It’s Friday! Time to link up again with the fabulous DC Trifecta of Courtney, Cynthia & Mar. Love these ladies!
Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that I missed all of my Spring races this year due to a stress fracture in my shin. The Winter and Spring were rough, having to take off 8 weeks from running. I’m working may way back up to where I was and I am making progress. 2014 has not been my best running year (yet) however, I plan to come back strong this fall. What better way to do this than to sign up for lots of races right? I do have a busy Fall race calendar but I think if I am smart and listen to my body I can accomplish my goals and get back “on track”.
So, here’s what I have on tap so far for Fall:
1. Our first MRTT Fall Welcome Run– (not a race but an event Sept 6th)- We’ve had so many new members join this summer (which is great) but I haven’t met them all yet. We’ve organized a Welcome Run to encourage the new members to come out and meet us all. We have pace groups going from walkers to 8mm to try to coax all the newbies out. Really looking forward it.
2. Ragnar DC– (Sept 11-13) So excited and very nervous about the relay. I used to think only crazy people did these things! We signed up so long ago and I now it’s finally here. Our team, “Moms Do It All Night Long” is ready to go! I think 🙂

3. Clarendon 10k (Sept 27 Arlington, VA)- I’ve never done this race before but here it is mostly flat and fast course. Just what I need. There is also a 5k and some people do both! I plan to do the 10k. I’m looking forward to the cooler temps for this one.

4. Army 10 Miler (October 12-Arlington, VA) I did this race for thee first time last year and loved it! I felt so patriotic running amongst so many of our Nation’s heroes, through Nat’l monuments and The Pentagon. This is the 3rd largest 10 mile race in the US. Can’t wait to participate again.

