What happens when you wake up on a run day and find that it is raining out? Do you suit up and get out there for your miles or do you opt for the treadmill? While there is nothing wrong with the latter, there are some great benefits to running in the rain.
Benefits To Running In The Rain
First, it’s important to know if there are any dangerous weather advisories or other safety reasons why you should take it inside. Assuming that is not an issue, here are few great reasons to opt outside and run in the rain.
Practice for a rainy race day
You will inevitably encounter a rainy race day at some point. Training in the rain gives you the self-confidence to know that you can have a successful run and take away that aspect of race day anxiety. In addition, it offers the perfect opportunity to test out your race day rain gear. (more on that below)
Build Mental Toughness
You know the expression, “running is 90% mental”? Learning how to exercise your mental toughness with a few rainy runs can do wonders. They can be a practical way of tackling adversity and succeeding.
Feeling of exhilaration
There is something cleansing and exhilarating about powering through a rainy run. Rainy runs can also be oddly relaxing and therapeutic.
Keep your body temperature down
Running in the rain helps to keep your body temperature down. This can be a huge bonus to your performance and way around the heat and humidity in the summer months.
Boost your badass quotient
Running in challenging weather situations can help boost your badassery quotient. Feeling like you can conquer anything is a huge motivator on a tough run.
What To wear on a rainy run
Be Seen
It is important to make sure that cars can see you on a rainy day. Choose a piece of gear with some reflective piping or consider a simple reflective vest.
Dress for the temperature
Resist the urge to add layers and dress for the actual temp or 10 degrees warmer.
Keep rain out of your face and eyes by choosing a baseball hat or visor with a large brim. Many also have reflective piping and waterproof features like this one or this one.
Keep it tight
Select tighter fitting or compression type shorts/pants and avoid looser fitting material that can get bogged down with water.
Avoid Chafing
Moisture and rubbing is a sure fire way to end up chafing on a rainy run. Hit up your hot spots with an anti-chafe product. Choose a wicking material sock to avoid blisters and chafing on your feet.
Wear a water-resistant jacket
Having a go to water-resistant jacket in your running arsenal is key. Choose one that is wind and water-resistant versus waterproof. True “rain jackets” are not ideal for running as they are not breathable. These one and this one are my 2 favorite jackets for rainy spring or summer runs. Both are packable and very lightweight.
How to care for wet Running Shoes
Your running shoes will get wet and that’s okay they are designed for that. Running shoes are not meant to go into a dryer. Instead, stuff your wet shoes with newspaper and that will help to absorb the moisture. They will be good as new. Consider having an old pair of shoes that you keep for rainy days or a waterproof Gortex Pair.
My Trick for your hair
Running in the rain can wreak serious havoc on your hair. My hair trick is to run a little bit of conditioner through the ends of your hair before securing it in your ponytail. Then, throw on your hat or visor. When you finish your run and head to the shower, your hair will not be as tangled. It really works!
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You will get wet running in the rain, however, there are many great benefits to opt outside. Happy Running!
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Now that I have a treadmill I don’t run in the rain as much, but if its not too cold or too heavy I’ll head outside. I like to wear a pair of running shoes that I won’t need for a little while to give them time to dry.
Yes, it’s nice to have a back up pair just for rainy runs
Your post is very timely because right now it’s raining buckets in Cape Town!
That’s a good idea with stuffing newspaper into wet shoes, I’ll need to do that.
It really helps to dry out your shoes quickly. 🙂
I have definitely done my share of rainy races & training runs — but I really hate running in a cold rain. So I do try to avoid that.
I enjoy rainy Summer runs, but they never seem to happen when I want them to!
Great tips and links, Deborah — thanks!
rainy summer runs are the best but yes, its sometimes hard to know when they are coming
Great tips. I usually skip the run if it’s raining. I’m a wimp.
That being said, I have run so many half marathons in the rain. If I’ve signed up for a race and it’s raining I still go unhappily
You are definitely not a wimp! I just try to embrace it and use it as a training tool for running and for life
While I definitely would never choose rain over a dry run, I’m not afraid of it. I totally agree with the badass aspect of it…it’s pretty empowering to just face the rain head-on (with a good hat LOL). After my horribly rainy MCM experience, nothing scares me.
Yes exactly! Now you know you can run in any conditions on race day
I’m glad you shared these tips because I usually try to avoid running in the rain! When it is raining, I will usually go to the treadmill. But I think it’s important to run in the rain sometimes for the reasons you listed…also if the race you’re preparing for happens to be on a rainy day, then you are well-prepared. Thanks for sharing these!
