I am an all or nothing kind of girl. When I decide to do something, I go all in and get it done. There is no half assing anything around here. For the most part, this is a good thing. However, this type of thinking can also lead me to put a lot of pressure on myself. This pressure can lead to stress and anxiety very easily. I am at a point where I want to achieve greater balance in my life and maybe not take things so seriously all the time. “Creating Balance” seems like the perfect intention for 2018. I have found my word of the year.
Creating Balance
Last week while I was trying to balance on my Stand Up Paddle board, I had this lightbulb moment. To keep myself from falling, I would need to intentionally create balance. Balance was not something to find. I needed to actively create it. I had to relax certain muscles while tightening others. I needed to ground myself to the SUP board instead of thinking it would happen on it’s own.
So how will I Create Balance in my life?
-I hope to balance my body’s need for more rest and recovery with my passion for doing “all the things”. I have a hard time not adding in that extra workout or class if someone asks me to go. Serious FOMO issues!
-I hope to learn how to balance my changing roles as a mom and a wife. As my husband and I will become empty nesters this fall, I will need to adapt to new roles and new phases in my life.
-I hope to balance my running and triathlon goals a little better this year. I intend to set and work towards realistic goals for each race without letting my performance dictate my self worth. This does not come easy for me. Much more to come on this topic later.
-I hope to do a better job and balancing expectations and realizing that sometimes they need to be modified. Perhaps finding more time for yoga and meditation will help me with this aspect.
Now that I have set out some intentions for the year ahead, I am excited to work on creating the balance I crave right now. Tell me: How do you create balance in your life?
Linking up
Coach Debbie, Running On Happy, crazy running girl
I can also have an all or nothing mentality. Its tough to find balance but something I strive for. Good luck with your goals this year!
It is hard to find balance sometimes but I think I will be a lot happier if I do
I am definitely guilty of wanting to do all the things all the time. Finding balance sounds like a great intention for 2018!
It can be hard for me not to get swept up in things
I’m never good at balance in my life. It is definitely a work in progress! It’s a good word and goal for 2018.
It is really challenging isn’t it?
I create balance by saying no to things I don’t actually want to do instead of worrying about someone else’s feelings if I say no.
That right there is something that I have a very hard time doing!
I think that you’ll do a great job of finding balance this year! I’m also trying to find balance this year as well. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in a training schedule that I forget about regular life!
Yes it is easy to do that isn’t it?! Good luck to both of us
Balance is so difficult to achieve! Since I started BBG, it’s been a lot easier to find balance in my fitness routine…before, all I would do is run!
That is fantastic! I think strength training is so important too
I’m such an all or nothing person too. It runs in my family!
Yes mine too!
Great post! I love the concept of working to create balance instead of waiting to find it. I think it’s one of those things I expect to just come to me but I need to be more intentional about it too.
Yes exactly!
Well, thanks for writing this post for me–it saves me all the work! Seriously, I am the person you just described: Nothing done half-assed, and wanting (or having) to do all. the. things. Wife, mother, caretaker to my 88-year old mom, nurse practitioner, business owner, you name it. I am hoping to create not just balance but more CALM in my life this year. Here’s to a successful journey for both of us!
Seriously what is wrong with us?! yes here’s to a great year of balance for both of us
What a great quote – we have to create balance, you’re absolutely right! I think you have great goals for the year. Balance is always such a struggle for me because there’s always so much that I want to do!
It is a struggle for sure!
YESSS, balance is everything!!! I absolutely love that lightbulb moment you had and it couldn’t be more true! Thank you so much for this reminder!! Adding balance to my intentions for this year for sure!
Thanks! Happy balancing 🙂
With a baby on the way, in the next few months I hope to incorporate a bit more balance into my work and family.