5. Run For The Parks 10k (Nov 2, Wash, DC). I’ve never done this race before either. It benefits the Nat’l Parks around Wash, DC and registration includes this great hoody. I hear the course if beautiful and I am sure the weather will be too.
Just typing this up I got so excited for my Fall races and now I just need to stay healthy enough to make it to all of them.
Have you done any of these races? What’s on your Fall Race Schedule?
Note: I am starting a Meatless Monday linkup this week with Tina Muir and I hope you will all check it out
Ooh nice fall races! I would have loved to run the Parks 10K, but will be in NYC that weekend. Seems like quite a few people will be running Ragnar, looking fwd to everyone’s recaps (plus different teams so different shirts, van decor etc.. .will be fun).
I’m really excited for Ragnar and really nervous! Parks is supposed to be a great race too.
THose are some great races, and I bet the venues will be spectacular. I know that my marathon venue will be gorgeous, here’s hoping the race is as well!
Absolutely! For both us 🙂 have a great weekend
I’m excited to see stuff from the Ragnar Race. I have a friend running on a team too.
The Army 10 is a race I’ve wanted to run but have been unsuccessful the past 2 years getting into.
That parks race almost always draws me in with the cool jacket and flat course. Though I don’t understand how it always says the jacket is only for the first 2,000. Not a cut off date, cut off count, that you have no way of knowing if they reached it.
It was really hard to get into Army this year-wish they would just go lottery. Maybe I will finally meet you at the parks race-hear it’s a good one. Didn’t know the jacket was limited.
I wonder if Ragnar will be too crazy to see you? That would be fun! I’ve got that, the Reston 10 miler the week after (?), and the Army 10 Miler.
Wow that is an ambitious few weeks for you! I hope we do see you at Ragnar!
What a great race schedule! I can’t wait to read your Ragnar recap, I want to do Ragnar Keys in 2016 so much!
That would be a great locale for a Ragnar unless it’s too hot? I’m really nervous about it and hope I am up to it.
What an exciting Fall! You’ve got some great races coming up. I love that you guys are doing a welcome run :). And I still think only crazy people do Ragnar relays! But crazy in the best of ways. I look forward to hearing about it.
I’m so nervous about the Ragnar-maybe we are crazy!!
Great race schedule! I have my goal half marathon in October then will look for smaller, local races after that.
Great time of the year to do one!
Good luck I love fall running!
I’m doing the MCM 10k!
Great time of the year to do one!
Sounds like a fun Fall race schedule!!
I’m excited for all the races!
4 out of 5 new races, cool! I’d forgotten about the Parks 10k, have heard good things about it. Hm, wonder if it’d be a good run between Baystate and Richmond for me even though I said I wasn’t going to do any shorter races in between…that hoodie is such a good color for me. 🙂
oh yes you should join us! I hear it’s a good one and you want to have that cool hoodie too-LOL 🙂
I went and looked at the race web site – it doesn’t look like it’s the pretty blue hoodie this year, but a dark gray 1/4 zip shirt. Boo.
hmm really? Are you doing it anyway? I hear it’s a good one
I’ll have to look at where dates fall in training plan, what DH might be doing. My guess is not, but I’ll consider it.
Let me know!
Ragnar races are so fun, your going to have a great time! I haven’t done that particular Ragnar race, but I have done the Wasatch Back, great times!
I’m excited but nervous. Did you write a blog on that one? I will check out your site. I am going to do some Ragnar posts beforehand so I can link back to yours
Such a great race schedule! After a less than stellar spring myself I’m looking forward to fall racing too! Can’t wait to hear about your Ragnar!
I just hope I make it through ok 🙂
can’t wait to see you in clarendon! i’m mulling over the parks 10k as well — it seems like an awesome race and i love 10ks! 🙂
I love 10k’s as well hope to see you soon
You will have a blast at Ragnar!! It was one of the best experiences of my life and I can’t wait to do another! Was so sad I couldn’t join my team again this year for NW Passage (life got in the way).
life does get in the way sometimes! I’m really excited and nervous
woohoo – nice set of races!! I’d love to do Ragnar some day! maybe next year 😉
I’m really excited about it-hope I make it through ok!
I have always wanted to do one of those Ragnar races. They sound like so much fun!
I’m really excited and nervous! Hope you get to do one someday too 🙂
Me too-I’m so excited!
I love that your five are all races! That’s awesome. I have none planned (yet). With school its kind of hard to know where I will be running wise. I also love the header on your blog!!!
Thanks! My friend designed it. Glad you stopped by
I’m so jealous you get to run a Ragnar in a totally good and supportive way! I’ll link up with you guys if I’m sharing a recipe.
Have a wonderful weekend!
ha ha I’m excited too- and so nervous. Yes please do link up!
Hopefully I’ll see you at either Clarendon Day or the Army Ten Miler. I’m also thinking about doing the Parks 10k, but it’ll likely be a last minute decision. If the Welcome Run and the Arlington 9/11 race weren’t the same day I would have definitely joined you ladies!
We do have to meet in person one of these days!
Just the Chicago marathon. I do think that is about all my old legs can handle at this point!
My sister and I are taking a weekend to Charleston too, in September!
“just” the marathon huh?? Charleston is so beautiful. We were there last fall have great time!
You’re going to have so much fun at Ragnar! I just did my first last April (SoCal), and it was amazing! Of course, having great van-mates, which I did, is essential.
It sounds like you have a great fall racing schedule! I can’t believe that will all of the races I’ve run, I’ve never signed up for the Army Ten-Miler. I’m planning to try to register for it next year if it doesn’t conflict with a home VT game. Fingers are crossed that we cross paths at Ragnar!
I did Army last year for the first time and loved it. It’s a great distance for me not too hard to train for. Hope I see you at Ragnar. Have fun!
You have an amazing fall schedule! I did Ragnar last year and it was a blast. Clarendon day is a nice, fast course. I’ve done the 5K. Also awesome that you’re doing ATM. I have yet to do a ten miler. Unfortunate I’ll be leaving the area without ATM or Cherry Blossom checked off. A good reason to come back to DC. For me – it’s lots of cycling this fall. Burned out on running so taking a bit of a break before I start in again in January. Good luck!!
I didn’t know you were leaving the area! I like the 10 miler. I like cycling too it’s a nice change sometimes. I bet you do get burned out with the amount of running you do! Maybe we will see each other before you leave. If you have any Ragnar advice let me know.
I would love to do the Parks 10K one day, but it has always conflicted with another race (so many races, so little weekends). Crossing my fingers for a great fall season for you!
It has always conflicted for me too until this year!
You have so many great occasions to race in your area. Very lucky !
We do have lots of races around here year around. You may have to come visit 🙂
Love, love, love the name of your Ragnar team! You’re so cute and fun- and apparently you’re gonna be crazy busy running this fall too! You go girl!!
Aw thanks I am super excited about it and very nervous too!