Yes sooner or later you will have a rainy race. It eases anxiety to know you are prepared for anything
We don’t get much rain here so I rarely run my daily runs in the rain. I will run in light rain but skimp heavier rain days. Having said that of course I’ve had to run a couple races in the rain. My daughter’s first 5k, (I think she was 12) at the beach, windy, rainy and cold. But we did it and you’re right, she felt like a bad ass! Lol
the feeling that you accomplished something extra challenging like running in the rain is a huge ego boost. Good for her!
Since our rainy season is in the summer, rain is always welcome! It beats the stifling heat. The newspaper shoe trick really does work- I do it all the time. And yes, wearing a hat or visor makes it much more pleasant.
I welcome the rain in the summertime as well. The humidity just kills me!
Ugh! I hate running in the rain.
When I do, though, I wear old shoes, a visor or hat, and try to wear long sleeves. For some reason, it bothers me less if I can’t feel the drops.
I just embrace it and it goes a lot better!
I totally feel like a bad @ss when I run in the rain! Why is that?? haha. Great post here!
Definitely! It is kind of fun
I don’t mind the rain too much, unless it’s cold rain! 35 degrees and rainy is just too much for me.
Yes it is more challenging in the colder temps for sure
Thanks for the tip with the conditioner for the hair, Deborah!
I must remember that next time it rains.
These knots can be so time-consuming and annoying!
Just a little bit really works!
I don’t mind running in the rain, but when it’s cold and dark I’m less likely to run outside. I ran the Houston marathon when it was 40 degrees and raining, which was a very challenging experience! Coconut oil also works well in hair for rainy runs.
Good idea on the coconut oil as well
Fortunately, I have not had much for rainy runs recently (not complaining, BTW), but they are pretty refreshing in the summer. In the Fall and Spring, not so much. I’ve learned to just braid my hair if there’s even a slight chance of rain…much easier to detangle and undo afterwards.
They can be really refreshing in the summer time for sure
I have run many a rainy race. Wear old shoes and just do it.
If it is raining I usually skip it. But sometimes I get caught in the rain. In the summer it’s heavenly.
It is heavenly in the summertime I agree
I’ve run my share of rainy runs and races. I don’t mind a warm rain, but when it’s cold, it’s brutal when it’s done. I ran a 10 miler years ago in 40 degrees and rain along the Chicago Lakefront. I drove home with the heat blasting in my car and i don’t think I felt warm for days after that, lol
Yes, cold rain is certainly not as much fun
Heading out into it as we speak! Those GoreTex shoes are the best, arent’ they?
they sure are!
I love my hat with it’s longer brim! I wish I had a visor like it.
Definitely a necessity in the rain
Of course, these are regional benefits. Running in our rain can just add a layer of misery. However, I will attest to the badass cred. People are always impressed by those who run in any kind of inclement weather.
when it’s this hot, I find the rain can keep me cooler. I do wish it could be 50 and sunny all year around
Running in the rain is such a liberating experience. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective
Keep it up
It sure can be especially in this heat
At this point in summer, I would appreciate a rainy run! Unless it’s a cold rain (I ran in some in Seattle when it was in the 30s), it’s never as bad as it seems.
I would also appreciate a rainy run!
My marathon PR was in absolute pouring rain from start to finish and I’m so glad I trained outside rain or shine. When it’s hot and humid, rain is blessing!
I’ve never heard or thought of the conditioner trick – I’ll have to keep that in mind. Thanks!
I also think rain is a blessing this time of the year. It is always smart to train in all types of weather. You just never know
I need to remember that conditioner trick! Fortunately, it’s been a long time since I’ve ran in the rain.
If it’s in the summer and warm, I don’t mind it at all!
We get a ton of rain here in the spring so I’ve just come to accept it
I am so over the rain we have had lately! I don’t mind running in the rain when it’s warm out, but I am more likely to stay inside when its cold. My last half was in the rain and I was glad I was prepared for it.
We always seem to have a lot of rain in the spring here!
I love a little light rain but I draw the line when it’s too cold or raining too hard. I did once run the LA Marathon in the pouring cold rain (kind of a proud moment because my girlfriend and I somehow ran 3:33 and I suffered from hypothermia afterwards 🙂 ), but I generally avoid that kind of downpour when I can.
One of my first long races was in pouring rain! Since we do get a lot of rain, I have a system now that works but can’t say I love it
welcome to my world… I hate it and it’s COLD here!!!!!!!!!
It rains quite a bit in the spring and fall here so I am just embracing it!
Rain is SUCH a buzzkill, but not impossible. I find I’m a wet mess regardless,LOL…even in proper rain gear, I’m still wet from sweating underneath. As long as it’s not a windy & cold rain (spring or fall),I can usually cope.
WE get so much rain every spring and fall so coping is a must. Earning our showers!
Yuck. Yes, it’s good for mental toughness and a little bada$$ery, but I hate it all the same. Give me a nice dry day, please and thank you.
I can’t say I love it but we get a lot of rain in the spring and fall so I like to have a plan