Happy Friday! Seems like so many of us have been hit with a crazy heat wave this week but that doesn’t seem to stop us from getting out there and pounding the pavement. These steamy, hot runs sometimes have me questioning my sanity at times and all sorts of wacky ideas pop into my head while sweating it out. Let’s take a look at some of the Crazy Thoughts Runners Have On Hot Runs shall we? I will also be sharing my best hot run hack to help cool you off post run.
Crazy Thoughts Runners Have On Hot Runs
***I wonder if we have any ice cream? I could so go for some ice cream right now. I know it’s only 9 am but ice cream sounds like the best way to cool off plus it’s a great combo of protein and carbs. I’m glad the kids are at school because I would not want to explain why I am eating ice cream at 9 am.
***It would be great if there was a water stop along my route. A water stop with snacks. A water stop with cheering volunteers to hand me water and tell me I am almost there. ( Thanks Sarah for that one).
***Did I really complain about the cold? I miss complaining about the cold. It’s only June and I am dying already. I am so not going to complain about the cold next winter at all. Promise.
***Why don’t I have a normal air-conditioned hobby like knitting or painting? They probably don’t give out medals for knitting or painting and probably don’t have t-shirts either. What am I thinking? I don’t even know how to knit or paint.
***Wouldn’t it be great if we could coordinate it so all of the neighbors turned their sprinklers on for us to run through? I mean they are going to have to water their lawns anyway so why not coordinate it so we can run through them all? In all seriousness, we are trying to figure out how to do something like this for our running group. Stay tuned!
My best summer running hack
Sometimes at the end of races, they have cold towels. Well, why not make your own? I wet a couple of small towels with cold water and place them into a Ziploc with a bunch of ice. I leave them in my car and they are the best way to cool off after a long run or bike ride. You can thank me later!
This sounds a lot better to me than what I read in the NY Times this week about taking a hot bath before running. Ugh sounds awful to me!
The summer heat and humidity can have us thinking all kinds of crazy stuff. Tell me what are some wacky thoughts you’ve had while out on a run?
Linking up
Friday Five-Fairytales & fitness, Running on Happy
After my steamy run yesterday, a comment magically appeared on my summer running post from Wednesday. The reader commented that Running skirts sells a buff that’s made of some fabric that gets cold when it’s wet? I’m going to check it out….
I have not heard of that let me know if you check it out!
I always think about jumping into the lake. But then I would have jumped into the lake, and I would still need to get home…
ha yes there’s that!
Ha! This was a fun read 😉 I agree about the coordinated city-wide sprinkler network…why does that NOT exist???
It seems like a brilliant idea doesn’t it?!
I’ve been pretty lucky while everyone has been in the middle of a heatwave it’s been in the 60s here in the morning. Well, that’s about to change. Right now, at 5 am, it’s already 86 outside. Well, here I go…
Yikes that is warm for 5 am good luck to you
Love the cold towel hack. When my son did summer lax tournaments we had a cooler of towels in icy water for the boys to use during breaks – we still have a stack of those towels! Now we do the same for ourselves after a bike ride.
I don’t get as hot on my bike but they are fabulous after a run for sure
Ice baths definitely have lots of appeal these days! They had misters and ice pops on the course in Utah and it was not even hot!
I’ve never actually done a proper ice bath seems like a lot of work to set up
I’ve had crazy thoughts during a run as well and they almost always are about food, lol. I think about watermelon, ice cream, etc…basically anything cold and refreshing.
I just put a watermelon in the fridge for later!
I love the ice cube and towel in the Ziploc bag trick. I will have to try that.
It’s the best you will love it
Haha, I’ve had some of these thoughts before. The one I most often have is “I love summer running. I will not complain. I hate winter. I will not complain.” 😉
If only that worked!
I should do the ice-washcloth thing! I’ll definitely need to do that in August.
It’s so great to come back to it after your run. You will love it
The cold towel hack is the perfect way to cool down! Awesome post 🙂
Thanks hope you try it out
Ha! These are all so funny and spot-on! I keep a pack of baby wipes in my car and it feels oh so good and refreshing to swab off my sweaty face after a long and steamy run! My thoughts always run to cutting my route short when it’s this hot and humid out, but I somehow convince myself to just keep going.
Baby wipes are great to have as well
On summer runs, I debate on how quickly I can run through someone’s sprinkler and not get caught, ha ha!
why not?!
Thank you for reminding me to find my cooling towel! I’ll need it after tomorrow’s run for sure. Love this post!
They are great to have after a run
I happen to be reading this on a very cool, very rainy day. Probably wasn’t the best day to pick to grill, huh?
Our coach for our USAFit group used to make icy towels for us. She’d actually wet them & then freeze them.
yes if I remember in time I do like to freeze the towels if possible
Love this 🙂
I run and frolic at any sprinkler I pass on a run LOL Some morning I get the blues when I don’t pass any.
Usually I am thinking, why am I not on my bike?!
oh yes it’s much cooler on the bike isn’t it?!
I have run through the sprinklers in the neighborhood, but that was in the spring. I haven’t run yet since my race, but I’m sure those timed sprinklers would be nice.
They sure are!
HA! These thoughts are all too real, considering I just got back from a run in the 90 degree heat (still trying to figure out why I thought that would be a good idea…?) Nice to know I’m not alone though!
Oh no we are all a little crazy!
This cracked me up, I have also pondered having breakfast ice cream after a hot summer workout lol.
It makes sense right?!
Ha ha. Love this! When I used to run, I had the craziest thoughts too!
It’s funny the things that can pop in your mind
Such a fun post! Those hot and humid days can be pretty crazy!
I’ve definitely wished for a water stop. I always look forward to having my smoothie in a bowl after a hot run. The cool towel is a great idea!
The smoothie bowl is nice too!
Taking a hot bath before running sounds awful to me too!
Give me a nice cool shower after!
I always have random thoughts while running too!
Ice cream at 9am sounds great 🙂
It does doesn’t it?!
This heat and humidity definitely makes it harder for me to stay motivated to run! But when it’s NOT crazy hot, I try to take advantage of it!
Yes me too it’s just harder
Haha, this is great! I always craved red popsicles on sweaty runs!
I do like those red popsicles I need to get some
I really have had that “ice cream” conversation in my head before during a run!
Often times, I will roll several ice cubes up in my cooling towel and wrap it around my neck, tuck the ends into my tank and take off. It helps the towel stay cooler longer as the ice melts. Works pretty well on 3-4 milers. 🙂
That’s a great idea too!
I’m just guilty of always trying to justify quitting early. I hate hot and humid runs, so I never want to go far.
it is already been a little rough going around here hasn’t it?
LOL! I love it! and I agree why can’t the neighbors coordinate the sprinklers? Genius !!!!!
It makes perfect sense right?!
Ahhhh. The cold towel at the end of a race. Feels so good. Students in my hot yoga class love the chilled wash cloths with essential oils. It’s so refreshing.
Some of the yoga spots here do that too I love it
I’ll have to remember your cool towel hack. I usually start and finish the majority of my runs at my house, but for those days that I don’t I’m sure that I’ll greatly appreciate having that cool towel in the car waiting for me.
It’s such a great way to finish a hot run even from your house
I love summer running and try not to complain about it too much. Some days it is just so hot and humid running sucks, those cold towels sound amazing, I am gonna try that for sure.
The cold towels are life changing 🙂
I love your cold towel idea – genius! I remember someone handing them out in the later miles of the Richmond Marathon, but I never thought of making my own until you mentioned it once before. Now I just have to remember to take them with me on my next hot and humid run! 😉
You mean tomorrow lol? This humidity is crazy lately! The towels really do help