I forgot you were expecting! Yes balance will be necessary
Very clever use of your SUP pic! Like you, my “domestic” roles will be transforming in a few months as well, as we send child #3 off to college. I’m not ready for the title of “empty nester.” I don’t feel old or mature enough yet LOL
Yes exactly! Maybe we can help each other with our new roles. It’s going to be very hard for me
I’m really not an all or nothing person. For instance, I never think wow I ate something really indulgent, I’ve blown it, so I’ll just eat what I want for the rest of the day. I know that each new meal is an opportunity to get right back on track.
We made sushi for NYE. Some people (ahem, Mr. Judy) was definitely all or nothing. For instance, I didn’t rinse the sushi rice before cooking it. So he actually refused to use it (I did) and made more, rinsing it. Quite frankly, I think it was just fine. And it made the both of us unhappy that he was being so controlling about it — it was supposed to just be fun!
So anyway . . . that said, balance still isn’t easy. And that’s why we fall . . . and get up again. As I pointed out to Mr. Judy, it’s how we learn (and in hindsight, I should have made him *try* using some of my rice, too.
Balance is not easy for sure! It’s especially annoying when the husbands do it though
Balance is a great intention. I can’t believe you’re going to be empty nesters. It’s amazing how quickly time flies.
You are telling me! I am not ready or nearly old enough haha
I think that creating balance is a great intention for the year. It’s funny how the literal meaning of balance applies to all areas of living.
It really is!
I love the picture of you on your paddle board! My step dad bought me one for Christmas. He was so proud. We live on a lake and can’t wait to try it. I try my best to keep balance, but it’s hard with a husband and three children who keep me busy. I can’t do all the things I would like to do just yet. I hope you are able to find the balance you need for a successful 2018!
You are going to love that SUP! yes balancing 3 kids is tough indeed. Here’s to a great 2018
Love your word for the year! Creating balance is something I think we all seek to do and it will be different for all of us. Such a great post!
yes something that will evolve throughout the year as well.
FOMO is my biggest challenge right now. I had to actively remove myself from a few social media groups because it was just giving me anxiety on all of the things I felt like I “should” be doing. I definitely needed to take a step back and accept that in the season of life that I’m in, I can’t do “all the things.” And that’s okay. Balance is so important.
I think a lot people feel that same pressure. Sounds like you have made some great improvements for yourself
I find this so hard. I am also constantly doing all the things. Last year I tried to pull the reins back and yet still don’t feel like I managed rest and balance. So I’ve been trying to plan my life a bit more and say “no” more often even when I want to say yes. That’s a start for me, for creating balance. But you are right, this is key! you don’t find it, you definitely have to create it!
Saying no is something that is really hard for me as well
i never thought of it this way but it makes so sense….you have to create it!!!!
happy new years friend.
Yes exactly! Happy new year to you as well
Balance is most definitely a very difficult thing to find in life. It seems that every year life gets busier, and it becomes much harder to balance everything. I’m trying to be better about saying “no” to things so that I’m not stretched as thin. Its hard to do, but is very necessary for both my physical and mental health.
Definitely hard to do but oh so necessary for mental health
I tend to be a bit all or nothing too so I can totally relate. Balance is a great choice for your word for the year – good luck with your goals this year!
Thanks I am excited to work on it
Love the balance! I’ve given up on trying to find a balance and instead I try to balance it all. lol.
Ha ha that did not work for me!
So much love for this. I’ve never actually thought about the fact that we can intentionally create balance in our lives, which will make them so much more enjoyable! I’m definitely one who will go all out until I get burnt out, so balance between work and play is definitely something I need to focus on.
Also, you look pretty happy on that paddle board! I hope your vacation was fantastic!
Susie | http://milehighdreamers.com
It was a great trip thanks! Much colder here 🙂
Balance is so hard to find, I cant figure it out. If you find the magic formula be sure and let me know. Here’s to balance in 2018!
ha ha will do!
I have found balance and love it. That may change tomorrow LOL At least I’m better at finding balance again when life goes off kilter.
It is a challenge every day!