article for some real scientific research.
I admit, I am usually too busy chatting away to my running bodies to have this fusion of mind, body and spirit my yoga teacher speaks of. I am often thinking about what’s for dinner that night and that I forgot to pick up the dry cleaning.
Don’t get me wrong. I love (most of) my runs and I do get an endorphin rush that powers me through the rest of my day. I treasure that me time but, am I missing something? Have I ever really had a “runner’s high”? How can I get one? I don’t know but now I really want one.
Tell me your thoughts on the runner’s high. Do you have them? Do you have multiple ones? How can I find mine?
Linking up today with:
Wild Workout Wednesday: AnnMarie, Nicole, Michelle, Michelle
Coaches Corner: Debbie, Suz, Lora, Rachel
Runner’s high is quite a new notion to me. The picture is funny. And thank you for this post. Have a good day!
I’ve never found it. I have a friend who says it only comes once you make it to a certain distance or time (probably different for each person), and apparently I never make it long enough to get there. I have these internal debates: do I run farther in search of the illusive high or just admit I don’t like running enough to put in the effort? I prefer my fitness in other forms.
I have no idea! Hope we both find it 🙂 Happy running
Wow runners’ high is somehow a new idea for me. I’m also interested in trying to obtain it though I don’t know how to. Thanks for sharing such a new thing!