Thanks for joining Kim and me for the weekly run down today. Last week was a rainy one which felt more like winter. This week, brought us the return of spring. Hello, nice to see you!
Hello Again Spring
Monday- core + upper + lower body strength + Peloton Cycle
I mixed up my workout a bit today stacking 6 shorter classes: core, upper + lower, and then repeated that sequence. Usually, I do all the upper and then the lower. It seemed harder to mix it up this way. I am living on the edge over here! I do my cycle classes after strength.
Afternoon lunch with my mom for her birthday was nice.
Tuesday- 6 mile tempo run + 2 mile walk + stretch
I was missing my tempo runs from the Wilpers training so I threw one of those in today. Oh, did I mention spring came back with a vengeance today? I was not quite ready for runs in the high 60’s. Shorts out!
Wednesday- Full body Peloton strength + core + stretch
A little bit of everything today with lots of deadlifts and lunges. I am going to feel those for sure! It got up to 88 today! Just ridiculous for April. Where is my spring running?
Thursday- 5.5 mile run + 1 mile walk
We seemed to have bypassed spring and headed right to June. I was just not mentally prepared for a run in the mid-80’s. Heat is my nemesis. We threw in some speedwork in the hopes that we could finish faster. Yes, it was that hot!
Friday- 30 min Peloton HIIT cycle + upper body and core strength
It has been a while since I did a harder HIIT cycle class and it felt good. I’ve backed off the harder cycle classes the last few months while I have been running more.
My daughter and her boyfriend flew in for the weekend to celebrate Passover with us. It was so nice to have them home even if only for 2 days.
Saturday- rest day
Just a short neighborhood walk and stretch
Sunday- on the plan: 8 mile run
Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone. Hope you all had a great week and weekend! It is finally spring again and it feels great. If only we could bottle these temps for a while!
88?! Holy cow. It’s in the 30s here, with a chance of snow this week. It’s going to be summer before spring!
Nice job this week. Love all your brightly colored workout gear!
I actually hate that we seem to bypass spring! The week ahead looks more normal for us so I will take it
Crazy how warm it was by you–we had one warm day but it was rainy and stormy! We’re both looking for spring, aren’t we? Enjoy Passover with your daughter and boyfriend!
Yes, I would love to enjoy spring before sweating my butt off all summer 🙂 Thanks, it is nice to have them here
Send some of that heat this way! I know it’s not ideal for sunning but we have snow in the forecast again this week and I’m done. Enjoy Passover with your family!
I would love to enjoy spring before sweating my butt off daily!
Momma N needs to get a grip! She’s not playing nice these days. Nice active week for you, though! Enjoy your time with your daughter and guest 🙂 Happy Passover:-)
thanks Kim! It is great to have them here even if only for a short time
Happy Passover. So nice that your daughter came home.
Yes to crazy weather. It was 80 on Thursday. This morning it’s 30.
Happy that I got spared the rain in my runs and races.
Happy Passover to you! It is nice to have them here for the weekend
No I’m getting nervous about my warm race forecast! 😆 I was hoping we would have a few warm days that I could get used to those temps. And now I see high winds in the forecast too. I think I’ll stop looking at the weather. haha! Gotta love speeding up just to get your run finished. Good workouts this week!
yes, just stop looking at the weather! It won’t matter and you have no control. Also, it changes everyday
Our weather was all over the place this week! Seems like we are back to spring today. I do like the HIIT bike classes, although I prefer HIIT and Hills because high cadence is so hard for me!
I’m glad you got to see your daughter this weekend!
It was a crazy up and down week. I am not a fan of running in the 80’s yet (or ever)
It sounds like you had a fantastic week and happy belated birthday to your mom! I hope you’re enjoying spending time with your daughter and her boyfriend!
It’s a lot cooler today and was perfect for my morning run!
we had a really nice but short weekend thanks!
Wait, how come people are complaining about snow and you got up to 88? Do we all live in the same country? So crazy. Sounds like you had a great week despite the heat!
It has been a wacky weather week for sure!
Temps in the 80s are just so unnecessary! It’s never fun when Ma Nature just decides to bypass Spring – hopefully, it cools a little for you.
So nice that your daughter came home for the weekend! Enjoy Passover with your family.
I know I was not ready for 80’s in April! I need time to adapt 🙂
Wow, 88! You skipped right over spring! That must have been a tough adjustment for running!
Sounds like a fun little experiment with core/upper/lower repeat!
I am enjoying mixing up my strength workouts to see how it goes
Our warm weather was on the cooler side, if that makes sense. And it snowed at home today! That’s Spring for you.
Sounds like a lovely week with family.
Happy Passover!
Spring is always nutty! Happy Passover to you as well
Happy Passover! We had every season this week with one day in the 30s and another day in the 70s, mixed in with tons of wind, lol.
Awesome job on all of your workouts this week.
Love the photo of you with your mom and I hope she had a wonderful birthday!
aww thanks yes, my mom did have a nice birthday. She is finally out and about again!
Oh, look at that picture of you and your mom! How beautiful!
How is it hotter by you than by me? We had one hot day, but it definitely didn’t go over 83 or 84. Craziness!
we had a crazy heat wave which has now gone for a few weeks I hope
Happy Passover! A good week, well done! I did a lot of solo running – at least I’ve got this week off to a sociable start by going to running club!
I am glad to hear you are back running with your friends again!