Oh it’s that time again! Grab your mugs and join me and Coco for the August 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date link up. It’s like a real coffee date, only better. We get to catch up with friends near and far. Let’s jump right in!
August 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…
As hot and humid as it has been, I still like (need) my cup of hot coffee ☕️ every morning. For some reason, iced coffee just doesn’t do it for me. I’ve tried cold brew-yuck even worse. I am sticking to my Nespresso with a splash of half and half. I do like a good iced tea on a hot day though!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…
Speaking of that heat and humidity, it has me not very motivated to run outside. Yes, I am getting out there earlier (for me) but the humidity seems even worse earlier. What’s a runner girl to do? I am still getting out there at least twice a week and running shorter and slower miles. I’m doing way more strength and incline tread walks. I know it’s good to mix up your routine. I also know that running and I will have a newfound love affair again when it’s fall. Ah, fall, I am here for you.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you…
In exactly 5 weeks, I will be enjoying the September Coffee Date with Wendy. We will both be attending the Brooks Running Collective retreat which happens to be in Chicago. We were roomies 2 summers ago in Park City and we will be roomies again. I am really excited to meet some new friends and see some old friends again.
If we were having coffee this August 2024, what would you tell me?
Total agreement on the hot coffee (though my hot beverage of choice is a foo-foo cappuccino). I just can’t fathom the cold “coffee” drinks. It’s been SO insanely humid this summer, even on the cooler days. Ugh.
The cold coffee doesn’t hit the same way and it tastes bitter to me. Humidity out of control
I keep reminding myself that this heat and humidity will soon be gone and we’ll be speeding toward the holidays. How fun to have the Brooks event to look forward to!
Yes, it will be fall before we know it!
Yep, I always want my coffee hot!
How fun to be rooming with Wendy for the Brooks event! I hope it’s not too hot by then,
Definitely hot coffee! It will definitely be less hot in Chicago than DC 🙂
Wow, that Brooks event sounds fun! And Wendy! I can’t wait to hear all about it.
I don’t drink coffee but I ALWAYS want a cup of hot tea in the morning. And then iced tea in the afternoon. I have it all worked out : )
There is something about a hot everage in the morning! It will be fun to room with Wendy again
With this heat & humidity, I will sometimes grab an iced coffee – I prefer Starbucks iced shaken espresso. But for the most part I’m sticking with my hot coffee.
Have fun in Chicago!
I wish I liked iced coffee but it just tastes different to me. Yes, I am looking forward to Chicago
Yes. I have to have hot coffee every morning.
How lucky that the retreat is in Chicago. It should be so fun.
I get it. So hard to run when it’s humid.
I am glad that I don’t have a fall race this year so it takes the pressure off
I’m with you on humidity and hot coffee! Hate the first and love the second in all seasons.
I hope I’ll have the chance to see you and Wendy when you’re here with Brooks!
I am sure we will work something out once I get the schedule from them
How exciting that you’ll be meeting up with Wendy! Have so much fun!
yes it will be fun
I also love hot coffee but have been drinking cold brew because of the weather. I would be sweating before my run and it was uncomfortable. I cannot wait for Fall – my favorite!
fall is my favorite as well-let’s hang in there!
Yay IRL coffee date.
This humidity has been brutal. 2024 is the year of the treadmill here and I’m OK with it. Ideal, no, but I’m at the point where indoor run > not running
It’s odd – I’m an iced coffee at work person, but hot coffee at home unless I’m super thirsty — hot coffee doesn’t hydrate me enough, even though I know coffee isn’t actually hydrating.
Coffee is definitely its own kind of beverage! Kind of like champagne 🙂