Thanks for joining Kim and me for the weekly run down. How did December happy so quickly? Here we are, dashing right into December. Here’s a peek into my week of fitness.
Dashing into December
Monday- upper + lower body strength + core + barre + Peloton cycle
It was a tough “back to our normal schedule” this morning. I was dragging all day for sure and had a few extra coffees.
Tuesday-5 miles tempo run + stretch
Speedwork is always more fun with friends. My squad opted in for today’s run. We did a 2 mile warm up + 15 sec strides/45 sec rest (x5) 1 min @ tempo pace/ 1 min recover (x5) + cool down. I always feel so accomplished after these runs!
Wednesday- Upper body + core + stretching
Solid upper body and core classes were on the menu. I intended to do a few cycle classes as well but then wasn’t feeling it. No worries, they can wait until Friday.
Thursday-5.5 mile run + stretch
Winter definitely arrived today! I totally overdressed of course and had my jacket off halfway through. On the second half of the run my jacket and gloves were back on as the wind hit us right in the face.
Friday- Peloton full body strength + core + cycle classes + stretch
Tough and satisfying strength workout today. Might be time to up those weights again! It is easy to underestimate how strong you are and not try heavier weights. But, it sure feels good to try! Robin said, “if you are thinking about your to do list or emails, then your weights are not heavy enough!” Guilty! I got in those cycle classes I intended to do Wednesday.
Saturday-rest day
Saturday is my usual rest day with a few stretch classes thrown in for fun and to keep up my Peloton streak.
Sunday-6 miles on the plan
I am planning on around a 6 mile easy paced run today. Dashing into December and feeling a lot like winter this wee
Oh I can relate to thinking about other things while “lifting.” Guilty! I need to be upping my strength game a bit 🙂 Looks like another solid week back after all your Thanksgiving fun!
Always feels good to be on schedule!
I agree with Robin! Although my coach pushes me hard, she’s definitely more sensitive to my fears of super heavy weights. It feels good to push myself hard.
Nice week for you and can I say that I have flex envy? That first photo of gomukhasana is great!
Ha funny I’ve been feeling much less flexible lately. My hamstrings are super tight.
I need to start some strength training. I run and do some minor core work, but that’s really it. I wish there was more time in the day!
I have come to really enjoy it. Hope you can find a way to fit some in-it does wonders
I agree with Melissa. Need more time.
Good week. Enjoy your run today.
Nice job on getting back into the swing of things after your busy weekend! I’m sure I could go up in weights on a few exercises, but instead I increase the reps. At my age, I am so afraid of injury and they seem to happen so easily.
Have a great week!
I am more cautious with some exercises than others for sure
I agree: Lifting heavy should require one’s full attention. That said, every workout does not need to be to your max. Keep changing it up and challenging the body in new ways. Nice week of workouts for you. Winter is here for sure.
I aim to do one really intense strength workout a week and then the others are more moderate. Feels good to lift heavy things!
Hmmm, interesting thought. Maybe that’s why lifting moderately heavy weights can be kind of boring- you don’t need to engage your full attention. Well, I’m trying to go heavier!
Sounds like you had a great week- yes, it’s nice to get back on a routine after the holiday week.
I am interested to hear how that works for you!
Looks like a solid week! I’m also guilty of my mind wandering during my strength training! I need to follow Robin’s advice.
It sounds like we all need to!
Nice mix up of workouts, Deborah! It absolutely feels like Winter at the moment here, although we’re still going back and forth between cold and somewhat warm-er weather.
The wind was definitely a factor for us this week.
Layers layers layers! It’s hard when its so warm on part of the run and windy/cold on another part.
Impressed you’re ready to up the weights! Awesome work.
I put on and took off my jacket twice today. It’s challenging when you get sweaty and then freezing. Runner probs!
December is surely here!
And those are great tips for recognizing when to up the weights! Well stated!
I did appreciate the tip 🙂
Hi Deborah! This looks like a fabulous week for you! I’m sort of dreading going out in the cold weather tomorrow and will probably overdress too. But having to little clothes isn’t fun either!
I loved that saying about thinking of other things and that the weights aren’t heavy enough. Very true. Go for it and up your weights!
Yes it takes some time to adapt to the seasonal changes for sure. Good luck tomorrow
I always walk a delicate line when it comes to strength training. I love to lift heavier when I can, but I also know that’s the fastest way to pull a muscle (especially in my chest) so I tend to go heaviest when it’s only a few reps, but then medium-heavy for more reps.
Definitely important to be cautious and take it slow. I tend to be cautious on the lower body bc I have had so many issues there.